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1. Describe the justifications of stem cell technology in the medical

2. Suppose you are born without a uterus, a natural defect; you cannot
carry a child, which is again unnatural for a woman. Your ovaries
however are functional-i.e., you produce eggs. Modern medical
science has a technological solution to your “natural defect” or
incapacity to carry a child, namely: surrogate motherhood. A
technique called "in vitro fertilization" (IVF) now makes it possible
to gather eggs from the mother, fertilize them with sperm from the
father, and place the embryo into the uterus of a gestational
surrogate. The surrogate then carries the baby until birth. She doesn't
have any genetic ties to the child because it wasn't her egg that was
used. A gestational surrogate is called the "birth mother." The
biological mother, though, is still the woman whose egg was
fertilized. Would you or would you not undertake the process?
Justify your stand on this issue.

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