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1. Why do you open an account in Islami Bank?

A. Business transaction
B. High profit sharing rate
C. Halal banking system
D. Nearest Branch
E. Work in an organization related with Islami Bank

2. What kind of account do you have?

A. Current Account
B. Savings Account
C. Fixed Deposit

3. What do you do for living ?

A. Service Holder
B. Business man
C. Doctor
D. Teacher
E. Engineer
F. Politician
G. Others

4. Did you pay the income tax last year properly?

A. Yes
B. No

5. When did you open the account in Islami Bank?

A. This year
B. Last year
C. 2-4 years ago
D. 5 years or above

6. In which branch you opened the account?

A. Urban branch
B. Rural branch

7. Do you deposit money in your account?

A. Cash
B. Chaque
C. Money transfer
D. Deposit by office/organization

8. How frequently you deposit money in your account?

A. Every month
B. Quarterly
C. Yearly
D. Others

9. How frequently you withdraw money from your account ?

A. Every month
B. Quarterly
C. Yearly
D. Others

10. How much you deposit in your account every month?

A. 5,000-25,000 TK
B. 26,000-50,000 TK
C. 50,000-1,00,000 TK
D. More than 1,00,000 TK

11. How much you withdraw from your account every month
A. 5,000-25,000 TK
B. 26,000-50,000 TK
C. 50,000-1,00,000 TK
D. More than 1,00,000 TK

12. On the basis of sariah law, there is a difference between standard banking and Islamic
A. Do not agree
B. Agree
C. Moderately agree
D. Strongly agree

13. What do u think having FDR's, savings accounts, savings certificate in other banks are?
A. Sins
B. Necessity
C. Peoples freedom of choice
D. Way to additional income

14. Why lots of people are devoted to Islamic bank?

A. For the Islamic tag
B. Actual halal banking
C. Jamayat oriented bank
D. I don't know

15. Does it feel embarrassing sometimes doing transaction in Islamic bank?

A. Yes
B. No

16. You feel good doing banking in Islamic bank because

A. They are technology based
B. Related to Islam
C. Lean and flexible
D. Differentiations in offerings
E. I don't feel good

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