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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

6 November 2020 FIRST FRIDAY Year A


ur common love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus today gathers us not
only to offer him our praise and love in the Eucharistic celebration,
but also to reflect on the duty we all have to be rightly enterprising
in all aspects of our life. Since the time of Jesus – and long before! – believers
had a poor reputation in this respect . . . .
Numerous saints of active life took seriously the Lord’s invitation to
learn from the non-believers to be enterprising but in doing good. They even
outdid them! Today we are challenged, both as individuals and as a commu-
nity, to show in practice the genuineness of our faith and of our devotion
to the Sacred Heart through a life characterized by a generous commitment to work for a more just
and humane world. In this Eucharistic celebration we will pray in a special manner for all our deceased,
commending them to the merciful love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

duced our devotion to the recall the wonders of his love

Sacred Heart of Jesus to for us, may be made worthy to
prayers and emotional out- receive an overflowing measure
bursts, Lord, have mercy! of grace from that fount of heav-
Entrance Antiphon All – Lord, have mercy! enly gifts.
(To be recited only when no Through our Lord Jesus
Entrance Hymn is sung.) P –For the times we have relied Christ, your Son, who lives and
too much on the help of God reigns with you in the unity of
The designs of his Heart are
and His saints, while failing the Holy Spirit, one God, for
from age to age, to rescue their
to do our share, Christ, have ever and ever.
souls from death, and to keep
mercy! All – Amen!
them alive in famine.
All – Christ, have mercy!
Greeting P –For the times we have ne-
P –Blessed be God our Father glected our duties, out of
who revealed His love through laziness or irresponsibility,
His Son Jesus Christ. May His Lord, have mercy!
grace and peace be with you all! All – Lord, have mercy! 1st Proclamation Phil 3:17-4:1
All –And with your spirit! The apostle Paul was wor-
P –May almighty God have ried about the negative influence
mercy on us, forgive us our sins which the rampant materialism
Penitential Act and bring us to everlasting life. of his time might have on the
P –As we prepare to celebrate All – Amen! members of the Christian com-
the Eucharistic Sacrifice, let us munities. This is why he sternly
humbly acknowledge our sinful- Collect (Opening Prayer) reminded them to be guided sole-
ness and ask the Lord for pardon P –Grant, we pray, almighty ly by the Gospel principles. His
and guidance. (Pause) God, that we, who glory in the exhortation is appropriate even
P –For the times we have re- Heart of your beloved Son and in our days.

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R –A proclamation from the and lack of enterprise in facing commitment to live the demands
Letter of Paul to the Philip- the problems of daily life. Rather, of our faith with generous cre-
pians we should imitate the unbelievers ativity and ask the Lord’s help
Join with others in being in being enterprising as we learn for ourselves and the whole of
imitators of me, brothers and from today’s parable. humankind. Let our response be:
sisters and observe those who P – The Lord be with you! All – Lord, graciously hear us!
thus conduct themselves ac- All – And with your spirit!
cording to the model you have P –A proclamation from the C –That the entire community
in us. For many, as I have often holy Gospel according to of believers may be in the fore-
told you, and now tell you even Luke front of promoting an authentic
in tears, conduct themselves as All –Glory to you, O Lord! sustainable development, jus-
enemies of the cross of Christ. tice and peace in the world, we
Their end is destruction. Their pray! R.
Jesus said to his disciples:
God is their stomach. They “A rich man had a steward who C –That the Holy Father and
glory in what they should be was reported to him for squan- our religious leaders may have
ashamed of. Their minds are dering his property. He sum- the consolation of seeing the so-
occupied with earthly things. moned him and said, ‘What is cial teachings of the Church ap-
But our citizenship is in this I hear about you? Prepare plied thoroughly in our country,
heaven, and from it we also a full account of your stew- we pray! R.
await a savior, the Lord Je- ardship, because you can no C –That our civil leaders may
sus Christ. He will change our longer be my steward.’ The promote the common good, and
lowly body to conform with steward said to himself, ‘What thereby contribute to building up
his glorified body by the power shall I do now that my master of God’s Kingdom on earth, we
that enables him also to bring is taking the position of stew- pray! R.
all things into subjection to ard away from me? I am not C –That all parents, educators,
himself. Therefore, my beloved strong enough to dig and I am and catechists may instill lofty
brothers and sisters, whom I ashamed to beg. I know what ideals in the youth of today, and
love and long for, my joy and I shall do so that, when I am guide them to work hard for the
crown, in this way stand firm removed from the steward- construction of a better world,
in the Lord . we pray!
ship, they may welcome me into R.
The Word of the Lord! their homes.’ He called in his
All – Thanks be to God! C –That each of us and the
master’s debtors one by one. rest of our parish community
To the first he said, ‘How much may show the genuineness of
Responsorial Psalm Ps 122
do you owe my master?’ He re- our devotion to the Sacred Heart
R –Let us go rejoicing to the plied. ‘One hundred measures through a generous commitment
house of the Lord! of olive oil.’ He said to him, to be effective instruments of
* I rejoiced because they said ‘Here is your promissory note. Jesus’ preferential love for the
to me, “We will go up to the Sit down and quickly write poor, the weak, and the forsaken,
house of the Lord.” And now one for fifty.’ Then to another we pray! R.
we have set foot within your the steward said, ‘And you,
gates, O Jerusalem. R. how much do you owe?’ He re- C –Let us pray in silence for our
plied, ‘One hundred measures personal intentions. (Pause)
* Jerusalem, built as a city We pray! R.
with compact unity. To it the of wheat.’ The steward said to
tribes go up, the tribes of the him, ‘Here is your promissory P –Lord God, give us clarity of
Lord. R. note; write one for eighty.’ And vision and a brave determination
the master commended that to be agents of renewal and im-
* According to the decree
dishonest steward for acting provement in our society. We ask
for Israel, to give thanks to the
name of the Lord. In it are set prudently. For the children of this through the Sacred Heart of
up judgment seats, seats for the this world are more prudent Jesus, our model and inspiration.
house of David. R. in dealing with their own gen- All –Amen!
eration than are the children of
Gospel Acclamation light.”
All– Alleluia! Alleluia! The Gospel of the Lord!
Whoever keeps the word All –Praise to you, Lord Jesus
of Christ, the love of God Christ! Preparation of the Gifts
is truly perfected in him.
Alleluia! Alleluia! P –Pray, brethren . . .
Homily All –May the Lord accept the
Gospel Lk 16:1-8 Prayer of the Faithful sacrifice at your hands, for the
Our faith in God and in His praise and glory of his name,
Providence should not be used as P –In response to the message for our good and the good of all
an excuse to justify our laziness of God’s Word, let us renew our his holy Church.

6 November 2020
Prayer over the Offerings behold him who takes away the ity, O Lord, make us fervent
P –Look, O Lord, we pray, on sins of the world. Blessed are with the fire of holy love, so
the surpassing charity in the those called to the Supper of the that, drawn always to your Son,
Heart of your beloved Son, that Lamb. we may learn to see him in our
what we offer may be a gift ac- All –Lord, I am not worthy neighbor.
ceptable to you and an expiation that you should enter under Through Christ our Lord.
of our offenses. my roof, but only say the word All – Amen!
Through Christ our Lord. and my soul shall be healed.
All – Amen!
Communion Antiphon
Preface of the Sacred Heart (To be recited only when
no Communion Hymn is sung.)
P –The Lord be with you! P –The Lord be with you.
All –And with your spirit! Thus says the Lord: Let All – And with your spirit!
P –Lift up your hearts! whoever is thirsty come to me P –May almighty God bless
All – We lift them up to the Lord! and drink. Streams of living you: the Father, and the
P –Let us give thanks to the water will flow from within the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Lord our God! one who believes in me. All – Amen!
All –It is right and just!
P – It is truly right and just, Prayer after Communion P –Go in peace, glorifying the
our duty and our salvation, al- Lord by your life!
ways and everywhere to give May this sacrament of char- All – Thanks be to God!
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
mighty and eternal God, through
For raised up high on the
Cross, he gave himself up for Divine Jesus, you have said, Ć „Ask, and you shall receive;
us with a wonderful love and Ć seek, and you shall find; Ć knock, and it shall be opened unto
poured out blood and water from you.‰ Ć Behold me kneeling at your feet, Ć filled with a lively
his pierced side, the wellspring faith and confidence Ć in the promises dictated by your Sacred
of the Church’s Sacraments, so Heart Ć and pronounced by your adorable lips. Ć I come to ask
that, won over to the open heart this favor: (Silently mention your petitions.)
of the Savior, all might draw wa-
ter joyfully from the springs of To whom can I turn if not to you Ć whose heart is the source
salvation. of all graces and merits? Ć Where should I seek if not in the
And so, with all the Angels treasure Ć which contains all the riches of your kindness and
and Saints, we praise you, as mercy? Ć Where should I knock Ć if not at the door through which
without end we acclaim: God gives himself to us Ć and through which we go to God? Ć I
All –Holy, holy, holy . . . have recourse to you, Heart of Jesus. Ć In you I find consolation
when afflicted, Ć protection when persecuted, Ć strength when
Memorial Acclamation burdened with trials, Ć and light in doubt and darkness.
P –The mystery of faith! Dear Jesus, I firmly believe Ć that you can grant me the grace
All –We proclaim your Death, I implore, Ć even though it should require a miracle. Ć You have
O Lord, and profess your only to will it, Ć and my prayer will be granted. Ć I admit that I
Resurrection until you come am most unworthy of your favors, Ć but this is not a reason for
again! me to be discouraged. Ć You are the God of mercy Ć and you
will not refuse a contrite heart. Ć Cast upon me a look of mercy,
I beg of you, Ć and your kind heart will find in my miseries and
weaknesses Ć a reason for granting my prayer.
O Sacred Heart, Ć whatever may be your decision with regard
All – Our Father . . . to my request, Ć I will never stop adoring, loving, praising, and
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . serving you. Ć My Jesus, be pleased to accept this my act of
All –For the kingdom, the perfect resignation Ć to the decrees of your adorable heart Ć
power, and the glory are which I sincerely desire may be fulfilled Ć in and by me and by
yours, now and for ever!
all your creatures for ever.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Ć I know that there is but one thing
Sign of Peace
impossible to you: Ć to be without pity for those who are suf-
Breaking of the Bread fering or in distress. Ć Look upon me, I beg of you, dear Jesus,
All – Lamb of God . . . Ć and grant me the grace for which I humbly implore you Ć
through the Immaculate Heart of your most sorrowful Mother.
Communion Ć You have entrusted me to her as her child, Ć and her prayers
P –Behold the Lamb of God, are all-powerful with you. Ć Amen!

First Friday
• Jess P. Balon

I t seems an established fact that the majority of

those who concentrate only on earthly values (those
we call the “unbelievers”) are more enterprising than
intelligence, creativity, strength, . . . to take care of His
creation! They professed that Jesus Christ has given his
disciples the mission to proclaim the Good News of the
those who profess to believe in God and in the afterlife. Kingdom, and to make this Good News a reality. Too
The only plausible explanation for such a “cont rast” much of these wonderful assets were left dormant, for
is that many of the so-called “children of the light” (the too long a stretch of centuries!
believers) have failed to appreciate the relationship
There have been exceptions, of course. Numer-
existing between this world and the world to come. They
have failed to understand that the Kingdom of God ous saints of active life and missionaries have always
is in the making already now, and that all Christian been in the forefront in the building up of the Kingdom
believers are the laborers sent by God to work in it not only in the hearts of the individuals, but also in their
and make it grow as fast as possible and as best as own society. Their enterprise, ingenuity, dedication, and
can be. perseverance have been monumental, amazing, and
It is most unfortunate that many generations of often heroic. But saints and missionaries have always
Christians, for centuries, have viewed their lives on earth been far too few.
only as a sort of “waiting room” before entering eternal Thank God, after Vatican II and, here in the Philip-
life, and that they concentrated almost exclusively on pines, after PCP II, we have rediscovered that every
the salvation of “their soul,” and the souls of others. The Christian believer is expected to be “leaven,” “salt
dimension of commitment to the promotion of tempo-
of the earth,” and “light of the world.”
ral and human values as part of the earthly stage of
God’s Kingdom was mostly neglected. We are called to be as clever and enterprising
God’s help and providence was all too easily in the pursuit of the wonderful goal of building up
called in to make up for one’s lack of vision, foresight, God’s Kingdom as the “unbelievers” do their best
enterprise, determination . . . . God was expected to in pursuing their worldly objectives. This is our chal-
straighten up too many crooked lines; to complete too lenge today. It is also an urgent appeal, for there is so
many unfinished projects . . . . And yet those Chris- much to do, so much negligence of the past to make
tians professed to believe that God has given men up for.

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