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Joseph Andrews

Chapter 17(book 1)
1- There happened a discourse between Adams and Barnabas.
2- In the evening Barnabas brought to Adams a bookseller(his friend) who
offered to take his sermons to London and send him whatever he could
earn. Barnabas assured Adams to trust him.
3- During the course of their talk, the bookseller happened to mention the
works of the great Methodist preacher, Whitefield, who had attacked the
clergy's indulgence in luxuries.
4- There followed a dispute between Barnabas and Adams. Barnabas attacks
his works and Adams championing his works. Then the dispute veered over
to the current version of the ancient controversy over faith and good
5- their dispute was interrupted by Mrs. Tow-wouse’s discovery of her
husband in bed with betty( the chambermaid). Mrs. Tow-wouse was in
demonic fury and would have murdered Betty with a bit but she was
restrained by parson Adams.

1- Religious controversies the conversation between Parson Adams and
Barnabas in the first scenario is used by Henry fielding to play out all the
religious controversies occurring in English society at that time. Barnabas
calls Whitefield Heterodox for preaching that the Anglican clergy shouldn’t
engage luxurious living. Parsons Adams agrees with Whitefield in this
regard, but he doesn’t agree that human beings can be justified (saved) by
faith alone. He suggests that God will save anyone who is good, regardless
of what they believe.
2- Simplicity of Parsons Adams Adam reveals his simplicity in financial
matters. He explains his impoverished state in all honesty to bookseller,
undermining his own bargaining position. But the commercial world is not
where Adams lives, he states an honest mind would rather lose money by
conveying good instructions to mankind than gain by propagating evil.
3- Chastity the same theme emerges again. Betty caught on bed with Mr.tow-
wouse. The subject of chastity and virtue is knocked in this chapter.

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