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Rijad Buljubašić III-3

Tom and the enchanted car

Tom and his friend Albert were juvenile wizards who needed to return to wizarding
school after the school holidays.They were best friends despite the fact that Albert
was two years older than Tom.The school was in Hogwarts and it could be reached
by a magic train that was not visible to ordinary people, but to magicians.

However, Harry and Albert were late for the train.Since they had to get to school on
time, they decided to borrow a car from Albert’s parents.The car was enchanted and
they could fly to school with it, accompanying from the air a magic train traveling
towards Hogwarts.

Tom and Albert somehow managed to start the car and take off.Soon the whole of
London remained below them, and they flew above the fluffy, white clouds.They
enjoyed, laughed and ate caramel candy.They regularly descended under the clouds
to follow where the magic train was going.However, this ride lasted for several
hours, until the night itself, and the young wizards stopped enjoying the flight and
had nothing to drink.Tom recalled how he used to be able to buy ice pumpkin juice
on a magic train and quench his thirst.They were silent and flew through the dark
sky.They pretended not to hear the engine of the enchanted car coughing.

Suddenly they saw towers of Hogwarts Castle in the distance.Just when they were
hoping that their journey would end successfully, the engine stopped working.The
car began to fall abruptly towards the ground and with all its force hit straight into a
thick tree.Tom and Albert were clotted, and Albert's magic wand was completely
broken.However, their accidents did not end there either.The tree they hit started
hitting the enchanted car violently with its branches.Just as the boys thought they
were going to get hurt, the car's engine suddenly started.They rushed back and
pulled themselves out of the tree that was still attacking them.That is how Tom and
his friend Albert got out of trouble this time.

All in all, they are naughty guys who won't be many in the world.This experience
remained in their memory for a long time.Now when they are adults this can only
leave them with one fond childhood memory.

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