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Experiment bread & noodles


Matrix Number : 2019409608

Class : AS116 3A


1.What are the functions of yeast and other ingredients in bread making ?


-Bakers’s Yeast is the common name for the strains at yeast commonly used in baking bread and
bakery producs,serving as a leavening agent which causes the bread to rise by converting the
fermenable sugars present in dough into carbon dioxide and alcohol.


-Eggs make yeast breads finer and richer,help provide color,volume and also bind the ingredients
together.Occasionaly only egg yolk is added to dough for more tenderness.

iii)Warm water

-Water temperature will have a direct effect on the final dough temperature.Logically,cold
temperature will generate a cooler temperature while warm water will create warmer dough


-Sugar comes in many formsand has important functions in bread making .Sugar provides food for
yeast,which converts it to carbon dioxide and alcohol.Sugar enhanced bread flavour and gives the
crust golden colour.

2.List the factors that affect the quality of the bread.


-Flour that has high protein content is used to make a good bread.A gluten is formed when flour is
mixed with water .This gluten will have an influence in holding the forming of carbon dioxide gas in
the dough during the fermentation by yeast.


-Water is used as a dissolve agent and distributes the other materials in dough to be well blended
and also controlling the structure of dough.


-Each type of sugars has a different degree of sweetness.Sugar in bread making is used as a food for
yeast.The remaining sugar after being used will be an influence factor in the process caramelization
during roasting and also contributing in the forming of browncolour in the bread.

3.What is the percentage of protein in high-protein flour and all-purpose flour

-All-purpose flour contain 10-12% of protein

-High-protein flour contain 16% of protein


Process of Making Noodles

Process of Making Instant Noodles

Process of Making Pasta


1.What are the factors that affect the qualities of noodles


-Each noodles type has its own unique colour and texture characteristics .Flour color,protein content
,ash content,yellow pigment and polyphenol oxidase activity are important factors responsible for
noodle colours.


-Important on determining the texture of cooked noodles

2.Percentage of protein in high-protein flour and all purpose protein

-All-purpose flour contain 11.7% of protein

-High-protein flour contain 14% of protein

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