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NISCE, Alyssa Angela R.


Question: Who is just the one who has the “numbers” or the one on the side of reason?
What role does LAWSOCI play in this?

Based on the reading materials, who is deemed to be more just is the one in the
side of reason. On the trial of Socrates, the Athenians had every right to file a case
against the philosopher since the system under which the jury acted was perfectly just.
The state gave a public accusation, the trial was conducted before 500 jurors, and a
verdict after all evidence constituted to a fair procedure. In fact, Socrates accepted his
punishment since he believed he had the obligation to follow the laws of the city not just
the laws he liked or those that result in a good verdict for him.

Laws that fill in details or extend past laws to new technologies are reasonably
within the scope of both parties’ contemplations, and are therefore just. Since the basic
structure of society is reasonably just, as estimated by what the current state of things
allows, it is only right to abide by the laws as long as they do not exceed certain limits of
injustice. If, however, citizens decide to submit to majority will without giving any reason
as to why they blindly accept laws injustice shall prevail.

According to Socrates, even in a just society there obviously will be some laws
passed by a majority of legislators that will be viewed as unjust by certain groups
therefore, small injustices and large injustices will exist. It is up to the people to decide
whether or not they will comply to the norm. Socrates, although he was given the choice
to escape, he did not do so since he was bound to the obligation of following the laws.
However, he was still willing to criticize the state as long as he lived since he did not
have to comply with what majority has told him to do.

In the study of law, LAWSOCI plays an important role of dictating the rule of law.
Having systems and subscribing to the contractual theory is not only for the betterment
of the society but also for the protection of the sovereign people who live in it. It is only
fair to follow the rule of law since there is no harm in doing so and is ethical with regards
to peoples’ individual consciences. Without the rule of law and due process, like in the
video presented in class, it is highly probable that a land of confusion will surely exist.

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