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Write An article (100 – 130 words) for a

school or college magazine about the

vegetarian lifestyle.

Say what kind of Lots of protein –

foods vegetarians lentils, black beans.
need to eat. Amount of protein
needed per day.
Explain why some They have fewer
people become health problems than
vegetarians. meat eaters.
It is better for the
They are animal
Discuss the problems Not much choice on
of being vegetarian. restaurant menus
apart from salads.
Shopping takes a long
time – vegetarians
have to look at all
the food labels very
Difficult to eat at a
friend’s house.
Hard to find
vegetarian fast food.

Listening Task 1 Tea

Task 2
1. “You´re going to hear a short talk about a person”: ANSEL ADAMS, A PHOTOGRAPHER.

1. He was born in 1902.

2. He was born in a house near the beach.
3. When he was a child he was interested in music.
4. His first ambition was to become a piano player.
5. He got his first camera when he was 14.
6. His most famous pictures are of mountains.
7. He sold his first pictures in New York.
8. He wrote books to teach people how to take photos.
9. When he was older he helped to protect nature.

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