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Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 695–704

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Civil Engineering

An assessment model for identifying maintenance priorities

strategy for bridges
Dina Mahmoud Mohamed Mansour a,⇑, Ibrahim Mahdi Moustafa a, Ayman Hussein Khalil b,
Hisham Arafat Mahdi c
Structural Engineering & Construction Management Department, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Future University in Egypt, Egypt
Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Ministry of Transport, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The main purpose of this paper is to develop a model which is capable of assessing the overall condition
Received 28 November 2018 of bridges as well as the condition of each element for the purpose of prioritizing maintenance strategies.
Revised 30 May 2019 The model will also be capable of ranking the bridges in a network according to their urgency of need for
Accepted 24 June 2019
repair based on specific parameters. This paper explains how to achieve reliable assessment of a bridge
Available online 23 August 2019
starting with visual inspection and proceeding with the collection of information and carrying out in-
depth investigations to achieve a reliable indication of the bridge’s repair needs and its priority in the
road network. The model is designed especially for bridges in Egypt as a typical example of a developing
country. The methodology of the research was started by surveying the various inspection techniques of
Evaluation criteria bridges. Then all probable defects, their causes and the appropriate repair techniques are identified and
Sustainable bridges classified. After that, the experience and knowledge of bridge maintenance experts in Egypt were added
Performance to create evaluation criteria for reliable assessment model to prioritize maintenance strategy of bridges.
Parameters This is incorporated via conducting questionnaires and interviewing those experts. The final outcome is a
Egypt Bridge Overall Priority Indicator (BOPI) that ranks the bridges in a network according to their condition
and maintenance urgency. The model is designed to be applied to the bridges in Egypt as it is based on the
body of knowledge and expertise gained by maintenance and repair experts but it can easily be adjusted
to suit any other country. Also the model is designed to cover specific bridge elements which are of major
significance in bridge performance as described in this work while overlooking some, less important, ele-
ments. It has been observed that there is no effective bridge maintenance plan in most of the developing
countries and that in most cases maintenance is carried out after an event has occurred and resulted in
severe damage and caused a public outcry. Also developing countries have limited budgets for maintain-
ing their assets. Therefore, it is very important to have an assessment criterion as a development tool to
optimize the use of scarce maintenance budgets and get the most out of aging bridge networks.
Ó 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction methods of bridge maintenance tend to be inefficient and imprac-

tical and lacking long term planning which results in major wast-
Bridges are usually subjected to harsh environments, high loads ing of repair budgets in many situations repair work is initiated by
and damage caused by traffic accidents. Most of the traditional user complaints. So it is very important to set-up an economic plan
for the repair of bridges in order to extend their service life and use
⇑ Corresponding author. available resources efficiently. It is required from asset managers
E-mail addresses: (D.M. Mohamed Mansour), ibrahim.
and bridge owners to manage a number of bridges in a governorate (I.M. Moustafa), (A.H. Khalil), hara- (H.A. Mahdi).
or in a country. In order to make sound maintenance and repair
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University. decisions of bridges, needs should be carefully considered at both
the local (project) level and the global (network) level.
Egypt currently maintains a road network of more than
64,000 km across the country, including more than 3,000 bridges.
Production and hosting by Elsevier Statistics of GARBLT [1] shows that nearly 98% of the country’s
2090-4479/Ó 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
696 D.M. Mohamed Mansour et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 695–704

domestic cargo relies on this road network which means that this same reference [4] reasoned that the quantitative methods involve
road network plays a major role in Egypt’s national economy and numerical measurements to establish relations between different
have a significant impact on the daily activities of citizens. Yet parameters while qualitative methods use data in the form of ideas
those bridges and roads haven’t been properly maintained to pre- or text rather than numbers. Qualitative methods include records
vent their degradation and deterioration. It is a fact that about half of interviews, content analysis and previous cases and studies.
of Egypt’s bridges are 50 years old or older as reported by GARBLT’s On the other hand, quantitative methods utilize questionnaires,
[1]. Referring to types of bridges in Egypt, reinforced concrete statistical analysis and structured evaluation [5].
bridges constitute about 90% and steel bridges are less than 10% Combining qualitative (descriptive) information and quantita-
[1]. tive (numeric) information ensures that all the relevant informa-
Due to all the aforementioned factors, it is very important to tion about the damage experienced by the structure is taken into
develop an assessment model for bridges in Egypt taking into con- consideration. The qualitative data is considered to be the judg-
sideration the limited financial resources of the country. ment used with the engineering calculations to provide data out-
The maintenance cycle of any project is explained in Fig. 1[1]. side a known range as well as compensate for insufficient data
Activities are drawn in their sequence: inspection, planning, repair [6]. Thus, the proposed model developed by combining qualitative
then evaluation. Each activity should be associated with a data- and quantitative methods will definitely enhance the credibility of
base; these databases are managed by proper Bridge Management the results.
System (BMS).
An effective bridge preservation plan should include the follow- 3. Inspection of bridges
ing points [2]:
Inspection is the most significant activity in the cycle of bridge
 Utilize long-term network practices and strategies which aim to management as it specifies the condition of the bridge and points
maintain the condition of bridges and extend their useful life. to the necessary repairs to be performed. Careful monitoring and
 Secure adequate and sustainable funding sources. inspection should be conducted to achieve a precise evaluation of
 Utilize the appropriate techniques at the appropriate time. any bridge. Reference [3] states that in order to enhance the effi-
ciency and reduce the fixed costs, the system of inspection should
The deterioration of bridges is usually results from various be arranged at the bridge network level not for a single bridge.
causes and it is considered to be a medium to long term process. According to [7] there are five types of inspection.
Numerous studies were conducted to categorize bridge defects,
their causes and the suitable repair methods. However, to conduct
3.1. Inventory inspection
a classification system for repairs is not a simple process. There-
fore, most of these studies were not specific for bridges and they
It is the primal and initial inspection performed on the bridge
didn’t take into consideration the harsh conditions that bridges
which records the main and basic information on the bridge and
are usually subjected to or the number of activities required to
its bearing capacity and identifying any element that is critical to
keep bridges structurally and functionally adequate [3]. Consider-
the integrity or performance of the bridge and warrant special
ing the aforementioned facts, the maintenance work and repair
monitoring. It also records the condition of all the bridge elements
techniques should be analyzed carefully. Moreover, it must be
before putting the bridge into service. This inspection also identi-
noted that it is preferable to extend an existing bridge’s service life
fies records and reports any newly appearing defects that weren’t
than to replace it as replacement has a major impact on traffic and
picked-up during construction time. Also observes and records any
as a result the whole road network is affected in a negative way In
changes in the surrounding environment or the site [8].
addition, it requires securing sufficient capital to do this
3.2. Routine inspection

2. Quantitative and qualitative methods in research

This level of inspection is carried out to identify any changes
that had occurred and will affect the functional performance and
A quantitative method is for creating decision making models
to select the essential improvement recommendations, mainte-
which are only validated through implementation. As a result,
nance needs and precise monitoring of the critical spots in a timely
the acceptance of these models will be delayed. This is particularly
fashion [9]. It should be repeated regularly at a maximum of
true in the field of project management as it has to be accepted by
12 month intervals.
both the professional and academic communities. In order to over-
come this issue, it has been recommended to merge the qualitative
3.3. Condition inspection
and quantitative methods to provide a more reliable model [4]. The

Condition inspection (also known as condition survey) is a more

thorough inspection to assess the level of integrity of the bridge. It
focuses on suspected elements that had been reported before. Like
routine inspection, it is not conclusive. It is usually conducted after
natural disasters and major incidents involving the bridge. Condi-
tion inspection needs to be repeated depending on the degree of
element deterioration but generally it is repeated during the
12 month intervals of the routine inspections.

3.4. Detailed inspection

It is a close visual and manual inspection of elements to identify

and record any damage which is not easily noticeable in the rou-
Fig. 1. Maintenance management cycle of bridges. tine inspection. It can be performed on specific elements or on
D.M. Mohamed Mansour et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 695–704 697

the entire bridge. Also it may be included with the routine inspec- technique which was adopted by various agencies is to use perfor-
tion or done separately [10]. It should be performed by skilled mance indicators to make a wide multi attribute system to be used
engineers and may involve non-destructive testing of the bridge for fund allocation between assets [11]. This approach is very effi-
materials. The results should be recorded in details as they are cient and convenient but the indices used need to accurately reflect
more reliable and useful than the routine inspection data. The the repair needs and their degree of urgency. This paper makes an
detailed inspection should be performed every six years for major attempt to overcome the difficulty involved by setting clear limits
bridges crossing waterways and every ten years for other bridges. for the factors affecting bridges. Most of the research that performs
Fig. 2 [1] shows a flow chart of the detailed inspection according to bridge condition assessment is mainly based on structural aspects
GARBLT. It should be stated that few researchers stressed the need only. In this article a multi-objective criterion is sought. The pro-
for conducting a structural assessment as a consequence of major posed evaluation criteria for bridges is based on the assessment
structural defects identified by a detailed inspection and in cases of the various bridge performance measures such as Structural Per-
involving widening of the bridge deck. formance (SP) and Functional Performance (FP) in addition to other
parameters which fall under the title of External Factors (EF). These
3.5. Emergency inspection (inspection for damage) include flow capacity, year of construction, degree of exposure,
inspection quality, historical importance and the surrounding envi-
This inspection is performed immediately after severe natural ronment. These parameters are significant because they address
incidents like earthquakes, floods, hurricanes . . .. etc. and also after aspects that could have enormous influence on bridges. All the pro-
destructive accidents. It is a non-scheduled inspection intended to posed factors are listed in Fig. 3 and their relations. As a result of
identify and record the degree of damage that has occurred as a accounting for the aforementioned indicators (SP, FP and EF), an
result of these incidents. overall bridge indicator (Bridge Overall Priority Indicator (BOPI)
can be obtained. BOPI is a reliable indicator that could be used to
rank the priority of the work needed for each bridge in the bridge
4. Identifying the assessment and prioritizing criteria of bridges network

While inspections identify the damage in bridge elements; they

don’t clearly specify the overall structural soundness of bridge. 4.1. Analysis of the questionnaire
Therefore, evaluation criteria need to be developed to judge the
bridge’s overall structural integrity. After conducting the required In order to develop the proposed evaluation criteria, a question-
inspections, the evaluation stage begins. A highly recommended naire is designed to include all the performance parameters and to

Fig. 2. Detailed inspection flowchart.

698 D.M. Mohamed Mansour et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 695–704

Fig. 3. Proposed evaluation criteria parameters.

assign a weight to each parameter in the criteria. This question- ent agencies (contractors- consultants and owners) to provide a
naire is shown in Appendix (A). The responses had been collected wide range of knowledge. The appropriate sample size for this
mostly through direct interviews in order to achieve clear under- study is calculated from the following equation [12]:
standing of the participants’ answers to the questionnaire. These
participants are selected from among the experts in the field of n¼ 0 ð1Þ
1 þ nN
repair and rehabilitation of bridges in Egypt. They work for differ-
D.M. Mohamed Mansour et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 695–704 699

where; n: sample size, N: total population = 34, n’ = S2/V2, V: stan-

dard error of sampling distribution = 0.05 (at a confidence level of

of variation
95%), S: maximum standard deviation in the population elements,
S2 = P * (1–P) = 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25, P: proportion of population ele-


ments that belong to the defined class, the maximum value is cho-
sen at P = 0.5 [12].






After carrying out the necessary calculations, the required sam-




ple size is 25. In order to fulfill this requirement 29 questionnaires
were sent. The responses and the analysis of the data are presented

in Tables 1 and 2. The mean value of the results, the mode (the




number which is frequently repeated), the standard deviation




and the coefficient of variation are displayed in Tables 1 and 2.
Data with coefficient of variation less than one are considered to




be a low variance distribution [13,14]. The questionnaires’ results
are adopted to create the proposed evaluation criteria as explained
in the following sections.




4.2. Structural performance assessment (SP)






This work focuses on the element-level strategy by considering




the condition of each element rather than evaluating the complete



bridge in one step. The proposed criteria divide the bridge network
into a number of elements with different properties so that higher



accuracy is achieved. To obtain the Structural Performance Indica-

tor (SP), three parameters must be considered. These parameters







are discussed in the following sections.









4.2.1. Element structural State Indicator (ESSI)









According to GARBLT the condition of bridge elements can be

described from Table 3. This table contains accurate details to








eliminate most of the uncertainty of the results.

Therefore, the condition of each element (ci) should be deter-





mined as well as the quantity (qi) corresponding to each condition











number. The single bridge element may contain different condi-


tions, so the quantities can be listed for each condition and the ele-


ment Structural State Indicator (ESSI) is calculated from Eq. (2).









ðqi  ciÞ


ESSI ¼ P ð2Þ






where: ci: the condition of element or sub-element which ranges





from 1 to 4.

qi: the elements’ quantity.







Not all the elements of a bridge will have the same significance



or the same durability. There are other factors that must be consid-



ered to achieve a judgment that can be trusted. These factors

Finishing Surface Condition

Surrounding Environment

include the Structural Importance Factor (SIF) and the Construction

Load Bearing Capacity

Material Factor (CMF). No specific data is available for these fac-

Historical Importance

Year of Construction
Degree of Exposure
Bearings Condition
Weights of factors assigned by experts through questionnaires.

tors. Some information has been reported in the literature but they
Inspection Quality
Vertical Clearance
Length of Barriers
Drainage System

were solely based on personal judgment. Because of that, the

Flow Capacity

results listed for these two factors were determined from the ques-
tionnaires filled by maintenance experts in Egypt as mentioned

4.2.2. Structural Importance factor (SIF)

Percentage for secondary parameters

In accordance with reference [15], the structural significance of

parameters (external factors)
Percentage for main parameters

any component of the bridges can be measured by its contribution

to the overall integrity and structural safety of the bridge. Based on
Percentage for secondary

this concept and the judgment of bridge experts, the results are
presented in Table 4. Higher numbers correspond to the most

important elements.

4.2.3. Construction Material factor (CMF)

The bridge elements are made of different materials. Each mate-
Table 1

rial has its own properties such as strength and durability. In order
to consider the properties of different materials, they are catego-
700 D.M. Mohamed Mansour et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 695–704

Table 2
Assigned weights for each element and construction material.

Questions/responses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Mean Mode Standard Variance Coefficient

deviation of
Most important (5) to Bearings 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 2 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4.63 5.00 0.78 0.61 0.17
the least important Walls 5 3 4 3 2 4 3 3 1 2 5 5 3 2 2 3 3.13 3.00 1.17 1.36 0.37
(1) (wing-back)
Retaining 4 3 3 3 4 5 4 3 1 3 4 5 3 2 5 3 3.44 3.00 1.06 1.12 0.31
Piers 5 4 3 4 5 5 5 5 1 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4.38 5.00 1.05 1.11 0.24
Slabs 3 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 1 4 4 5 4 4 5 3 4.06 4.00 1.03 1.06 0.25
Girders 4 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 1 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4.50 5.00 1.06 1.13 0.24
Beams 3 5 3 4 4 5 5 5 1 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4.06 4.00 1.03 1.06 0.25
Wearing 2 3 5 2 1 3 4 2 3 3 3 4 2 1 3 1 2.63 3.00 1.11 1.23 0.42
Sidewalks 1 3 5 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2.19 1.00 1.13 1.28 0.52
Expansion 4 4 5 4 3 4 5 3 2 5 4 3 5 2 4 4 3.81 4.00 0.95 0.90 0.25
Barriers 1 4 4 3 5 4 5 1 3 3 4 1 3 2 3.07 4.00 1.33 1.78 0.43
Foundations 5 5 1 5 5 4 5 3 1 4 1 5 5 4 5 5 3.94 5.00 1.52 2.31 0.39
Lighting 1 4 5 2 3 4 3 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2.38 1.00 1.32 1.73 0.55
Drainage 2 3 5 2 2 3 2 2 5 3 2 4 4 1 4 1 2.81 2.00 1.24 1.53 0.44
The least (1) to the Steel 1 2 3 5 3 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 3 5 3 2.60 3.00 1.20 1.44 0.46
most susceptible Concrete 3 1 1 4 4 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 2.06 2.00 0.97 0.93 0.47
to deterioration (5) (Cast in
Concrete 2 2 1 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1.75 1.00 0.90 0.81 0.52
Prestressed 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1.75 1.00 0.75 0.56 0.43
Painting 5 5 5 4 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 4.63 5.00 0.70 0.48 0.15
Protective 4 5 5 3 5 3 5 4 3 4 4 4 2 4 5 4.00 4.00 0.89 0.80 0.22
Asphalt 4 4 5 2 5 4 4 3 5 5 4 3 5 1 5 4 3.94 4.00 1.14 1.31 0.29
Rubber 5 4 5 2 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 5 4 5 5 3.94 4.00 0.90 0.81 0.23
FRP 3 3 3 1 3 3 4 4 3 3 1 3 3 3 2.86 3.00 0.83 0.69 0.29

Table 3 Table 4
List of possible defects, their rating and condition number. Elements of bridges and their Structural Importance Factor (SIF).

Condition Rate Explanation Structural Importance Element

No. (ci) Factor (SIF)
1 Good  No deterioration 1 None
2 Fair  Fine cracks of max. 0.1 mm spacing at 0.5 m or 2 Sidewalks, Lighting Poles
wider in one direction 3 (wing- back) walls, Retaining Walls, Wearing
 Rusted rebar Surface, Barriers, Drainage System
3 Poor  Moderate cracks of max. 0.2 mm spacing at about 4 Piers, Slabs, Beams, Expansion Joints,
0.5 m in one direction with fine cracks in right Foundations
angle direction 5 Bearings, Girders
 Rebar exposure of max. 0.3 m
4 Bad  Rebar exposure of longer than 0.3 m
 Corroded rebar
 Visible deflection at girder n: number of elements.
 Large cracks exceeding 0.2 mm forming grids
SP: dimensionless number representing a measure of the struc-
 Leakage/free lime
 Delamination/Spalls tural performance of a bridge. It will not exceed 4 and the
necessity of maintenance and repair are directly proportional
to the increase of this number.
rized with respect to their durability. The results in the following
table are obtained from the bridge experts in Egypt and the Con- Eq. (3) is developed and based on the data gathered from ques-
struction Material Factor (CMF) is listed below. It should be noted tionnaires and the results are listed in Tables 4 and 5. So the results
that the higher numbers represent the more vulnerable materials. will be changed if the assigned numbers of (SIF) and (CMF) are
Finally, the Structural Performance (SP) of a bridge can be esti- different.
mated as follows:
ðESSI i  SIF i  CMF iÞ 4.3. Functional performance assessment (FP)
SP ¼ ð3Þ
Recently the functional performance is just as significant and
critical as the structural performance; it was reported that the
functional life of a bridge can be estimated about 25–50 years
ESSIi: Element Structural State Indicator.
under high traffic conditions and about 50–100 years for structural
SIFi: Structural Importance Factor of an element.
life [16]. This reveals the impact of considering the functional per-
CMFi: Construction Material Factor of an element.
formance in the assessment model developed. The functional per-
D.M. Mohamed Mansour et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 695–704 701

Table 5 ration of the wearing surface and deterioration of expansion joints

Materials of bridges’ elements and their Construction Material Factor (CMF). thereby negatively affecting the safety, durability and serviceabil-
Construction Material Material ity of the bridge. The Drainage System parameter (DS) is evaluated
Factor (CMF) in the inspection process and its condition is reported as (Good,
1 None Fair, Poor or Bad).
2 Concrete (cast in situ), concrete (precast),
prestressed concrete
3 Steel, FRP 4.3.5. Finishing surface condition (FSC)
4 Protective coating, asphalt, rubber Two items are evaluated to assess this parameter; the asphalt
5 Painting
surface finish and the condition of the expansion joints. Both items
have serious impact on the quality of the driving surface.

formance contains many parameters should be carefully consid- Asphalt. The element which is exposed directly to external
ered such as the load bearing capacity, vertical clearance, length and at times severe irritation is the asphalt pavement. These irrita-
of barriers, condition of the drainage system, finishing surface con- tions which may result from environmental effects, loads of traffic,
dition (asphalt, expansion joints) and bearings’ condition. These etc. can reduce the useful life and service quality of the bridge sur-
parameters had a great significance in the assessment of any defect face in addition to requiring more frequent and costly mainte-
or damage incurred which are directly affect the serviceability and nance. The defects which can be reported in the pavement
accelerates the process of deterioration. condition according to GARBLT are pavement cracks and pavement
upheaval or rutting.
4.3.1. Load bearing capacity (LBC)
Loading tests are a basic part of any inspection process; they are Expansion joints. Expansion joints are like asphalt, both are
used to evaluate the overall integrity of bridges (not like other tests used in harsh operational conditions. There are several types of
which are specific for evaluating or testing one element) including expansion joints which are used in Egypt, such rubber surface type
the inaccessible zones under repeated and dynamic loads. Load joint, buried type joint, steel finger type, steel tooth type joint, etc.
Bearing Capacity factor (LBC) is calculated as the ratio of the actual However, unfortunately, most of the expansion joints had been
load bearing capacity to the design load bearing capacity. If the LBC damaged without performing appropriate maintenance. The type
is greater than or equal to or greater than unity, the bridge is con- of deterioration can be reported as break or cracking of steel fin-
sidered to be capable of bearing the design loads or higher loads, gers, clogging of expansion gap, cracks on post cast concrete por-
respectively. If LBC is less than 1, the bridge is considered defective tion, a missing faceplate, (bump, abnormal sound) etc. Reasons of
and unsound. these damages should be investigated to prepare an adequate
repair plan and to prevent reoccurring of the damage after the
4.3.2. Vertical clearance of bridge (VC) repair process. In addition, it should be stated that settlement of
It is essential to maintain the vertical clearance which was substructure, inclination of substructure, lateral displacements or
designed according to specifications. Railway bridges, roadway dysfunction of bearing will lead to damage in expansion joints. In
bridges and bridges crossing navigation channels require different this situation, repair of bearing and reinforcement of substructure
vertical clearances underneath each type of them. Also the height must be performed in parallel with the repair of expansion joints.
above the bridge deck should be maintained, because it also is con- As a result of the inspection processes, the Finishing Surface Con-
sidered a safety issue. The vehicles that cross above or below the dition (FSC) can be rated as (Good, Fair, Poor or Bad) considering
bridge should have sufficient clearance to avoid hitting the bridge, the aforementioned damages and defects.
as specified by relevant authorities. The Vertical Clearance (VC)
factor in this study is obtained from:
  4.3.6. Bearings condition (BC)
Hd  H Bearings are considered among the most unique and critical ele-
VC ¼    100 ð4Þ
Hd  ments in bridges. Deterioration and damage of bridge bearings can
result in further unfavorable defects to other bridge elements. Due
where Hd is the design vertical clearance and H is the actual one.
to the dusty circumstance in Egypt, huge numbers of bridges’ bear-
ings are buried in accumulated sand that seeps through the expan-
4.3.3. Length of barrier (LB) sion joints. This directly increases the probability of damage like
The length of barriers is another indicator of the appropriate- rust, loss of mobility, deterioration of paint, etc. The accumulated
ness of the bridge design. They are considered to be an important dust or sand makes it difficult to maintain the elements of the
safety feature of the bridge and are usually designed according to bearings or spot and repair cracks in leveling mortar, cracks in
specifications. This element is selected such that no lateral deflec- the body of the bearing and other hidden defects. Damage of bear-
tion or deterioration occurs in the barriers. Length of barrier is ings may also be due to aging or bridge structural problems. It
assessed by the factor (LB) as follows: should be highlighted that lateral displacements, settlement of
Ld  L substructure, leaking water from expansion joints or tilting of sub-
LB ¼    100 ð5Þ
Ld  structure will cause damages to bridge bearings and results in
excessive displacement. Therefore repairing of the substructure,
where Ld is the design barrier length and L is the actual length. such as realignment, is essential as part of the repairs of the bridge
bearings. Accounting for all possible types of damage or deteriora-
4.3.4. Drainage System (DS) tion in bearings such as corrosion, loosening or missing lock nuts,
One of the factors which directly affect the level of service of the cracks, break of anchor bolts or side blocks, paint/coating deterio-
bridge and initiate deterioration in the bridge is the efficiency of ration, sand accumulation, abnormal sound/vibration, abnormal
the wastewater drainage system of the bridge surface. Wastewater movement, failure, deformation or abnormality of transition, Bear-
accumulation can cause corrosion of steel reinforcement, deterio- ing Condition factor (BC) will be judged as (Good, Fair, Poor or Bad).
702 D.M. Mohamed Mansour et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 695–704

In Conclusion, after considering the aforementioned parame-

ters, the Functional Performance Indicator (FP) can be obtained
from the following equation
FP ¼ :32LBC þ :09VC þ :08LB þ :09DS þ :18FSC þ :24BC ð6Þ


LBC: Load Bearing Capacity factor of bridge.

VC: Vertical Clearance factor.
LB: Length of barrier factor.
DS: Drainage System condition.
FSC: Finishing Surface Condition.
BC: Bearings Condition.
FP: dimensionless number representing the functional perfor-
mance of a bridge. It will not exceed 4 and the requirement of
maintenance and repair are directly related to the increase of Fig. 4. Breakdown based on the Year of Construction of bridges in Egypt.
this number. The weighting coefficients in Eq. (6) are based
on the bridge experts’ responses to the questionnaire discussed
earlier. The results are listed in the following Table 6.
bridges had been built in one year, but in other years no bridges
Reference [3] reported that according to bridge experts in Aus- were built at all. Many culverts were constructed in the 1980s,
tralia, if the load bearing capacity factor is less than 0.7, vertical which is due the road development history. The average age of
clearance and length of barrier factors are more than 20%, the the currently managed bridges by GARBLT is around 40 years. As
bridge is critically substandard. Therefore, in accordance with this a fact concrete bridges could remain serviceable for a long time
information, the different limits for this study are summarized in of preferably 100 years or more. Based on this, 100 years is
Table 7. The values of the various factors are determined and the assumed to be the service life of a bridge in many cases. However,
Functional Performance indicator (FP) can be calculated from Eq. this theory applies only to the recently built bridges. Judging from
(6). the existing bridges’ general conditions in Egypt and based on the
previous two validations life span of a bridge of 80 years has been
4.4. External factors (EF) determined. So the year of construction factor (YF) in this study
will be categorized into 4 intervals: Recently Built (0–20 years),
Bridges deteriorate because of other factors besides those dis- New (20–40 years), Old (40–60 years) and Very Old (60–80 years).
cussed so far. Factors such as the age of the bridge, flow capacity,
exposure to harmful materials and the surrounding environment
can have serious effects. These parameters are discussed in the 4.4.2. Flow capacity (FC)
next section. Bridges can be classified by using road number classification and
road type classification. Number classification means that all the
4.4.1. Year of Construction (YC) bridges located on a specific road which have a specific number,
According to reports clarified by GARBLT, only 40 bridges were these bridges will be given the same road number. Meanwhile type
constructed before the Egyptian revolution at 1952, this was in the classification means that the importance and the usage of the
period of the British occupation of Egypt about 1940. From 1952 bridge must be determined. Also the flow capacity is an extremely
till the 1960s, construction of bridges had been actively performed. important factor and must be well considered. Therefore, four inter-
Half of the usable bridges currently were built in this period. In vals will be listed in order to determine the road type and the flow
other words, approximately half of bridges in Egypt are more than capacity factor (FC) with respect to the annual average daily traffic
50 years old as shown in Fig. 4 [1]. From the 1970s, on average (AADT). The four intervals are: Minor (AADT  150), Local Access
around 15 bridges were constructed each year. However, this is (150 < AADT  1000), Collectors (1000 < AADT  3000) and Arteri-
widely varied from year to year—for example, more than 100 als (AADT > 3000).

Table 6
Weights assigned to each parameter according to bridges’ experts.


Weight % 32 9 8 9 18 24

Table 7
Limits of parameters of the functional performance and their ratings.

1 2 3 4
LBC LBC  1 0.9  LBC < 1.0 0.7  LBC < 0.9 LBC < 0.7
VC VC  5% 5% < VC  12% 12%< VC  20% VC > 20%
LB LB  5% 5%< LB  12% 12%< LB  20% LB > 20%
DS Good Fair Poor Bad
FSC Good Fair Poor Bad
BC Good Fair Poor Bad
D.M. Mohamed Mansour et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 695–704 703

4.4.3. Degree of exposure (DE) EF: dimensionless number which contains all the previously
The degree of exposure factor (DE) is one of the most important listed factors. It represents the effect of the different external
factors. The rate of deterioration is directly proportional to the factors and its maximum value is 4 in this study.
degree of exposure, which is really making sense. The presence
of harmful elements can greatly affect the durability of the bridge.
4.5. Bridges’ ranking and prioritization
Bridges exposed to chlorides, sulphates, wide climate changes,
chemically aggressive salts, freeze- thaw cycles or carbonation of
Most of the management systems use the benefit/cost ratio to
concrete are in great risk to have high rate of degradation [17].
set their plan which gives priority to projects with more benefits
and require fewer funds. It was reported that using benefit/cost
4.4.4. Inspection quality (IQ)
ratio is not accurate when dealing with many projects in different
Most of the data which is gathered to evaluate the condition of
locations [18]. The selection process is a hard call to take especially
bridges and to list the different defects are collected by inspectors.
when it concerns vital and significant projects as bridges. As previ-
As a result, there is a probability of having errors. These errors can
ously discussed in this paper, specifying the structural and func-
happen due to many reasons like lack of accessibility or visibility,
tional performance of a bridge along with other important
time constraints, heavy traffic, inappropriate checklists, climate
parameters is a method to estimate the remaining asset value of
constraints, lack of equipment and insufficient inspection training.
a bridge. This asset value clearly is decreased as the bridge suffers
Therefore, the inspection staff should be carefully monitored by
from more deterioration.
the asset managers and the bridges’ experts in the organization.
After gathering all the aforementioned parameters, the Bridge
This will guarantee achieving high confidence level and obtaining
Overall Priority Indicator (BOPI) is obtained. This index contains
reliable inspection data. The quality of the inspection process will
all the important and affecting factors in bridges and can be used
be judged and the inspection quality factor (IQ) should be specified
as a judging tool to set bridges’ ranking in any network. Eventually
using the following scale (Good, Fair, Poor or Bad).
in order to calculate the Bridge Overall Priority Indicator (BOPI),
the experts of bridges were asked to assign weight for each primal
4.4.5. Historical Importance (HI)
factor. The following results were recorded and visually explained
Egypt is globally known for having a lot of historical sites. Some
in Fig. 5.
bridges may be related to these sites or they may represent the civ-
The Bridge Overall Priority Indicator can be maintained from
ilization of a significant era in the Egyptian history. Logically this
the next equation:
will affect the priority considerations in the scheduled mainte-
nance plan. This highlights the fact that the historical importance BOPI ¼ :54SP þ :27FP þ :19EF ð8Þ
factor (HI) must be considered in the very first planning steps.

4.4.6. Surrounding environment (SE) SP: structural performance measure of a bridge.

The environment of the bridge can widely vary from case to FP: functional performance measure of a bridge.
another. Bridges can be constructed in urban or rural area. Also EF: external factors.
the nature of the crossing is different from a bridge to another. It BOPI: Bridge Overall Priority Indicator which is a dimensionless
can cross roadway, railway or waterway. The aforementioned number will not exceed 4.
parameters should be clearly identified as they directly affect the
surrounding environment factor (SE). Environment with severe The bridges will be ranked according to this index which
and risky influence on bridges will be rated as Very High surround- bridges in critical condition and require maintenance the most will
ing environment factor and vice versa. have the higher BOPI. Justification of the criteria equations is avail-
Each factor was previously discussed is listed in Table 8 and it able in Appendix B introducing cases with 100% and 0% defects. A
will be given a number that represents the severity rate of each virtual case study is available in Appendix C along with a real net-
factor with respect to the four intervals stated before. work of bridges as well in Appendix D. The results of the real net-
The experts of bridges were asked to assign weight which rep- work are demonstrated in Table 9 and based on these results; the
resents the significance of each factor and the next formula was bridges are ranked with respect to their maintenance urgency in
generated: descending order as follow: Ashtoom El Gameel, Faraskour, Asyout,
Bani Sweef and Souhag New. The proposed evaluation criteria pro-
EF ¼ :15YC þ :17FC þ :17DE þ :17IQ þ :17HI þ :17SE ð7Þ
vide assessment tool for the decision makers and warn the decision
makers toward any expected risks.
YC: Year of Construction factor
FC: Flow Capacity factor
DE: Degree of Exposure factor
IQ: Inspection Quality factor
HI: Historical Importance factor
SE: Surrounding Environment factor

Table 8
Limits of parameters of the external factors and their ratings.

1 2 3 4
YC Recently built New Old Very old
FC Minor Local access Collectors Arterials
DE Low Medium High Very high
IQ Good Fair Poor Bad
HI Low Medium High Very high
SE Low Medium High Very high Fig. 5. Pie chart explains the assigned percentages for the main factors (SP, FP and
704 D.M. Mohamed Mansour et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 695–704

Table 9
Results of the bridges’ real network using the proposed evaluation criteria.

Faraskour Asyout Souhag New Ashtoom El Gameel Bani Sweef

SP 1.97 1.675 1.62 3.19 1.45
FP 1.45 1.5 1.27 1.93 1.59
EF 2.68 2.87 2.53 2.51 2.68
BOPI 1.96 1.855 1.7 2.72 1.72

5. Conclusion [18] Kulkami RB, Miller D, Ingram RM, Wong C, Lorenz J. Need-based project
prioritization: alternative to cost-benefit analysis. J Transp Eng 2004;130
Bridges are considered to be high asset value projects with lim-
ited available financial resources to keep them in an adequate
working and serviceability standards to extend their lifecycle. Dina Mahmoud has been working in Future University
Therefore, it is important to make considerable effort into the in Egypt (FUE) since she graduated from Ain Shams
assessment process in order to ensure that bridges are carefully University in 2007. She first worked as Teaching Assis-
tant until 2013 and then as Assistant Lecturer till 2019.
analyzed and any defects were recorded early, before it has a sig- She received her M.SC. and PhD from Ain Shams
nificant impact in reducing bridge useful life. In this paper, a University, Faculty of Engineering. She is currently a
methodology for bridges’ priority ranking is introduced. Following lecturer in the Structural Engineering & Construction
a Bridge Overall Priority Indicator (BOPI) is generated for each Management Department, Faculty of Engineering &
Technology, Future University in Egypt.
bridge. BOPI is a number which makes it possible for the decision
makers to compare the condition of bridges in a network. Due the
multi-objective nature of the methodology, various parameters are
included to obtain reliable assessment. Virtual and real network
case studies are introduced to demonstrate the reliability for the
proposed assessment criteria.
Ibrahim is Associate Professor in Structural Engineering
& Construction Management Department, Faculty of
Appendix. Supplementary material Engineering & Technology, Future University in Egypt.
He was graduated from Zagazig University. He has a
very wide teaching experience as he worked in Kuwait
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at as a lecturer and consultant for Kuwait University as well. He also is very active in research and reviewing

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