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Kind regards Mr. President I allow myself write this letter with the final purpose to inform you
about poverty In our country, although situations like those of the guajira where at level national
is not given importance What he should have and the means of communication do not report in
total such precarious conditions and denigrating of how they live without drinking water, without
electric current, without health service children who die of hunger and the state has them in total
abandonment in spite of this in this same región operate the mine larger to Sky open of all
country, the amount royalty that this leaves the country and they have living in their inhabitants in
misery is a clear example of inequality Colombia being one of the main most unequal countries of
the world but culturally is encouraged inequality when it is prioritized to the money on the social

Although the government tries to reveal statistics where show the indexes of poverty in the
country is a lie because to be poor in Colombia you have to live in the misery of rest does not
count as a person poor if they live in a house made with boards and plastics They don't consider
you poor and if you ask for coins on the Street they tell you as a person who has work although
when they talk about the salary in Colombia every time they give less to which have less to the
little ones and medium-sized companies national too much is demanded of them to opérate these
give employment but the products of the outside they are not held as much all because they
benefit big companies

How I know it can help to the people of low resources if the opportunities are given to those with

Why is rewarded big wings Business and they punish the little ones that encourages even more the
reduction of employment thus increases informality?

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