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NISCE, Alyssa Angela R.


Question: What is this “quiet war with silent weapons” being referred to? Are we part of it? 
What is being described as the quiet war with silent weapons is the reality of how our
society is being dominated by leaders who instead of telling us the truth about what is
happening in our country, deceive us by telling us everything is under control even if it is
the absolute opposite. The silent weapons are the words that the government utter that we
blindly follow without questioning their genuineness. The silent war on the other hand, is the
culture that pervades our society today which is a pattern of apathy, rage and despair. We
are definitely part of this silent war since we are the ones being enslaved with ignorance of
the truth since our leaders have brainwashed us into thinking that it is fine to not take action
and continue being undisciplined. We need to rise to the occasion and start voicing out not
only our opinions but also the truth so that all those who do not know will be informed
enough to voice out their opinions as well even if they are unpopular ones.

Question: Whose side are you on?

Being part of the society, I am on the side of the people. Like what Chief Justice
Sereno said, “When you face threats to the sanctity of human rights or the stability of our
democracy, give your all to protect these freedoms. Give your all to protect our nation and
our people.” We must learn not to tolerate wrong, begin hoping for the better and start
caring about our country. Despite the many atrocities happening in the world today, we
must unite as a people to fight the real war, which is the culture of giving up. We must not
give up and instead fight back in our own little ways. For example, we should not let the
cyber world consume us and learn to be tech savvy internet users since once we release
information in the web, it can no longer be taken back. We must learn to effectively
communicate the truth and what we believe in for us to win this silent war and save our

Question: What is the relevance of understanding the principles of rule of law, solidarity,
and social engineering in my role in the previous question?
Being a citizen of the Philippines, it is not only important to know what are the
principles of rule of law, solidarity, and social engineering but also understand it because it
is through these concepts we can learn to be more effective individuals for our country. It is
relevant to understand these to know what are our rights and how we can practice them in
our modern society. If we are informed of the law, we can effectively communicate what we
want to happen in our nation, for its betterment and prosperity.

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