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CHAO MUNG Chao ming Quy khch dén véi cain h6 Him Lam Riverside! Ching ti chan thanh cam on Quy Khdch hang tn tudng va lua chon Khu cén hé Him Lam Riverside dé lam not an cut ‘Nh dim bo chit lvomg phuc wu va tao du kién thuin Io cho Quy khiich trong vie sttdung céc dich vu tn ich cling nhu hidu ro han vé cdc quy dinh tai Khu cén hg, ching téi phat hah aquyén s6 tay ndy a cung cdp nbing thong tin cn hiet va hit dung cho Quy khdch hang. Kinh chtic Quy khdch tan hung mét cube s6ng thu su thodi mdi, tién nghi va Lam Riverside. Tran trong. Ban Qué ly Khu cam hé Him Lara Riverside. WELCOME Welcome to Him Lam Riverside! We are deeply grateful that you have chosen Him Lam Riverside Buidings for your housing decisions. Inorder to secure qualified services and make it easy for you to use the utility sevces as well as understand about the regulations of Him Lam Riverside Buildings. We Issued the handbooks that provide you with very useful and helpful information We hope that you will enjoy your life here with a comfortable, convenient and modern apartment. Sincerely. The Management Board of Him Lam Riverside Buildings. MUC LUC Cura ert I. Lam quen véi ngGi nha mi cua ban IV. NOi Quy Khu can hé Him Lam Riverside Ding ky tam trd tam ving 04 Béi véikhdch dén thm 06 Anninh 04 Baoquantaisincéngcéng 06 Bien OF Stachifacinhd 06 Nuée 05 Baové anninh tratty 07 Truyénhinhcép 05 An toan phing chdy chita chdy 08 Internet, Dién thoai 05 Vé sinh méitrudng va cénh quan Khucén hd 09 Vésinh céngcong 05 Sitdung thang may va thang bd 09 Diuxe 05 Quydinh djuxe 10 Gi vdi cd nhan, t6 chic bén ngoailam dich vu 10 Thanh toancéckhoan phi 10 6 Tay Khach Hang Khu Con H9 Him Lam Riverside 01 I. TRUNG TAM DICH VU KHACH HANG IL. NHUONG THONG TIN HOU ICH Trung tam dich vukhach hang mang lai cho Quy cu dan sinh sng tai Khu cin ho toan bo nhiing dich vu tign ich nhu chim séc khach hang, an ninh, vé sinh, bao ti, bao duting,.... gop phn nang cao di séng cia mai cv dan. 1, Ban Quan ly Khu can hé Him Lam Riverside (BOL KCH HLRS) ~ Dia chi: Tang trét, Khu thong mai. ~ Dién thoai: (08) 62 672 672 - Gidlam vige *Thit Hai dén Thi Sdu: Ti 8°00 dén 17°00 (Gidsnghi trua tis 1200 dén 13400). = Tht Bay: Tir8°00 dén 12°00. 2. Van phong Bao vé ~ Dién thoai: (08) 6260 99 22 3.Van phong Gid’xe ~ ign thoai: (08) 6260 99 33 4. Dich vu mign phi ~ Nhan cdc 46 xust va gop feta cu'dan. - Sita chita nhiing hang muc con trong thai han bao hanh. 5. Dich vu phai thanh toan ~ Phi gdixe hai, xe mdy va xe dap (nu c6) duge thanh todn tirngay 01 dén ngay 05 vao du mBi thing, ~ Phi quan ly, tién nuéc sinh hoat, tign sir dung Khi dét va tién thu gom réc dug thanh todn vao true ngay 25 moi thang tai Van phong BQL KCH bing tién mat hoa chuyén khodn vao mat trong nhiing tai khodn sau: ~ Chii Tai Khoan: Cong ty C6 Phan Kinh doanh Dia 6c Him Lam _SéTaikhodn TaiNgan hang 6340 20100 6844 Agribank Nha Be 4500 50000 0113 704.0017 Thanh phé Hé Chi Minh 4521 50000 0113 704.0017 LienViet PostBank — | Phong Giao dich An Dong 4506 50000 0113 704.0010 Phong Giao dich Sai Gon 0071 00073 4037 Vietcombank Thanh phé Hé Chi Minh 1020 10000 629670 Vietinbank Chinhanh 1 0600 59795 417 Sacombank ‘San Giao dich Tp. HOM 0600 17167 408 Binh Tay 6. Cac khoan phi khac ~ Phi sitdung ign, truyén hinh cdp, din thoai ban, intemet, hé bot, phiong tap thé duc, spa va céc dich vu kd, Quy cu dn thanh todn tryc tgp véi nha cung cp dich vy. 02 Sé Tay Khach Hang Khu Cin H Him Lam Riverside anh st Co d6ng Tp.HCM: 113 Cu ha Tp.HCM: 114 Cp citu Tp.HCM: 115 Uy ban Nhan dan Quan 7 ~ Dja chi: 07 Tan Phi, Phuong Tan Phd, Quin 7. ~ Din thoai: (08) 3785 1032 -3785 1032~ Email: Céng an Quan 7 ~ Dia chi: 1366 Huynh Tén Phat, Phuong Phi My, Quan 7. ~ Din thoai: (08) 3785 1410 -3785 1409. Uy ban Nhan dan/Céng an Phung Tan Hung, Quan 7 ~ Dia chi: 703 Trén Xuan Soan, Phuéng Tan Hung, Quan 7. ~ Din thoai: (08) 3771 3778. Cong ty cung cép dién ~ dién lucTan Thuan += Dia chi: 360 C Bén Van Bén, Phuong 1, Quén 4. + ign thoai: (08) 2211 5203 - Email: ang ty cung cp nufic ~ Gngty G6 phan Cipnuéc Nha Be * Bia chi: H2 16 A, KDC Pha My Hung, Dai LO Nguyén Van Linh, .Tan Phong, Quan 7 * Dign thoai: (08) 5412 2499 - Fax: (08) 5412 2500. 6 Tay Khach Hang Khu Can H5 Him Lam Riverside 03 IIL. LAM QUEN VG1 CAN NHA MGI.CUA BAN IIL LAM QUEN VOl CAN NHA MGI. CUA BAN 1. Khai bao tam trd, tam ving 1.1.8i véinguti Vigt Nam Cac bude ding ky * Budc 1: MBicu'dan cin cung cép dy at nhiing gidyt8 cin thiét sau day » 01 (mbt) tém 4nh 3em x dem hodc dem x6em. » 01 (mot) bin sao Ching minh Nhan dan. » 01 (mbt) bin sao SB khdu. » 01 (mt) ban sao Gidy khai sinh cia em bé (néu cé). » 01 (mbt) bin sao Hop dng mua bain can ho. + Buéc 2: Lign hé Vin phong Ban Quan ly && dude hung dn va nhan céc méu gidy tssau: » Ban khal nhan kh, » Phigu béo thay di nhén Khu, ho khdu. » Don xin xicnhén attri thyc té 1.2.D6i véinguti nude ngot, Viet Kigu Chit hd c6 ngudi nuéc ngodi, Vit Kiéu én tam tr hog thue cin ho thi phi chiu tréch nhiém thy hign vige ding kj, khai bao tam tri cho ngudi nuéc ngodi, Viet Kiéu 6 cin ho minh. Béng thei, phdi ding kj lai Khi het thoi han tam tr Cécbuée ding by: * Budc 1: dan mang theo déy di nhimng gi to én thigt sau day » 01 (mbt) bin sao H6 chiéu. » 01 (mdt) bin sao thi thuc nhdp can (con goi a Visa) con han lu tra tai Vigt am. » 01 (mbt) tokehai Hi Quan, » OF (ot) thé tam ti (thé xanh) tai Viet Nam (nu 6). + Budc 2:Lign hé Vin phong Ban Quan ly @ dvgc huéng dn va nhan céc mau gidy tosau: » Ban khai nn khiu. » Phigu béo thay di nhén Khu, ho khdu. 2. An ninh ~ Bao vé cé mat 24/24 gid va tuan tra ba lén méidém. ~ Géng an va dan phing sé tudn tra vao ban dém dé duy ti them an ninh trat tu cong cong cho khu vue. Ben dutsng disc thip séng ti 18'30 - 5°30, ~ Tuy lyclugng Bio vé ludn tac try 24/24 nhung khing thé dém bdo 100% su’ an todn cho taisin va tinh mang alla Quy cu dan, vivay BOL khuyén céo tt c& cu dn luén cin than, cinh gidc va cin thong bio ngay cho BOL hod luclugg Bao vé kh thy 6 trudng hap nguy cép hay kha nghi. ~ BQL valu lugng Bao vé khong chiu tréch nhiém cho nhing mat mat, thi hai xdy ra ben ngoai Khu cin ho. 3. ign ~ Gong ty cung cp dign cho KCH la CEng ty aién luc Tan Thuan. ~ Trong tring hop cé bt ky tinh hudng nao vé dién, Quy cu dan vui long lin hé 6 dién thoai (08) 2211 5203 ~ 1900.54 5454 dé dugc hudng dn. 04 S6 Tay Khach Hang Khu Can HG Him Lam Riverside = Trung hap mat dign IuGi, may phat dién sé cung cép den cho nhiing Khu vuc cong cGng bao gém hanb lang, thang may va didn chiguséng khudn vin KCH. 4. Nude Cong ty cung cép nude cho KCH I Cong ty C6 phén cp nude Nha BE. ~ Khi cé tinh hung khan cp ndo vé néc hoi béo hu hdng, Quy cut dn vui long lén héT6 kj thuat tai KCH dé hip thi xt. + Hung dan ding kj dinh mdcnuéc sinh hoa 4.1. 6 vi cud c6 ho khau thuéng tr tai Thanh phé Hé Chi Minh + Budc 1: Khai béo tam tr, tam ving. * Bude: 01 (mét) ban sao $6 h khéu thudng ti taiThanh phé Hé Chi Minh (C6 ching thy va trong thai han 03 thang). * Budc3: Cr dan mang tt cd hé so @3 thuchién tal budc 1 & bude 2 cung cdp cho Van Phidng BOL KCH. BOL sé nop hé soca cu dan dén CEng ty CP cp nud Nha Be va théng bdo cho cu dn trong thdigian ti mat én hai thang. 4.2. Déi vi cudan khéng c6 ho khdu tai Thanh pho Hé Chi Minh * Cardan phi dng ky cp $8 tam trd (con oi fa KT3). Ghichi: Cdén vui lng lién hé Vin phing Ban Quai ly d8 duoc hung dein thé. 5. Truyén hinh cp ~ Quy cu dan c6 nf cdu lap 4at truyén hinh cép, vui long lién hé Trung tam lp dat truyén hinh cép Viettel tai Quan?. ~ Bin thoai: (08) 6270 3072 6. Internet, Dign thoai ~ Quy cu'dan c6 nhu cu lip dat internet, dign thoai bin, vu ing lin hé Chi nhanh Vien théng Vitel tai Quan 7. thoai: (08) 6278 9003 7.Né sinh céngcong - Bon vi quan i cung cp dich vu vé sinh cho nhitng khu vuc cing cong. ~ Quy cu'dan vi ng bé réc gon gang vao bao va bb vo thing rc duac Atta noi quy dinh tong KCH. 8. Dauxe 8.1. Bing ky gitixe * Budc 1: Ca'dan lign h8 Van phing BQL a8 nhan phiéu dang kj gli xe va dién thdng tin v2o phiu theo quy 4inh. Phigu dug fp thanh 02 (hai ban, 01 (mat) ban bao vé lau va 01 (mt) ban cén lai dug uu tai Van phong BOL. + Budc2: an phing BOL sé cép cho cu dan thé gitxe theo quy dinh cia KCH ké ty ngay cu dan dang ky gi xe. 8.2, Bing ky hy gli xe + Budc 1: Cdn lidn hé Van phong BOL dé nihan phiéu hiy gii'xe va dién théng tin vao phiéu theo quy dinh, Phiéu dugc ap thanh 02 (hai) ban, 01 (mét) ban bdo vé hau va O1 (mt) ban con fai dugc Luu tai Van phiong BOL. + Buc: BOL KCH sé tién han hay b thé xe cia cu dém ké ty ngiy cu din ding ky hay gi xe. Sé Tay Khach Hang Khu Can 43 Him Lam Riverside 05 IV. NOI QUY KHU CAN HO HIM LAM RIVERSIDE IV. NOI QUY KHU CAN HO HIM LAM RIVERSIDE 1. Déi vei khach dén tham 1.1 .Nghiém chinh chap hanh cac quy dinh cita KCH va tuan theo sy hung dan cla BOL va nhan vign bao vé KCH. 11.2. Khach dén lign hé hay thim viéng hd gia dinh sng trong KCH phai xuat trinh gidy ta ty than (CMD, hd chiéu. ..) va tuan thi theo huéng dn cila nhan vién Bao vé KCH tai tng trét. Quy khach chi duoc lén cin 1b Khi chit hd xac nhan dén khdch va xudng tng trét dé dua khach [én cir hé. Trong truting hap chit hd Kehdng thé tryc tiép don khch, vui long lién hé VP BQL dé duigc huéng dan them. 1.3. D5ye dting noi quy dinh, khéng né méy bm cdi trong nha ye. 1.4. Cém xa rac, khac nhé bifa bai va gay én ao lam mit an ninh tatty KCH. 1.5. Khch dén lién he, thm h6 gia dinh trong KCH khéng duce c6 mii bia, uu, say xin hodc khong tinh téo. Biové KCH néu thay khach cé hin tudng tién cé quyén tir chdi khéng gidi quyét cho vio KCH. 2. Bao quan tai san cong céng 2.1. Chm quing céo, viét, vé trai quy dinh phia mat ngoai can ho hodc tai céc khu vuc cong cOng cia KCH. Khong ude thay a6ithiét ké, két cu cita phén sBhifu riéng (xy tvong ngan len matsan, di chuyén céctrang thiet biva hé théng kj thuat gn vei phén sé hitu chung, duc ph cdn h6 va col ndi din tich duéi moi hinh thiic). 2.2. Gam sitdung hodc cho ngudi khacsitdung phan si hitu siéng trai vai muc dich quy dinh. 2.3. Cém thao dg, di doi hoac lam hurhéng céc trang thiét bi ky thuat dé lap dat tai KCH nim phucvu tign ich chung gdm: Thang méy, hé théng PCCC, hé théng chiéu séng, hé théng cp thost nuéc, hé théng khi dt, hé théng camera, hé théng dién thoai, Khuyéch daiséng dién thoai, cap truyén hinh, hé thong ly nude thai va cc bign bao. Moi vigcstachifa céchang muc cong cong phai dude si’déngj cia Don vi Quan ly KCH. 2.4. Cém nguai khing cé tréch nhiém mi ala céc gaine kj thudt (Aién, nuéc, PCC, khi dat, cp quang dién thoai, intemet va cap truyén hinh, ...v..V..). 2.5. Cdm sit dung céc 6 cém dign noi cong cng phuc vu sinh hoat cho cé nbn. 2.6. Khdng bé vao toilet nhithg 6 vat khé phan hity 6 thé lam tacnghén céc duténg dng thost nvéc. 2.7. Nguoi nao gay ra mat mat hodc hw héng tai san cong cong phai chiu trich nhiém bi thung thiet hai ho’c xifly theo Phap ludt néu cé pha hoai. 3. Sita chifa can ho 3.1. Khong tury thay d6i cdc thiét bi he théng dién, cp thodt nuéc, PCCC, khi dét da dudc fp dat sin trong can hd. 3.2. Khéng duige tu’y thay Gi két cfu va kién tric mat ngoai cia can hd. 3.3. Khong dugc dap pha vich tung hodc pha d6 gach lst nén toilet va gach nén ban cong. 3.4. Khing diac thdng vach giita hai cin hd lién ké nhau. 3.5. Khong dugc thay 46i kiéu mau, mau son cifa di chin vao can hé va cdc cla khac (cifa s6, ata di ban céng). 3.6. Khong duigc thay di vich mat ngoai can h6, mau son mat tuong ngoai cla cin h6 va lan can ban cong. 3.7. Gam thi cing stia chifa can hé ho’c trang tri ndi that gay tiéng én anh hutdng sttc khde cu dan khic trong gi nghi trva ti12'00 dn 13'30, vo budi téi sau 18°00 va vao céc ngay nghi theo quy dinh. 3.8. Moi vigc sia chita can hd hay lap dat thém ca thiét bicé anh huding dén my quan va két clu cha cin hd du pphai duidc thong bao va chi tién hanh khi nhan dgc su chap thuan ciia BOL. Béng thai, vigc sia chifa phai tuan thi theo dling su huéng dan cla BQL ciing nhurndi quy chung. Lita Y: Quy av din vu long tham khdo chitiét tai Phy luc quy din vé th cing sitachita, trang tri ndithdt can hé. 4, Baové an ninh trat tu 4.1. Moi trudmg hop van chun ti si ra khdi KCH phai chit xéc nhin Khai bio cho Bio v ghi sé tructheodai. 4.2. Cim giy g6 Aan nhau, gay tigng én, tu tap déng nguéi lam anh hung dén an ninh trit ty tai KCH. 43, Cém kinh doanh dich vu gay én ao, 6 nhiém moi trudng va vi pham Phap luat nhurnha hang, karaoke, vi truding, cibac, mai dim, ma tly, hanh nghé mé tin di doan, tang trang lau, sta chifa xe may, 6t6, lo md gia stic, gia cim, v...\.. 4.4, Cim kinh doanh cécnganh nghé va céc loai hang héa dé gay chdy nd nhurkinh doanh han ign, gié 4, khi dé, 1nd va cécnganh nghé gay nguy hiém kha. 4,5, Cam mé nguén am thanh qua lon ho’c gay tigng én 2o am khé chiu va qudy réy nhiing cudan khéc. 4.6. Cémtu tpn ung gay én ao dndicéng céng nhurhanh lang, via he, thang b6 va sin wud. 4.7. Gm dilai, sinh hoat trén san thudng KCH (ngoai tri tru@ng hdp dac biét c6 sy ding j ciia BOL KCH). 4.8. Trwtng hop khach thué can h6 hod tam tr dai ngay hod khdch 6 lai qua dém pha khaibéo cho BOL hoa bao vé KCH @€ huéng dan lam thi tuc ding ky“tam tra’ v6i chinh quyén dia phudng theo quy ainh ciia Phép luat. 4.9. Khéng duige mang vit khi, hung khi, céc chat dé gay chéy, né, cic chat Ac hai, gia sc, gia cém va thi nh vao KCH. 4.10. Quy curdan va khéch hang sirdung céc dich vy tin ch nhu hé bei, phdng tép thé duc, spa, .v.v..phai tuan thii ding néi quy chung. 4.11. Cam ding nude cia khu vuc cong cng vaomuc dich cé nhan (nhritaye...). 05 $6 Tay Khach Hang Khu Can HG Him Lam Riverside SéTay Khach Hang Khu Cin Hb Him Lam Riverside 07 IV. NOI QUY KHU CAN HO HIM LAM RIVERSIDE IV. NOI QUY KHU CAN HO HIM LAM RIVERSIDE 5. An toan phong chay chita chay 5.1. Céché gia dinh ké cd khéch vigng thm phi c6 nghia vu tuan thi luat PCCC. 5.2. Phai km tra khéa nudcva tat nguén phat nhiet (bép, lo via, ban di dign, phich nu...) trude Kh ra khdi cdn hd. Ki divng di ngay nén ngft chu dao dién, tét bép, kha van kh dt va khéa van nue. 5.3. Khing ding dy dign cim truc tigp vio 6 c&m. 5.4. Khong 46 vat dung gin céu dao, bang din va dung day din dign. 5.5. Khong si7dung binh gas dé ndu dn trong cin ha 5.6. Khing 4é céc chung ngai vat trén cic 6d ai va céu thang that hiém. 5.1. Phung tien dung cu chilachay phii d@ noi d& thay, d& lay va kh6ng ai duce str dung vao vic kh. 5.8. Cém sit dung nguén phat nhiét va hat thudc tai gn khu vyc Kho gas, nha déxe va trong thang may. 5.9. Cdm tang trt vat igu dé chay né nh xing, ddu, hoa chat gay chdy trong cin hd. 5.10. Cém cau, mag, stidung dign tay tién hod sitdung dign qua ta. 5.11.Cém dét ving ma hoicaing kign dét nhang dén tai hanh lang va thang b6 thot hiém. 5.12. Cém thai tan thudclé qua cia s6va ban cong. 5.13. Cém néu nung tai Khu wc hanb lang cin hd va cau thang b6. 5.14. Khia c6 ap hé théng bao chay tu dong d¢ sia chia cn ho (nu son lai tung, tran nha. ..v.v.) thi pha bio true cho nhan vién kj thuat hodc bdo vé KCH it nhét mot ngay va sau khi hodn tt vie sa chia thi pai béo lai cho BOL KCH dé khai phyc Iai hoat ng cia he théng béo chay. 5.15. GichO dan cutich arc thuc hign dting ni quy vé PCCC. Néu a vi pham nbi quy sé ty miicd6 ma xitly theo quy inh cia Php lust. 5.16. BOL KCH va céc chi hg c trch nhigm phé bign ndi quy nay dn cdc thanh vien trong céc hd dan cing nhit Knéch vigng tha va tro lai tal KCH. 08 $6 Tay Khach Hang Khu Can Hé Him Lam Riverside 6.V@ sinh méi trudng va canh quan KCH 6.1.Cémd récthai, nu thai, khithdi cht d6schai bia bai gdy thm, dot, nhigm moi truong. 6.2. Catdan kting duigc nud gia sic gia cm, thd cénh trong cin hé va khu dn cuvicé thé gay anh hudng dn mi trudng sinh thai cing nhwrsy an to’n cia c&c cudan khéc. 6.3. Rac thai cin h6 phi dudc ba vao bao va cot cht trutickhi cho vao kho réc tai mdi tng cha mdi KCH va tudn theo hugng din sit dung kho rac. 6.4, Cm phéng ué, tidutign bita bai tai cic khui cong cing gay 6 nhiém m6i trv’ng_nhu hanh lang thang bo, thang bthoat higm, phng kj thud, sin vutn, budngtthang may va kho réc. 6.5. CAm thai réc qua cll s6, ban cOng va thang bd. 6.6. Khéng dug st dung nha vé sinh gianh cho khu vu kinh doanh tng tiét. 6.7. Cém vio thang may an uéng lam do ban buéng thang may. 6.8. Khdng phat quin 4o, chén, man va treo vatdung cé nhén....v.v.trén ban cOng, cia s6, clara vao c&n hd. 6.9. Cam treo céc chau kiéng, bang higu quing céo, dan néng may lanh, lui che tim bat, khung sit, dan ang tenva dan phoi 6 .v..v.. pha ngoai lan can cia ban cOng lam mét mj quan KCH va c6thé gay nguy hig: cho ngutti én du 6.10, Gimtreotranh anh, ép phich quiing cdo va bang higu ...v.v. phfavéch ngodi in hé va khu hanh lang, thang may va céu thang bd. 6.11. Khdng dugc thay 46i cia s, cia di ban c6ng, mau son lan can ban céng va mau san vich ngoai can hé. 7. Sit dung thang may va thang bo 7.1. Kbi Quy khaéch hing nhan nha, Ban Quin ly KCH cung cp min phi cho mdi h6 04 (ben) thé tt ding cho thang may. Truéng hgp cu dan c6 nhu cdu st dung them the ti, vui long lgn hé Van phong BOL dé dang ky. 7.2. Khong dug van chuyn ngubi va vatdung qué tai trong quy dinh cla thang my. 7.3, Gim tré em dugi sdutuéivao thang méy mét minh, 7.4, Muén van chuyén vat dung c6 kich thudc lon nhut vat tw sta chia nha cifa, mdy méc va thiét bi phucvu gia inh phai bo cho té bio vé sép xép van hanh thang méy. Mai 6 trong KCH 6.01 thang may ldn ding d€ van chuyén vat dung, 02 thang may nhé phuc w cho vigcdi chuyén trong KCH va 02 thang b9. ich thuéc vat dung 8 van chuyén trong thang méy loai 1.000kg phai dam bdo lot long (kich thuéc t6i da 1,4m x 18m) va thang may 750kg (hich thuedc t6i da 1,3m x 1.4m). Néu qua kich thuté trén va trong lughg wut «qué ti trong ti da cta thang may yéu cdu ho dan va Khach hang sit dung thang bé. 7.5. Khéng van chuyén nhigu hang h6a, vat ligu trang trfndi thét vao gid cao diém lam ket thang méy (budi sing tU 6h30 dén 8h00, budi chiéu tir 16h00 dén 1800). 7.6. Phai hét stc cén than trénh lam tréy xudc mat inox bén trong va ngodi thang méy, cm xd rac, khac nhé trong thang méy. 7.7. Phai glifgin tat tu, vin minh, khong duoc lam én, chen lin x6 dy hay tranh gianh khi i thang may. 7.8. Khéng cho tré con dita gin trong thang méy va khu wc lan cn thang may tai téng trt Khu thutng mai 7.9. Bat Ky vat dung nao lam tac nghén hanh lang va léi thang bé thoat hiém phai duigcdon ngay. Néu bat ky (Quy cur dan nao cé tinh fam sai, BQL sé tién hanh van chuyén tt 8 vat dung cia Quy cw dan ra ngoai sau kh thong béo tric 01 (mat) ngay va Khéng chiu tréch nhigm én bit cho nhiing mat mat ny. Sé Tay Khdch Hang Khu Cin 43 Him Lam Riverside 08 IV. NOI QUY KHU CAN HO HIM LAM RIVERSIDE V.TRUGNG HOP KHAN CAP 8. Noi quy dauxe 8.1. Khong doc sia chifa hoc ra xe Ot, d8 xang va chiét xing trong bai xe. 82. Phaitudn thi hung dn hodcchi thi cianhén vién biové hod ngudi dug BOL chi dinh va 6 xe vio ding Khu we quy inh. 83. Xediing va dé ding vit trong khu vuccho phép ding va 6 xe, Kh6ng dui ding d xe noid hoc lam can rd vie db xe cia ngudi kh. 84, Cécloa xe khOng dude chay,sttdung hog dé Shanh lang cong cing. 85. Nguti la xe phai ud ludn theo doi néiquy ding 6 xe va tudn thi cdc bing béo, tn higu ghi trong baie. 8.6. Chil xe phai chu to’n b6 tréch nhiém d6i v6i tai nan do xe minh gay ra va b6i thudng céchurhéng, thigthat gay a cho nguti, pug tign va tai sn khac do cu thd, bat cin khi van hah xe 8.7. BOL KCH khéng chiu trach nhigm vé cac hu héng, thuong tat, mat mat tai sin hod tai nan gay ra d6i vei phuong tign cla cu dan sitdung ngoai pham vi KCH va phucng tign kh6ng ding ky. vvéi ca nha, t6 chuic bn ngoai lam dich vy 9.1. Khong duoc dén khach tham quan céc cin hd khi chua dugcsu chép thuan ti BOL. 9.2. Muén vao can hd phai dui chai hd xdc nhan tiép khdch hang 9.3. Cém rai t8 roi, buém quang céo..v...v.trong KCH. 9.4, Céc c& nha, t6 chic thué mat bing tai KCH phdi déng ph quan ly, phi sif dung thang may va v8 sinh mdi trudng theo quy dln 10. Thanh toan céc khoan phi 10.1. Phi bao tii phén si hifu chung duidc dng g6p theo din kj (midc phi duce xac dinh theo din tich cla ting cin hd). Phi nay dugc quan Ij riéng va chi duac dng cho vigc sia chifa KCH hing nm. Quy duge tain thu lén thi’ nht truéc khi ban giao cin hO va sau 05 (nm) nam s& déng hang nam theo thong béo cia BOL KCH trén co sé cén di gta ké hoach chi sia chifa KCH trong nim va s6 tign quy bao ti cbn Iai qua cécnam sitdung. 10.2. Chi phi gitixe hoi, xe may va xe dap (néu c6), hd dén phai thanh todn ti ngdy 01 dén ngdy 05 vao dé méithang. 103. Cac hd dan phai thanh todn chi phi dich vy tign Ich cng cBng cho BOL KCH vao méi thang ay thé nb sau: * Tién sitdyng nuécsinh hoat * Tin sit dung khidét( mai thang). * Phi quan ly (bao gém tién dign cong cOng, thang may, chigu sing hanh lang, an ninh, baove va vésinh cing cong). * Phithu gom dc. * Phi gli xe tai KCH (néuc6) * Luu j Tho’ gian thu phi tirgdy 05 den ngaiy 20 cia méi thang. Saw nga thi 20 ci thang, Ban Quan ly Khu cin ‘hd s@ gi thong bdo mc ng hai én, Truding hop cf dén khong déng phi nhumng khéng c6 7 do chinh dng thi Ban Quai I Khu cin hé sé tam ngung cung cd cc dich vu Ké tinge til 25 cla thdng. thé thay di theo thi trung va dvac BOL théng bao bing van ban vao 10 S6 Tay Khach Hang Khu Can HG Him Lam Riverside 1. Thang may gap suo ~ Khi bi ket trong thang méy, cu'dan nén binh tinh, khéng hoang loan la het. ~ An ntit chuéng bdo dng trong thang may. - Lucluong Baové va nhan vién Kj thuat cla Toa nha sé dua Quy cu dan ra ngoai an toan. 2. Chay né tai Khu can hd ~ Tai mai cand sé c6 thiét bi bao khdi, bao nhiét dude két nd tryctiép vai Trung tm bdo chay cia Toa nha. Ngay ki csv’ €6, BOL cing luc lung Bao vé sé c6 mat ngay lip tic dé gidi quydtsu c6. ~ Quy cu'dén cén binh tinh Khi cé hda hogn, nhin chuéng bao déng tai cichanh lang va goi sé 114d€ bio cho luc Iwong ctu héa. ~ Néu dim chay trong tim kiém sodt, ngay lip tc strdung binh chia chay hodc hé thdng chita chay vach tuding 6 chifa lta, Khéng sit dung nudc dé citu héa trong truéng hgp chap dién vi cb thé gay chét nguii do din giat. ~ Néu dm chéy vugt tim kiém soit, ngay lp tc clip cdu dao dién, Kha van gas va thoat hiém ra khdi Khu cin ho bang dung thang bé theo cic bang hu‘éng dn hoac theo sy huéng dan cia nhén vién BOL va nhan vign ctu hé. - TUYET 961 KHONG SU DUNG THANG MAY TRONG TRUONG HOP CHAY NO. = Trong truing hp c6 khdi trong can ho, md ngay céccda s6 trong can hd dé kh thodtra ngodi. Khéng mi cia thang thoat hiém 4é tranh khitran vao khu vic thoat hiér ~ Cli thap ngudi khi thot hiém va ding khan wot trim qua déu dé tranh bi ngat kh6i, ngat he ~ Tuydt d6ikhdng quay trilaicn hé i Iiy 6 dac ki cua théng bdo tir hodc sutcho phep tite quan cfc ning. 3. Ro ri gas ~ Ngay lp tic khéa van gas va thdng béo cho BOL 48 tién hanh kidm tra. ~ Khéng sii dung cdc thiét bi tgo Ifa trong truéng hgp nay. - Mia thong thong 48 khi gas thodt ra ngoai, 4, Mat dién ~ Su c6 mit dign thinh thodng xay ra do su c6 chap dién tai Khu can hé hodc do Cong ty Bign luc tién hanh gidm t8i dé sila chifa hay bao dudng lu6i dign. Ngay khi mét dién, may phat dién du phong sé cung cép din tai mot 6 khu wiecéng cng nhu thang méy, hanh lang, khuén vign ....v.v.. Nhan vién Kj thuat Téa nha sé tién hanh Kiém tra ngay lap tic néu c6 vay ra sure. ~ Néu Cng ty Dién lyctién hanh gidm tdi dé stta chiZa hay bao ducing luvdi dién, BOL sé théng bao truéc cho Ouy ‘a dan it nhat 01 (mét) ngay. ~ BOL khuyén cio Qu cdén nénsit dung dn pin thay vi thi den cly nhm tanh gy rahda hoan trong Khu cin h SéTay Khach Hang Khu Cin H9 Him Lam Riverside 11 VI. CAC DICH VU TIEN ICH VI. CAC DICH VU TIEN (cH 1. Cham sécyté = Trung tam y t€ dy phing Quan 7 = Dja chi: 101 Nguyén ThiThap, Tan Phi, += DT: (08) 3873 1391. ~ Ben vign Viet - Php * Dia chi: 06, Nguyén Luong Bang, PTén Phd, Quan 7. = DT: (08) 5411 3333. ~ Bénh vign Tim Tam Bute + Dia chi 04 Nguyén Luong Bing , PTén Phu, Quan 7. = DT: (08) 5411 0036. . Ngan hang Ngan hang TMCP Buu Dién Lién Vigt Nam Sai Gon + Dja chi: 480C Nguyén Thi Thap, PTan Quy, Quan 7. = DT: (08) 37713771. Ngan hang MCP Buu Dign Lién Vigt Pha Mj Hung + Dia chi: 1443 Khu phé MyTodn 1, Bai l6 Nquyén Vn Linh, PTan Phong, Quan 7. = DT: (08) 54123256. ~ Ngan hang Vietcombank/ Ngén hangVietinbank * Bia chi: 23 Nguyén Hau Tho, PTan Hung, Quan 7 (Tang trét tba nha Sunrise City). Ngan hang Bang A += Bia chi: 595 Nguyén Thi Thip, P.Tn Hung, Quan 7. = BT: (08) 5433 3094, Ngan hing Phuong éng * Bia chi: 252 A Nguyén Thi Thép, BTan Quy, Quan 7. = DT: (08) 3771 1234. Ngan hang Phuong Nam * Bia cil 463A Nguyén Thi Thdp, P.Tan Phong, Quan 7. = DT: (08) 3775 5001 - 3775 5002 - 3775 5003 - 3775 5004. ~ Ngan hang Maritimebank = Bia chi: 561A Nguyén Thi Thap, P.Tén Phong, Quan 7. = 91: (08) 3775 3079 - 3775 3091 - Fax: (08) 3775 3097. - Gléo duc Trung QuécTé Nam Sai Gon (Nha tré, Mau gido,Trudng tiéu hoc), += Bia chi: Bai lb Nguyén Van Linh, PTan Phong, Quan 7. = BT: (08) 5413 0901. Trvdng Mam Non My Phudc += Bia ci: 6/5 Nguyn Cao Nar, KDC Phi Mj Hung, PTan Phong, Quan 7. = DT: (08) 5412.4940 - 5412 0225. 12. SéTay Khach Hang Khu Can HG Him Lam Riverside ~ Truong Tigu Hoc Luong Thé Vinh + Bia chi:$6 12, duang s6 10, P.Tan Kigng, Quan 7. = BT: (08) 3771 7706. ~ Truong Qué TEVSTAR (Tiéu hac Trung hoc cos, Trung hoc phé thong) * Bia chi: Nguyén Hiu Tho, Khu Dan cu Him Lam, PTan Hung, Quan 7. = BT: (08) 6262 6666. = Trung Tigu Hoc-THCS -THPT Nam Sai Gon * ia ch: Nguyén Luong Bang, P.Tan Phi, Quan 7. = BT: (08) 5414 1104. + Tang Dai Hoc Tai Chinh - Marketing * Bia chi 458/3F Nguyén HOUTho, P.Tan Hung, Quan 7. = BT: (08) 3997 0940 - 3997 0941. ~ Trung Dai Hoc Ton Dic Thang = Bia chi:19 Nguyén Hau Tho, .Tan Phong, Quan 7. = DT: (08) 3840 5008. ~ Trwong Bai Hoc Can sat Nh dan * Bia chi Nguyén Hitu Tho, .Tan Phong, Quan 7. = DT: (08) 3878 5042 = Trung Bai Hoc Qué té RMIT * Bia chi: 702 Bai ld Nguyén Vén Linh, PTan Phong, Quin 7. = BI: (08) 3776 1300. Sé Tay Khach Hang Khu Cin 43 Him Lam Riverside 13, VI. CAC DICH VU TIEN ICH 4. Mua sim ~ Sigu thi Mini * Tang trét 16 B, Khu Trung Tam Thuong Mai- Toa nha Him Lam Riverside. ~ Siu thi Lotte Mart * Bia chi: 469 Nguyén Hiiu Tho, PTan Hutng, Quan 7. * BT: (08) 3775 2550. ~ Siu thi Coop mart Nam Sai Gon (Tai khu ph Mj Phusdc) * Dia chi: Bail Nguyén Van Linh, KDC Pha Gia, .Tén Phong, Quan 7. * BT: (08) 412.0084 - 5412 0086 -5412 0087. ~ Trung tim Thuong mai Crescent Mall * Bia chi: 101 Ton Dat Tién, KDC Pha My Hung, P. Tan Phu, Quan 7. + BT: (08) 5413 3333. ~ ChgTan Kigng céch Khu 46 th Tan Hung khong 600m. ~ ChoTan Quy céch khu 46 thi Tan Hung khong 700 m. ~ ChgTan Mj céchkhu 46 thiTan Hung khodng Thm. 5. Dich vu an uéng- cafe ~ Coffee, n u6ng: Téng tet, Khu Trung Tam Thucng Mai -Toa nha Him Lam Riverside. ~ Highlands coffee, Viking-Bufft lu hai sén Han Quéc, Thin nhanh Pizza Hut/ KFC, Banh ngot iéu phép Tous les Jous..~ Siu thi Lotte Mart. ~ Nha hing Thai Express: Téng trét, Toa nha Sunrise City ~ The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf: Trung tam thuong mai Crescent Mall. ~ Nha hang Bing Ling: 436 Nguyén Thi Thdp, P.Tan Quy, Quan 7. ~ Lu D@ 404: 436 Nguyen Thi Thap, P.Tan Phong, Quan 7. ~ L6i man Café: 451 Nguyén ThiThSp, Quan 7. ~ Sun House -Nha hang Café: 198 Lé Vn Luang, P.Tan Hutng, Quin 7. ~ Quén dn San vun S6ng Thuong: 62 Bung 77, Tan Quy, Quin 7. ~ NYDC Cafe - Phi Mj Hung: CR2~ 107 Ton DatTién, Quan 7. 6. Giaitri ~ Rap chiu phim Megastar: Ting 5, Toa nha Parkson Paragon - s6 03 Nguyén Luong Bang, Quin 7. ~ Karaoke Sinh B6i: 450 A Nguyén Thi Thép, P.Tan Phong, Quan 7 ~ Karaoke Mimi 6: 382 Nguyén Thi Thap, P.Tan Phong, Quan 7. ~ Sn béng dé, lign hé: Trung tim phuc vu khach hang Céng ty Pha My Hung ~BT: (08) 54126370 ~ San tap Golf Nam Sai Gon va H6 boi + VitriTrung tm khu 46 thi méi Nam Sai Gon. + BT: (08) 5411 2001 - 5411 2003 ~ San Tennis Nam Sai Gn + Vite: Gh sin tap Golf BAN QUAN LY KHU CAN HO HIM LAM RIVERSIDE 14 $6 Tay Khach Hang Khu Can HG Him Lam Riverside CONTENTS “@ Gi: re I. Convenient places ‘ a y/o RS “1 /AUSefullinformation. X Page 19 IIL. Living in your new home IV. Him Lam Riverside Regulations Temporary residence/absence 20 Visitors 22 Security 20 PublicProperty Preservation 22 Electricity 20 Apartment Repairs 22 Water 21 PublicOrder and Security 23 (able Television 21 FireSafety 24 Internet, Homephone 21 Public Sanitation and Landscape 25 PublicSanitation 21 Elevators and Staitcases 25 Parking 21 Parking Rules 25 Service Providers 26 Payment 26 Customers Handbook of Himiam Riverside Buildings 1 1. CUSTOMERS SERVICE CENTER I. USEFUL INFORMATIONS Customers Service Center provide the residents with all public utilities at the Buildings such as customer care service, security, cleaning, repair, maintenance, orderto enrich your quality of ie. 1. The Management Board of Him Lam Riverside Buildings ~ Address: Ground floor at the Commercial Center. ~ Tek: (08) 62 672.672 ~ Office opening hours: += Monday to Friday: 8.00 arn to 17.00 pm (Lunch break from 12.00 pm to 13,00 pr). * Saturday: 8.00 am to 12.00 pm. 2. Security Office ~ Tek: (08) 6260 99 22 3. Parking Office ~ Tek: (08) 6260 99 33, 4. Free Services ~ Receiving customer's feedbacks and suggestions. ~ Repaiting those items which are under warranty. 5. Service charges ~ The residents have to pay the parking fees from the Ist to the Sth early each month, ~ Apartment management, water, gas, garbage collecting fees should be paid before the 25th each month, you can pay in cash at our Management Board Office or transfer to one of the following accounts: ~ Account Owner: Him Lam Land Corporation 6340 20100 6844 Agribank Nha Be 4500 50000 0113 704.0017 Ho Chi Minh City 4521 50000 0113 704.0017 LienViet PostBank — | An Dong transaction Office 4506 50000 0113 704.0010 Sai Gon transaction Office 0071 00073 4037 Vietcombank Ho Chi Minh Gty 1020 10000 629670 Vietinbank Branch 1 0600 59795 417 ‘Sscumiank HM City transaction Office 0600 17167 408 Binh Tay 6. Other fees ~ Electricity, cable television, homephone, internet, swimming, gym, spa, the residents wil pay to the service providers. 18 Customers Handbook of Hinlam Riverside Bulldings Ho Chi Minh City Police Emergency: 113 Ho Chi Minh City Fire Emergency: 114 Ho Chi Minh City Aid Emergency: 115, People’s Committee of District 7 ~ Address: 07 Tan Phu Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7. ~ Tek: (08) 3785 1032 -3785 1032 - Email: Police Station of District 7 ~ Address: 1366 Huynh Tan Phat Street, Phu My Ward, District 7. ~ Tel (08) 3785 1410-3785 1409. People’s Committee & Police of Tan Hung Ward, District 7 ~ Address: 703 Tran Xuan Soan Street, Tan Hung Ward, District 7. ~ Tek: (08) 3771 3778. Electric supply Company ~ Tan Thuan Power Company + Address: 360 CBen Van Don Street, Ward 1, District 4. * Tel: (08) 2211 5203 - Email: Water supply Company ~ Nha Be water supply Joint Stock Company * Address: H2 block A, Phu My Hung Residence, Nguyen Van Linh Highway, Tan Phong Ward, District 7. Tel: (08) 5412 2499 - Fax : (08) 5412 2500. Customers Handbook of Himiam Riverside Buildings 19 II. LIVING IN YOUR NEW HOME I. LIVING IN YOUR NEW HOME 1. Temporary Residence/ Absence 1.1.Vietnameses Registration Steps: * Step 1: Please take all requited documents as follow » One of your Picture 3cm x dcr or dernx 6 cm. » One copy of your identify card. » One copy of your family register. » One copy of your baby'sirth certificate Ifyes). » One copy of your apartmentsales contract. * Step 2: Please contact the Management Board Office for guidance and receive the fllowing forms: » Demographic register. » Demographic changing notification » Residence confirming letter. 1.2. Foreigners, Vietnamese overseas The landlord or apartment owner have to complete the temporary residence registration for the foreign or Vietnamese oversea tenants and guests. Moreover, they have to register again when itis due. Registration Steps: * Step 1: Please take all required documents as follow: » One copy of your Passport. » One copy of your entry Visa » One Customs Declaration. » One temporary residence Cardin Vietnam If yes). * Step 2: Please contact the Management Board Office for guidance and receive the following forms: » Demographic register. » Demographic changing notification. 2. Security ~ Security guards are on duty 24/24 hours per day and patrol three times a night. ~ Local police and night-watch man patrol the publicplaces atright. ~ Street lights are turned on from 18,30 pmto 5.30 am. ~ Althought the security guards are on duty 24/24 hours per day but we can notassure 100% safety for your life and assets. Therefor, all residents should be careful, alert to possible dangers and inform the security guards or the Management Board immediately ifyou find any urgent or suspicious cases. ~ The Management Board and security guards are not responsible for any loss or damage that happens outside the Buildings. 3. Electrical Service = Tan Thuan power Company supplies electrical power to the buildings. If you need assistance or any queries, please contacts: (08) 2211 5203 - 1900 54 54.54. When the public powergoes out, the electric Generator willsupply power to some public places suchas balconies, elevators and the buldings precinct 4.Water Service Nha Be water supply Jin Stock Company supplies water tothe buildings. In case ofan emergency or report a repay please contact our local technician tear. ~ Guidance onthe registration of water norm: 4.1. The residents who have family register in Ho Chi Min City + Step 1: Completing the temporary residence registration. + Step2:One certified copy of your family register within three months. + Step3: Please collect all the required documents atthe fst tep and second step then send 1o the Management Board Offic. We will submit them to Hha Be water supply Joint Stock Company and inform you of the esuitin one or two months, 42. The residents who don't have faily register in Ho Chi Minh City + Residents have to register forte residence book (KT3). Notes: Please contact the Management Board Office for more instruction. 5.Cable Television Service = Please contact the Vittl Cable enter in District 7. Tal (08) 62703072. 6.Internet/Homephone Service - Please contact the Vettel Telecommunication Branch in District 7, = Tel: (08) 6278 9003, 7. Public Sanitation = We provide sanitation servicesin the buildings public areas. ~ Fubbish shouldbe ted up ina bag and putin the rash bin at every tory. 8.Parking 81. Registration * Step 1: Please contact the Management Board Office to raiser your information and fill out two registration forms (One fr the Management Board Office the other kept inthe Security Office) + Step2:The Management Board will provide parking cad for you (Since you start parking at the buildings). 82. Cancellation = Step 1: Please contact the Management Board Office and il out two cancelation forms (One forthe Management Board Office, the other kept inthe Security Office), + Step 2:The Management Board will cancel your parking (Since you stop parking atthe buildings). 20 Customers Handbook of Himlam Riverside Buildings Customers Handbook of Himiam Riverside Buildings 21 IV. HIM LAM RIVERSIDE REGULATIONS IV. HIM LAM RIVERSIDE REGULATIONS. 1.Visitors 1.1.You have to comply with the buidings regulations and follow the guidance of the Management Board and the security guard. 1.2.\isitors who visit households lvingin the Building have to show their identity papers (suchas identity card, passport, .etc.) to the security guards at the ground floor and observe their instructions. You could be entered only when the landlord confirm to receive you and welcome you at the ground fioor. Ifthe landlord cannot welcome you at that moment, they should contact the Management Board for more directions. 13. You are not allowed to use the hom in the parking lot and only park at the designated places. 114, Littering, spitting and making loud noise are not permitted. 15. The security guards have right to prevent the visitors who have a smell of beer, wine or being drunk from entering the buildings. 2. Public property Preservation 2.1.Writing, drawing and advertising to the outer surface ofthe apartment or the public areas are prohibited. Moreover, youare not allowed to change the design, structure of your private ownership (suchas building walls to the floor, moving equipments, technical systems associated with public ownership and chiseling apartments or enlarging ofthe area). 2.2. You are not permitted to use or let others use your private ownership illegally. 2.3. Dismantling, removing or damaging the technical equipments which were installed in the buidings to serve the public utilities induding elevators, fire systems, lighting systems, water supply systems, gas systems, camera systems, telephone systems, cellular amplifies, television cables, waste water treatment systems and signs are forbidden. All repairs of publicutility systems mustbe informed and approved by the Management Board. 2.4, Access to the technical systems concerning with electricity, water, fre, gas, telephone cable, intemet and cable TV .et. i restricted to managementand maintenace personnel only. 2.5. Donot use public socket for personal activities. 2.6. Do not throw hard decomposed objects tothe toilet that may block the drainage pipes. 2.7. Anyone who causes los or damage to the publicproperty has to pay fr repairs or replacement. In addition, vandalism is legelly responsible for penalties. 3. Apartment Repairs 3.1. Donot change technical systems concerning with power supply, water supply and drainage, fre safety, gas supply which have been installed in apartments. 3.2. Donot change the structure and architectural exterior of the apartment. 3.3. Demolishing the wall or dismantling toilet and bakcony brick baseis not permitted. 3.4 Breaking the wall between two adjacent apartments is forbidden. 355. Donot change patterns, painted color of main door and others such as window and door to balcony. 3.6. Donot change patitions and painted color of exterior wall or banisters. 3.7. Loud and boisterous noise of repairs or decoration is prohibited making from 12.00 pm to 13.30 pm and after 18.00 pm and on Tet holidays, legal holidays. 3.8 Any repairs or installations of additional devices affecting structure, landscape of the apartment must be informed and only conducted after receiving the Management Board approval. Then, all acts must be ensured to follow the Management Board instructions and comply with the regulations of Him lam Riverside Buildings. “Notes: Please find details in the Appendix about apartment repair and interior design. 4. Public Order and Security 4.1.The apartment owner have to inform the security quard about the property removing. 4.2. Arguing, fighting, making noise and gathering are not accepted. 4.3, Donot supply the services which cause noise, pollution or break the law such as karaoke, bars, dance halls, gambling, prostitution, drugs, superstitious practice, smuggling, garage, slaughter-house,...etc.. 4.4, No trading or storing of flammable and explosive commodities relating to welding, rock gas, fuel gas, combustlble materials and so on. 45. Loud and boisterous noise cisturbing other residents not permitted. 4.6. Eating and making noise at some public places lke coridors, pavements, staircases and communal garden isnotallowed. 4.7 There should be no travel or activites atthe terrace except for the Management Board approval. 4.8. The landlord or apartment owner have to inform to the Management Board or the security guard and register at the Local authorities forthe tenants and visitors who stay fora long time or overnight. 4.9, Weapons, dangerous weapons, flammable and explosive substances or material, toxic lid, cates, poultris, pets are not allowed. 4.10. Residents and customers using utility services such as swimming pool, gym, spa, .et...must comply with the communal regulations. 4.11. Do not use public water for private activites lke car/motorbike washing. tc. 22. Customers Handbook of Himlam Riverside Bulkings Customers Handbook of Himiam Riverside Buildings 23 IV. HIM LAM RIVERSIDE REGULATIONS IV. HIM LAM RIVERSIDE REGULATIONS. 5. Fire Safety 51. Residents and visitors have to comply with firefighting and fire prevention regulations. 5.2. Checking water valves and turring off heat equipments such as stove, microwave oven, electric irons, thermos flask .etc. before leaving the apartment. As you go away for a long time, you should lock the power, gas, water valve and tum offheat. 5,3. Donot plug the electric wiring directly o an outlet. 54. Do notlet objects dose to interrupter, beaker widgets and transmission elect wiring. 55. Donotuse gas tank for cooking. 5.6. Donot let the obstades block the walkway and fire exit staircases. 5.1. Fire tools and equipments should be only used for fefighting and let accessible in public areas. 58. Using heat generator and smokingin the elevators or near garage, cs storageare forbidden. 5.9. Storing of flammable materials like gasoline, oil, combustible chemicals in the apartment is strictly prohibited. 5.10. Sharing power by different electric wirings or overloading usage isnot permitted 5.11. Burming votive papers or incense isnot allowed at the lobby and fire eit staircases. 5.12. Donot throw cigarette butts out to the window and balcony. 5.13. Cooking atthe lobby and staircases is not permitted. 5.14.When you need to isolate your fire alarm system to repair your apartment such as painting walls and You must inform the technical staf or security guard at least oneday before repairing. After finishing, you should contactthe Management Board to restore the fire alarm systems. 5.15. The residents have to comply with the fire regulations. Anyone violating the rules willbe legally responst- ble for penalties. 5.16. The Management Board and apartment owner have responsi family members, tenants and visitors. for imparting the regulations to the 24 Customers Handbook of Himlam Riverside Bulldings 6. Public Sanitation and Landscape 6.1. Litter, waste water, exhaust fumes and toxic fluid are strictly prohibited. 6.2, Residents are not allowed to foster livestocks, poultries and pets. 6.3. Rubbish should be tied up in a bag before putting inthe trash bin at every storey and follow waste storage guidelines. 6.4, Defecating and urinating in common areas like hallways, staircases, fre ext staircases, technical room, communal garden, elevators and waste storage are prohibited 6.5. Littering through windows, balconies and staircases i forbidden. 6.6. Do not use public toilet for customers at the Commercial Center. 6.7. No eating in the elevators. 6.8, Hanging clothes, blankets or personal items the balcony, windows and main doors is not accepted, 6.9. Do not hang plants pot, panel, hot cols partof the airconditioner, canvas, steel frame, antenna and frame for hanging lothes,...etc...on the outer of the balcony. 6.10. Do not hang pictures, posters and billboards on the outside of the wall, hallways, elevators and stacases. 6.11. Changing windows, main door, painted color ofbanister and patition isnot permited. 7. Elevators and Staircases 7.1, Asthe customers move in, the Management Board will provide free four elevator cards for per household. If you need to have more, please contact our local Ofice. 7.2. Overloading usage is forbidden. 7.3, Children under six years old are not allowed to enter on their own. 7.4, Residents must inform the security guard before using elevators for transporting building materials, machines and equipments. Each block of the building has two staircases and three elevators, one for transport with 1000 kilogram and the others for customers with 750 kilogram per lift. Maximum cimension for transport elevators is 1.4 metre x 1.8 metre and for customers liftis 1.3 metre x 14 metre. You have to use the staircases if your objects are over that size and weight. 7.5. Do not use elevators for transporting commodities, furniture from 6.30 am to 8,00 am in the morning and from 16.00 pm to 18h00 pm in the afternoon. 7.6. Be carefull not to scratch the stainless steel inside and outside ofthe elevators. Moreover, littering, spitting and smoking are not accepted. 7.7. Do not make noise, scramble or jostle in the elevator. 7.8. Children arent allowed to play in the elevators and those areas around. the ground floor. 7:9. Any objects which obstructthe passagesand fire et stacases shouldbe removed rightaway.Ifno, the Management Beard willinform you one day beforeremmoving all of your objects and we willnotbe responsible forcompensatingaary lossordamage. 8, Parking Rules 8.1.No repaiing or washing vehicles in the parking areas and gas extraction istictly prohibited. Customers Handbook of Himiam Riverside Buildings 25 IV. HIM LAM RIVERSIDE REGULATIONS V. EMERGENCY CASES 7 ct ell 82, Parking ina designated space and complying wit the secuty quards or the managing staffs instructions and directions. 83. Donotimpede the access or movement of other vehicles and stop at the right pace. 8.4 No driving, stopping or leaving the vehicles atthe public walkways. 85. The driver must comply with the parking rules and follow the traffic signs, signalsin the parking lot 8.6. The driver are responsible for any accident and damage cause to other people, vehicles and other property due to your neglect or carelessness. 8,7. The Management Boardis not responsible forthe accident cases happen outside the buildings and unregis- tered vehides. 9. Service Providers 9.1. Your customers can not visit without prior approval by the Management Board. 9.2.You could be entered only when the landlord confirm to receive you. 9.3, Donot etleaflet, poster et...n the buildings. 94 Tenants havetopay for management ies, elevatorusage andeenviramental hygiene charges. 10, Payment 10.1. Residents have to pay the communal maintenance fee periodically. The fee is counted bases on your apartment area andused only for repairs ofthe building. Ths fund is fist started before you move in and the Management Board will give a notice of payment in the balance of spending anually after five year. 10.2. Residents must pay the parking fees from the 1st to the Sth early each month. 10,3. Residents are responsible for paying the utility services such as: * Water usage. * Gas comsume (The price may be changed monthly and will be informed by written notice of the Management Board). * Apartment managementincluding public electricity, elevators, lobby lighting, security, sanitation. * Garbage collecting. + Parking fe (yes. "Notes: These fees must bepaid fom the Sth to the 20th per month. After this date, the Management Board willsend paymentreminder letter to residents twice If there isno reasonable explanation for not paying the fees over the 25th ofthe month, we have to pause your public convenient services. 25, Customers Handbook of Hinlam Riverside Bulldings 1. Elevator Failure ~ Ifyou become trapped in an elvatoy, you should keep calm. - Press the elevator emergency bell. ~ The secutity guards and local technitians wil help you get out. 2. Fire and explosion ~ Each apartment is equipped with fire and heat detectors which connected directly to the Buildings’ fire alarming system.When the alarm is active, the Management Board and security guards will be present at that place immediately. ~ Residents should be calm, press the alarming button atthe lobby and call fire emergency 114. ~ Ifthe fire is under your control, you can use fie extinguisher or fie hose reel. For your life safety, do not use water in any case of electric problems. ~ Ifthe fires out of your contrl, please lock the power and gas valveright away. Then leave the Buildings by fire exit staircases, follow the signals or instructions of the Management Board and aid workers. - DO NOT USE ELEVATOR IN CASE OF FIRE. - If there is smoke in your apartment, you should open windows to letit come out. Do not open the door at the fire exit staircases. ~ Bend down and cover your head witha wet towel to avoid suffocating. ~ Do not come back to your apartment until getting announcement by the Management Board and Fire Fighting Agency. 3.Gas leakage ~ Lock the gas valve immediately and inform the Management Board the problem. - Donotuse any fire lighting tools at that moment. Open the windows to let gas come out. 4, Power cut ~ A power cut is sometimes caused by a powerline felling down or happened due to routine maintenance or repaited by the power company. As the power goes out, the power Generator will provide power to some public places such as elevators, lobbies, precinct, ... If there s a problem, our local technitians will check immediately. - Wevill announce t the notice board at east one day before the power company caries out routine maintenance or repai the power line. ~ You had better use flashlight rather than light candle for fre prevention. Customers Handbook of Himiam Riverside Buildings 27 VI. CONVENIENT PLACES VI. CONVENIENT PLACES 1. Medic Care - Medicare Center * Address: 101 Nguyen ThiTThap Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7. * Tel (08) 38731391. - French Vietnamese Hospital * Address: 06, Nguyen Luong Bang Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7. * Tel (08) 54113333. ~ Tam Duc Heart Hospital + Address: 4 Nguyen Luong Bang Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7. = Tel: (08) 5411 0036 2. Banking Sai Gon South Lien Viet Post Joint Stock Commercial Bank = Address: 480C Nguyen Thi Thap Street, Tan Quy Ward, District 7. * Tel (08) 37713771. Phu My Hung Lien Viet Pst Joint Stock Commercial Bank + Address: 1443 My Toan Quarter, Nguyen Van Linh Highway, Tan Phong Ward, District 7. Tek: (08) 54123256. ~ VietcomBank/VietinBank * Address: 23 Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Tan Hung Ward, District 7 (at the ground floor of Sunrise City Tower). Dong A Bank + Address: 595 Nguyen ThiTThap Street, Tan Hung Ward, District 7. = Tel: (08) 54333094. Phuong Dong Bank * Address: 252 ANguyen ThiThap Street, Tan Quy Ward, District 7. = Tel: (08) 37711234, Phuong Nam Bank * Address: 463A Nguyen Thi Thap Street, Tan Phong Ward, District 7. = Tel: (08) 375 5001 ~3775 5002 -3775 5003-3775 5004, Maritime Bank * Address: 561A Nguyen Thi Thap Street, Tan Phong Ward, District 7. Tel: (08) 3775 3079-3775 3091 - Fax: (08) 3775 3097. - Education Sai Gon South International Schoo! (Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary) + Address: Nguyen Van Linh Highway, Tan Phong Ward, District 7. = Tel: (08) 5413 0901 My Phuoc Kindergarten School + Address: 6/5 Nguyen Cao Nam Street, Phu My Hung Residence, Tan Phong Ward, District 7. = Tel: (08) 5412 4940-54120225. ~ Luong The Vinh Primary School 1 Address: 12, Street 10, Tan Kieng Ward, District 7. * Tet: (08) 37717706. - VSTAR International School (Primary, Secondary, High School) + Address: Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Him Lam Residence, Tan Hung Ward, District 7. * Tet: (08) 6262 6666. ~ Sai Gon Sout International School (Primary, Secondary, High School) * Address: Nguyen Luong Bang Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7. "Tel: (08) 5414 1104. ~ Marketing and Financing University * Address: 458/3F Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Tan Hung Ward, istrict 7. * Tet: (08) 3997 0940- 3997 0941 ~ Ton DucThang University + Address: 19 Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Tan Phong Ward, District 7. * Tel: (08) 3840 5008. ~ People Police University * Address: Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Tan Phong Ward, District 7. * Tel: (08) 3878 5042. ~ RMIT International School * Address: 702 Nguyen Van Linh Highway, Tan Phong Ward, District 7. * Tet: (08) 3776 1300. 4. Shopping ~ Mini Supermarket Address: Ground floor, Block B at the Commercial Center of Him Lam Riverside. ~ Lotte Mart Supermarket = Address: 469 Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Tan Hung Ward, District 7. * Tel: (08) 3775 2550. ~ Sai Gon South Coopmart Supermarket (My Phuoc Quarter) * Address: Nguyen Van Linh Highway, Phu Gia Residence, Tan Phong Ward, District 7. * Tel: (08) 5412 0084-5412 0086-5412 0087. ~ Crescent Mall Commercial Center + Address: 101 Ton DatTTien Street, Phu My Hung Residence, Tan Phu Ward, District 7. Tel: (08) 5413 3333. ~ Tan Kieng Matketis about 600 meter away from Tan Hung Residence. ~ Tan Quy Market is about 700 meter away from Tan Hung Residence. - Tan My Market is about 1 kilometer away from Tan Hung Residence. 28 Customers Handbook of Himlam Riverside Buildings SéTTay Khach Hang Khu Can 43 Him Lam Riverside 29 VI. CONVENIENT PLACES 5. Coffees & Restaurants ~ Coffees, restaurants: Ground floor at the Commercial Center of Him Lam Riverside. ~ Highlands coffe, Viking-Buffet Korean Hotpot, Pizza Hut/ KFC Fastfood, Tous les Jous Bakery... at Lotte Mart Supermarket ~ Thailand Express Restaurant: Ground floor of Sunrise City Tower. ~ The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf: Crescent Mall Commerdal Center. ~ Bang Lang Restaurant + Address: 436 Nguyen Thi Thap Street, Tan Phong Ward, District 7. = 404 goat hotpot Restaurant + Address: 436 Nguyen Thi Thap Street, Tan Phong Ward, District 7. ~ Loi Mon Coffee + Address: 451 Nguyen ThiThap Street, Tan Phong Ward, District 7. ~ Sun House Coffe & Restaurant + Address: 198 Le Van Luong Street, Tan Hung Ward, District 7. ~ Song Thuong Restaurant + Address: 62 Street 77, Tan Quy Ward, District 7. ~ Phu My Hung NYDC Coffee * Address: (R2- 107 Ton Dat Tien Street, District 7. 6. Entertainment ~ Megastar Gnema * Address Fifth floor, Parkson Paragon Building - 03 Nguyen Luong Bang St, District 7. ~ Sin Doi Karaoke * Address: 450 ANguyen ThiThap Street, Tan Phong Ward, District 7 ~ Karaoke Mimi 6 + Address: 382 Nguyen ThiThap Street, Tan Phong Ward, istrict 7 ~ Football Field + Contact: Phu My Hung Customer Service Center. 1 Tel: (08) 54126370. ~ Golf Field and Swimming Pool * Location: Near the Sei Gon South Residence. * Tel: (08) 5411 2001 - 5411 2003. ~ Sai Gon South Tennis Field * Location: Near Gol Field there are four fields with every night ighting system. ‘THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF HIM LAM RIVERSIDE BUILDINGS 30 Customers Handbook of Hinlam Riverside Bulldings at as CONGTY CO PHAN KINH DOANH DIA OC HIM LAM ao 2A, Nguyén Thi Minh Khai, P. Ba Kao, Quan 1, Tp.HCM oN TO DT: (08) 39 110.555 — Fax: (08) 39 110866

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