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Reflective Paper Title Page:

Final Service Learning Reflective Paper

Hailey Elayer

University of Nevada, Reno



In this paper, I will reflect on my experience as an AVID tutor at Sparks High School.

Throughout this semester, I learned and observed many things which I will share. I will discuss

academic skills, education experience, civic engagement, professional skills, diversity awareness,

and personal growth. I will share my experience that I had with the students I worked with and I

will share my observations that I had in the classroom.

Keywords​: AVID, service-learning, education, tutoring


Final Service Learning Reflective Paper

Academic Skills

Something that I quickly caught on was the fact that the same techniques do not work

each time. Some students have a short attention span and this means sometimes you have to try

harder to engage the student because they get distracted by other things. I have noticed when you

try and have the students collaborate, then students are more likely to engage with the lesson for

a longer period of time. When this happens the students will likely understand the concept and

their point of conclusion has the potential of getting cleared. Another observation I made was

that each tutor had their own strengths and weaknesses with the students. When I saw the areas

other tutors struggled in I would reflect and figure out what I was doing differently. Also, the

students treats each tutor differently. An example of this is asking a student to put their phones

away. When I asked a student to put their phone away the student would typically put it away

without saying anything. However, when other tutors ask the same students the same thing

sometimes the students would not listen and would continue to be on their phone.

Educational Experience

I have always had a passion for helping students and for wanting people to learn. My

experience with AVID only increased that passion because I was actually able to do something

with my passion. There have been times I was still on the fence about if I truly wanted to be a

teacher, but with my experience it only made me more excited for what's to come. I love working

with the students and I love to see when the students learn something or finally understand a

concept. This grew my passion because I had hands on experience with it. There were definitely

times that I did get frustrated, but at the end of the day it was all worth it. My experience

confirmed that this is what I want to do as my profession.

Civic Engagement

One of the most important things that I have learned this semester during my service

learning experience is that patience is needed when working with students. There are times that

these students will want to push buttons because they think it is entertaining. When this happens

you just have to take a deep breath and use your patience to continue. Without patience it is

nearly impossible to work with students at all times. I learned that this skill can be enhanced the

more you work with students and I am more patient than I was before. This will help me in the

future because when you are a teacher you need to have patience. It is important to keep

enhancing this skill because this profession will never be a walk in the park. Another skill that I

have learned is being able to communicate with students. I learned that you need to speak to

students in a certain way and you need to present yourself in a professional manner. This is

important to learn now because it will be needed in the future.

Professional Skills

My service-learning experience has enhanced my professionalism skills more so.

Students will want to know information about your personal life; however, it is not always

appropriate to share that information. When you share too much information about your personal

life, then the students might see you more as a friend. I learned that there is a fine line with being

the authority figure and being their friend. You want the student to know that you are there for

them and that you care, but you still cannot act like their friends. Giving respect is another skill

that was enhanced during my time with AVID. I realised that if you respect the students they will

also respect you too. When respect is received and given then the students will listen to what you

have to say.

Diversity Awareness

There is a low income demographic at the school that I tutored at. Most of the students

appear as if they do not care about their education and they also will act like they do not work

hard. These students have so much potential and all they need is a little push. As much as they

act like they do not care you will learn that if you show them to care about their education they

will. The students are also curious about post secondary school. With my experience, they want

to see if community college or a university is a possibility for them. They also want to know

what the difference between high school and college. Once you start talking to students about

scholarships, then most of the time the students claim that they will start working harder so they

have a better chance of going to college. Another observation that I made was that all students,

despite their gender, need a push when they are slacking. These students need to see that

someone cares because some of them believe that no one cares what happens with their


Personal Growth

Something that I have learned about myself during this semester is that it is easier for me

to speak with students compared to people my age or older. These students will try and connect

with you even though you are older. My confidence with working with students has grown this

semester and I can see that it will keep growing too. I thoroughly enjoy working with students

and I love helping them too. Several times this semester I would reflect to my time in high

school and I would try to put myself in their shoes again. I quickly realised that their experience

was quite different from mine, but I was still able to help them. I also have found that I have an

easier time with speaking up. When I realised that the students would listen to me I would speak

up and carry a conversation with them. My overall experience has helped me grow as a person

and I cannot wait for what’s to come.

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