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Miracle Creek Christmas by Krista Jensen – Book Review – 5 out of 5 stars

In this charming Christmas romance about a city girl who moves to a small town, you will find
more than just a love story. Miracle Creek Christmas is about healing, learning to trust, and
finding friendship even in the darkest of times. This message is best conveyed by the characters,
who are both relatable and captivating.
Riley, the protagonist, lives in Los Angeles as an art teacher until her celebrity boyfriend
publicly breaks her heart. This leaves her distrusting and private, prompting her to escape from
city life to a small town. Meanwhile Mark, a firefighter beloved by his small town, is severely
injured while saving children from a burning building. During his recovery, his fiancé leaves him
when he needs her most.
Both characters demonstrate superhuman perseverance while falling to the same follies in their
own unique ways. Having both been betrayed, they retreat into themselves, finding it difficult to
trust or make any connections. Their struggles make them relatable, while their virtues make
them admirable. Both are characters you will root for—Riley for her strength and Mark for his
compassion. You will find yourself cheering for their successes as though they were your own.
Another great aspect of this book is the setting. The fictional town of Miracle Creek offers a cozy
world to fall into. The author’s descriptions and portrayal of a small-town Christmas make you
want to curl up by a warm fire with a cup of something steaming. Meanwhile, you will devour
the story without even realizing.
As with every good romance, there is also tension. While Riley and Mark begin their journey of
healing and self-discovery together, another man pursues Riley romantically. He not only brings
suspense and conflict into the story, but acts as a foil for our hero. Where he pressures Riley for
romance in a time when she needs space, Mark treasures her friendship. When their friendship
starts to blossom into something more, it is natural, realistic, and satisfying.
Miracle Creek Christmas is the perfect story to curl up with this holiday season. From start to
finish, you will find yourself transported from the bustle of your own life into the quaint streets
of Miracle Creek. Read it for the sweet romance, and stay for the heartwarming message of
acceptance, trust, and love. This book brings the holidays a warmth we all crave.

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