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Welcome to the tools!


This file is to give users a quick overview of what is available and how to get
started. This document is part of the DeDRM Tools archive from Apprentice Harper's
github repository:

This archive includes calibre plugins to remove DRM from:

- Kindle ebooks (files from Kindle for Mac/PC and eInk Kindles).
- Adobe Digital Editions (v2.0.1***) ePubs (including Kobo and Google ePubs
downloaded to ADE)
- Adobe Digital Editions (v2.0.1) PDFs
- Kobo kePubs from the Kobo Desktop application and attached Kobo readers.

These tools do NOT work with Apple's iBooks FairPlay DRM. Use iBook Copy from
These tools no longer work well with books from Barnes & Noble.

For limitations and work-arounds, see the FAQ at

About the tools

These tools are updated and maintained by Apprentice Harper and many others. You
can find the latest updates at Apprentice Harper's github repository and get support by creating an
issue at the repository (github account required) or by posting a comment at
Apprentice Alf's blog:

If you re-post these tools, a link to the repository and/or the blog would be

The tools are provided in the form of plugins for calibre. Calibre is an open
source freeware ebook library manager. It is the best tool around for keeping track
of your ebooks.

DeDRM plugin for calibre (Mac OS X, Windows)

The DeDRM plugin for calibre removes DRM from your Kindle and Adobe DRM ebooks when
they are imported to calibre. Just install the DeDRM plugin (,
following the instructions and configuration directions provided in the ReadMe file
and the help links in the plugin's configuration dialogs.

Once installed and configured, you can simply add a DRM book to calibre and a DRM-
free version will be imported into the calibre database. Note that DRM removal only
occurs on IMPORT not on CONVERSION or at any other time. If you have already
imported DRMed books you'll need to remove the books from calibre and re-import

Obok plugin for calibre (Mac OS X and Windows)

To import ebooks from the Kobo Desktop app or from a Kobo ebook reader, install the
Obok plugin. This works in a different way to the DeDRM plugin, in that it finds
your ebooks downloaded using the Kobo Desktop app, or on an attached Kobo ebooks
reader, and displays them in a list, so that you can choose the ones you want to
import into calibre.
For instructions, see the obok_plugin_ReadMe.txt file.

DeDRM application for Mac OS X users: (Mac OS X 10.6 and above)

DeDRM application for Windows users: (Windows XP through Windows 10)
As of Version 6.7 of the tools, these are no longer provided or supported.

Linux support
It may be possible to use the plugins on a Linux system, but no support is given at
this time.

The original inept and ignoble scripts were by i♥cabbages
The original mobidedrm and erdr2pml scripts were by The Dark Reverser
The original topaz DRM removal script was by CMBDTC
The original topaz format conversion scripts were by some_updates, clarknova and
Bart Simpson
The original KFX format decryption was by lulzkabulz, converted to python by
Apprentice Naomi and integrated into the tools by tomthumb1997
The alfcrypto library is by some_updates
The DeDRM plugin was based on plugins by DiapDealer and is maintained by Apprentice
Alf and Apprentice Harper

The original obok script was by Physisticated

The plugin conversion was done anonymously.
The Kobo reader support was added by norbusan

Fixes, updates and enhancements to the scripts and applicatons have been made by
many other anonymous people.

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