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with ARIES: This has every chance of being

an exceptionally successful relationship. Aries

provides Gemini with plenty of variety and
stimulation—and Aries, being a bom leader,
knows how to talk Gemini out of occasional
moodiness. Gemini spices the twosome with wit
and warmth. You both give each other plenty of
freedom, which can bring about the closest
WITH TAURUS : This combination works as long
as you don't try to change each other. Taurus
may seem too sober for flighty Gemini, and
Gemini may seem impossibly indecisive to planahead
Taurus. Actually, you are good for each
other, but it will take effort to find this out.
WITH GEMINI: YOU should either drive each
other mad or have a delightful relationship. Too
much flirting and too many outside interests
could be negative influences. But, on the positive
side, there is strong mutual attraction and
you have many hobbies in common.
WITH Cancer: Super-sensitive Cancer may
have constantly hurt feelings in this combination.
Also, Cancer prefers a more quiet way of
life, whereas Gemini is always running around
looking for "something new." The possibilities
are positive only if you are emotional about
the same things. It will be important to keep
the lines of communication open.
WITH Leo: two on-the-go people with great
capacities for fun should make a delightful
team. You are likely to go far together and have
a lot of happy times. Strong, loving Leo is the
perfect type to curb Gemini restlessness. And
Gemini loves to look up to someone strong,
someone who is as decisive as Gemini is uncertain.
with VIRGO: Virgo is likely to be too practical
for unconventional Gemini. And Gemini's liking
for the odd and offbeat might irritate Virgo
to the point of a real breakup. You are not naturally
compatible with each other, and would
^ really have to want to make things work out
if you are to find mutual happiness. This is
possible but not probable.
with LIBRA: This way, that way Gemini needs
a strong, steady partner to give her a sense of
direction. Libra should be just the one! And the
charming Libra personality is more than capable
of holding Gemini's interest. Both of you
are affectionate and you also have a lot in common
intellectually. Moreover, you are both Air
signs, which means that

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