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History of Borobudur Temple, The Largest Buddhist Heritage in the World

Borobudur Temple is one of the wonders of the world originating from Indonesia. Borobudur
Temple itself is the largest relic of Buddhism in the world. This temple was built around 824 AD
during the time of King Samaratungga of Wangsa Syailendra.

Sequence of Events:
Borobudur Temple is a Buddhist monument which has 504 Buddha statues, 72 open stupas and
1 main stupa. Borobudur Temple has a Gupta architecture that describes the thickness of the
architectural style from India.

UNESCO has recognized Borobudur Temple as one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in
Indonesia and the world and praises its splendor. In its construction, Borobudur Temple took
about 75 years under the command of the architect Gunadarma.

The 60 thousand cubic meters of volcanic rock used for the construction of this temple were
taken from the Elo and Progo rivers which are located about 2 km to the east of the temple. At
the time of construction, there was no known metric system.

In fact, the unit of length used in the making of the temple is tuning which is calculated by
spreading the thumb and middle finger. This measurement method is commonly used to
measure the length of the hair from the forehead to the base of the chin.

Based on the writings written in the Karangtengah and Kahulunan inscriptions, historian J.G. de
Casparis predicts that the founder of Borobudur Temple is Samaratungga.
He is the King of Ancient Mataram from the Syailendra dynasty. Samaratungga began to build
this temple around 824 AD However, this temple was only completed during the time of Ratu
Pramudawardhani, his daughter.

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