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I'm sure you have heard of Facebook and Twitter. In fact, there isa good chance that you use them. You might also have heard of LinkedIn and MySpace. These four websites are the most popular social media websites, But What exactly is “social media"? Social media can be defined as web-based and mobile media that are used for people to interact, connect and communicate with each other. These types of media often involve the creation and sharing of content (writing, pictures, and video) that people make themselves, mostly through the Internet. In general, there are six different types of social media. The first type involves people getting together to work on a project. Wikipedia is an example of this type of social media. Blogs and micro-blogs (such as Twitter) are another type of social media, There are other websites that allow people to share content such as pictures, articles or videos. YouTube is the most well-known website of this type. Another type of social media are social networking sites. These sites allow people to stay in touch with friends, make new ones and join communities. Facebook is an example. There are social media games that allow gamers to interact with each other and play with or against other gamers. World of Warcraft is a good example. The laiaiinatl iideaieainidiieatatels i ed final type of social media is websites like Second Life, where people can create avatars and use and create objects, as if they were in the rel world, Social media are different from traditional media, In the past, media was created from one place, normally a company. Then the company would send out the media to consumers, Magazines, books and movies areall examples of this, But with social media, many individual people in different locations create content. Another difference is that people who produce Content in social media don't need very special sills, On the other hand, in tractional media, people need special skills to produce something, Another difference is that social media can be produced much faster it takes only a few minutes to write a twitter post, for example, But itcan take many months to Put together a magazine, or years to make a movie, Some people think social media is good and some think itis bad. But whatever you might think, social media is here to stay. Adapted from httpy/www.eslreadinglessons,com/social_media.htm IS pos i i jarding social networks is Iti sible to infer that the author's point of view reg ; ' on | A.negative how social networks affect the communication between i it it cial networ! “Negative because it explains _ i re itional media in parallel with social networks, without giving his 8. neutral because it shows traditional m c, s 3 — Ise it shows how to make creati nts through social networks. i reative conte! Tina med legative b ; " hich social networks have changed traditional media. i eer the way in which social networl ig B ive becar 2. According to the first paragraph it is possible to infer that the readers of the text are mainly \. people who usually don't have access to the internet. ©. older people who almost never surf on the internet. ©. graphic designers who make virtual contents for young people. D. people who have access to the Internet and use social networks. n that is published on social networks, it can happen that 3. Given the speed of the informatiot A. false data are presented because anyone can publish without verifying the information. ©. controversies for publishing political issues appear. ©. the social networks pages are blocked for presenting incon ». the social networks of some users could be canceled. sistencies in the information. |. The relationship between Wikipedia and World of Warcraft is A. an addition relationship because World of Warcraft is a Wikipedia complement. 8.a hierarchical relationship because according to the use Wikipedia precedes World of Warcraft. ©. a contrasting relationship because one is academic and the other is for entertainment. D. a cause and effect relationship because the contents of World of Warcraft have negative effects on Wikipedia. . An idea that complements the third paragraph about types of social networks is |. that social networks are affecting negatively our personal relationships. 8. that nowadays, they are generated virtual reality experiences. ©. that every day the complaints of social network users increase due to the published contents . that traditional media are the direct competition of social networks. Money Money is always there but the pockets change Gertrude Stein We use money every day and normally don't think about it. But without money, the world would be very different. Money is extremely important, but what is it exactly? Economists tell us that money has three characteristics. The first characteristic is that money must be a store of value. This means that whatever form the money takes (paPe" coins, etc), it must be valuable to people, People must think that the coin or piece of paper they haveis valuable, The second characteristic is money must be a medium of exchange. This means that everyone who uses Money must agree that it can be used to buy and sell things. If you go to a store to buy some food, you are able to give the storekeeper money for the food. The last characteristic is that money must be a unit of account. This means that we must be able to easily count it and easily divide it into smaller parts. In the US, the dollar is the unit of account. All dollars are equal and we can count them. The alternative to using money to buy and sell things is a system called bartering. In this economic system, one thing is exchanged for something else. To make this idea clear, let's talk about two people, Fred and Alice, Let's say Fred has some rice. Let's say Alice has some fruit. If Fred gives his rice to Alice and Alice gives her fruit to Fred, this is an example of bartering. If you think about it, this is not a convenient or easy way to buy and sell things. Fred is only able to get Alice's fruit if he has something that she wants. If Fred has nothing Alice wants (maybe she already has enough rice), then Fred cannot get =a. what he wants. This is where money can help. If both Alice and Fred agree to use money, then they can sell their fruit and rice for money and then go and buy whatever they want. Itis interesting to note that many different things can be used as money. Cows, shells, bread or any other thing that has value can be used for money. Nowadays, most people use pieces of paper and coins for money. This may change in the future. We may see that people only use electronic money — but that day hasn't come yet because there are few adults that use this type of payment that still seems complex to understand. Whatever the future of money is, it will always be important in our lives. ‘Adapted from: §. The author quotes Stein for the purpose of 4. Supporting his point of view about money conceived as an exchange. B. showing his disagreement with the definition of money presented in the text, C. explaining the importance of money in our daily life. D. dispelling the opinion of economies experts about the exchange. '. Itis possible to infer that the author's attitude is A. optimistic considering the economy increase in our country and the decrease in the value of the currency. 8. pessimistic because he wants to show how money will end up destroying societies, ©. defensive because he wants to show his disagreement with the definition that society has about money. 0. persuasive because he wants to show the importance of money in the life of any person. 8. Apossible teaching that can be inferred from the textis A. that money is not important in our lives. 5. that the best way to do business !s using electroni ©. itis necessary to know how to take care ‘of money WI D. that in the future electronic money won't exist. ic money. hen it is referred as a store of value, 9. In terms of money conceived as bartering, we can infer that A. itis a system that affects people significantly. B. itis a system that only benefits some parts of the population. ©. itis a system that expects to be equitable. D. itis a system that only gives negative effects. 10. In relation to electronic money, we can infer that it isn't very used because A ithas many procedures that can confuse people. 5. itis very expensive for people. C. people prefer to pay with vi rtual money. ___p the use of electronic money can be harmful for people. There was a grocery shop in a town. Plenty of mice lived in that grocery shop. Food was in plenty for them. They ate everything and spoiled all the bags. They also wasted the bread, biscuits and fruits of the shop. The grocer got really worried. So, he thought "I should buy a cat and let it stay at the grocery. Only then | can save my things.” He bought a nice, big fat cat and let him stay there. The cat had a nice time hunting the mice and killing them. The mice could not move freely now. They were afraid that anytime the cat would eat them up. The mice wanted to do something. They held a meeting and all of them tweeted "We must get rid of the cat. Can someone give a suggestion"? All the mice sat and brooded. A young mouse stood up and said, “The cat moves softly. That is the problem. If we can tie a bell around her neck, then things will be fine. We can know the movements of the cat”. “Yes, that is answer,” stated all the mice. An old mouse slowly stood up and asked, "Who would tie the bell?” After some moments there was no one there to answer this question. ‘Adapted from http://www. fn i what is the best title for the previous text? ™ The cat and its strange counselors. 5 The shopkeeper and the cat. c. The strange life of mice in a store p.The tragic story of mice. itis possible to infer from the text that there is a cont A. the wisdom of the old men against the young m rast between g. the intelligence of mice against cats. ” c. the rudeness of mice against cats. p. the experiences of the old men against the young men. 73. Amoral from the text is that A. itis better to have a peaceful attitude with others. B. cats and mice can live in harmony. C. itis one thing to say something but another to do it. D. we always must be loyal to our beliefs. U The shopkeeper bought the cat because A. he was afraid that the mice would finish with his store. B. he felt alone when he worked in his store. C. his favorite pet were cats. D. his son wanted a cat as a birthday present. Maccording to the expression “We must get rid of the cat. Can someone give a suggestion?"; it Ispossible to say that A. the mice wanted to surprise the cat with a gift. the mice were tired by the presence of the cat. “the mice wanted to strengthen their friendship with the cat. ‘the mice were surprised with the presence of the cat.

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