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This book will describe the process of Ascending Equalities. Ascending

Equalities has two basic changes in itself that are inherited in itself. This book will

ask and answer the question of what is Ascending derivation and integration. We

will see how synergy values change to side values and vice versa. We will go into

three types of derivations and three types of integrals. We will also see why

ascending equality derivatives and ascending equality integrations are the

fundamental change of ascending equalities and are inalienable complements of

each other.
Table of Contents

1)Synergy of Change and Connection: Relationship
2)Ascending Derivatives and Integrals
a)Structure of EA
I) Binary Integration: Both sides
II) Monary Integration: Side to Side
III) Monary Integration: One-sided
c) Derivation
I) The Halting problem and the AE: Binary
II) Monary Derivation from top to bottom
III) Monary Derivation of one-side of AE
d)Double Derivation: The Simultaneity of
Double and Monary Derivation
Networks and processes are different modes of having a relationship.

In this section of this sensational series of AE we will go into the process of

AE rather than the networks. Networks are crystalized connections and

derivatives(and) are liquefied connections. Derivatives/integrals like

networks have a direction and distance about themselves.

(0) Synergy of Change and Connection: Relationship

This book and the previous book deals with change and connection

respectively. This book and the next are also tied to each other as

complementary books. The commonality of change and connection in a

relationship, reference.

See, derivation and integration together form the calculus. Calculus is

the math of movement and change. Since derivation and integration deal

with the change of AE and AE chains then it is a calculi “arithmetic”. Dealing

with networks alone is the geometric aspect of arithmetic.

(1) Ascending Derivation and Integrals

Ascending derivation(AD) and integration are two sides of the most

fundamental calculi in existence. Ascending derivation(AD) deals with AE as

it changes. AE has ways where it changes into each other. The internal

organization of AE is infinite thus its progression to unique AE is possible.

Change and connection are synergy of sides, inalienable

complements. Used wrong or prematurely then it will manifest as

contradictions just like any complements used wrong or incomplete.

Change is to the connection as movement is to stillness. Both need each

other to facilitate each other. For example, a connection is a small change

where the points of connections are modified and not the whole chain or

network. However, change implies a connection that is sublated. So

connections are the preservational side of change and change is a

morphing aspect of connections.

(a) Structure of AE

First I want to go over the structure of AE again. AEs are the most basic

system in Ascending math in general and Ascending arithmetic in particular.

Equalities are the whole simple system composed of digits(and numbers), the

equal sign, and the value of the equal sign located on the top and bottom of the

equals sign. The values on each side of the equal sign are the values of equality

and are peripheral to the equal sign and its value. The equal sign itself is the

nucleus or center of the equalities. It is the point in which the peripheral values

are even. The values of the equal sign are called “Synergy Values” and the

peripheral values are called “Side Values”. Synergy values determine whether or

not the peripheral values are even to each other. Thus equal sign and its synergy

values are levelers.

(b) Integration
Integration is the transformation of a phenomenon to essence…from the

whole to the engine of a whole. When we integrate we are turning sides of

equality into the values of the equal sign. Integration is a process of values being

transformed from peripheral values to nucleus or synergy values.

(I)Binary Integration: Both Sides Integrated

Regardless if the equalities are AE or CE(conventional Equalities) they all

have an infinite progression when both sides are integrated as synergy values.

There are plenty of ways to integrate these values. The simplest is by subtracting

or adding the side values together. In the illustration below I add the side values

and made them the new synergy value while keeping the left side of the side

values at a constant. This process goes to an infinite difference in linear AE but

repeats in cyclic AE.

(II)Monary Integration: Side to Side
This integration takes each side separately and changes each side to a

synergy value for a new AE. Each side switches up in being the synergy value. The

sides are not added up simultaneously like Binary integration. Also, the sequence

repeats without including the initial or first AE in the sequence.

(III) Monary Integration: One-Sided Integration

All AE halts when only one side of its side value is integrated. In the

illustration, I integrate the left side value while keeping the left side value

constant in each new AE formed from the integration. What happens is the same

AE is produce which indicates that the process has stopped…halted.

© Derivation
Derivation is the change of synergy values to side values. It is

the change of nucleus values to peripheral values. The derivation is

the change of the value of the equal sign to the value of equality. It

starts internally and ends externally.

(I) The Halting problem and the AE: Binary Derivation

The derivation of AE is when we convert synergy values into side values.

When we derive the CA which has the synergy values of 0, immediately we see it

stop, halt. The indication that it did is that the same AE with zero synergy values

always pops up in the process. Zero synergy denotes insignificant synergy and it
would be expected that all equalities in modern math halt under the binary

derivation process. AE with non-zero synergy values never halts but goes on an

infinite progression. The derivation is only valid when any synergy value can be

considered to fit the equalities into consideration. Under modern math derivation

of equalities doesn’t exist nor integration of equalities. Thus the calculus of

arithmetic doesn’t exist in modern math but in Ascending mathematics.

Binary derivation and binary integration are directly opposite of each other.

In integration, all AE doesn’t halt, however in binary derivation the CE halts while

all non-zero equalities don’t.

(II) Monary Derivation from Top to bottom

The opposite of monary integrations that goes side to side is monary

derivation from top to bottom. All AE is derived by monary derivation in which

each synergy value is taking into consideration and not simultaneously produces

an AE progression that repeats. Monary Derivation from top to bottom repeats

but unlike monary integrations that goes side to side it includes the initial AE as

part of the repeating process. Thus initial values are excluded in monary

integrations that go side to side and monary derivation from top to bottom

always includes the initial AE in the repeating pattern.

(III) Monary Derivation of one-side of AE

Unlike monary integration of exclusively the top synergy value or bottom

creates a halt in the process the monary derivation of one side of AE produces an

infinite progression. Monary derivation of one side is the opposite and inalienable

complement to monary integration exclusively at the top or bottom (not both).

(d) Double Derivatives: The Simultaneity of double and

monary Derivation.
Double derivatives are weird. Double derivatives first start with a sequence

that isn't directly predictable then it continues it’s with repeating values

without ending. The part of the sequence that doesn’t repeat is the “seed”

sequence. Not all double derivation produces Seed Sequences. Seed

sequences is that part of the sequence in which the difference between the

final values of the derivatives doesn’t have a consistent value. These final

values are circled in black on the right-hand side of the below illustration. In

this illustration, the seed sequence is two values long. The two values that

form the difference between the first three values are -14 and -3 while the

rest of the values of the sequence is 9.

The inter-implication form of the derivative is the mechanics simplified by 0

synergies but was extrapolated from the actual derivation process. It means

that it is impossible to create the inter-implication without the actual

Ascending derivation guiding it. However, once we get to the repeated last

values that remain at a constant difference of 9 then we no longer need the

Ascending derivative to guide us. The sequence of last values that

contribute to the next output is 20,6,3,12,21…etc. The difference between

20 and 6 is -14 going from a higher value to a lower one. However, from 6

to 3 it is -3. But from 3 to 12, 12 to 21, 21 to 30, etc all have a common

difference of 9.

I also want to point out that the output and input of this linear chain

double derivation are the synergy values in the middle of the chain. The

synergy values are 12,4,14,31,50, 121, etc. In modern math, the input and

output points are located at each end of the equal sign. This perspective is

forced because the concept of equalities having synergy values doesn’t

exist in modern math. However, since synergy values exist in Ascending

Math then the input and output have the opportunity to be central rather

than peripheral. In Ascending math, input and out can be separated like we

do in modern math or it can be harmonized or united like we can in

Ascending math. Ascending math can do both. The inter-implication proof

shows that the middle synergy values are input/output and not the sides of

the chain. The Monary derivation on the left side of the chain determines

whether the sequence will have a seed sequence or not.

The Equalities on the left and right side of the chain play as processers. On

the rightmost AE the double derivation is the doubling of values…hence

times 2. This side plays the multiplication by “2” role in the inter-implication

proof. However, the left most AE is responsible for the +/- of the inter-

implication formula.

I hope you have enjoyed this book like I do. We have discussed the

calculi of arithmetic. The main complements within this calculi are

Ascending Derivatives and integrals. We have seen how derivative/integral

denotes the change of AE and AE chains. We have seen the subdivision of

derivatives and integrals into three main forms. We have also seen how two

different derivative processes can be worked simultaneously…that is

performed on the same AE chain. Derivatives/Integrals are one aspect of


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