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Pasture management, grazing, and fire interact to determine

wetland provisioning in a subtropical agroecosystem

Archbold Biological Station, Venus, Florida 33960 USA
Department of Biology, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida 32833 USA

Citation: Sonnier, G., P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, P. J. Bohlen, J. E. Fauth, D. G. Jenkins, and E. H. Boughton. 2020. Pasture
management, grazing, and fire interact to determine wetland provisioning in a subtropical agroecosystem. Ecosphere 11
(8):e03209. 10.1002/ecs2.3209

Abstract. Wetlands in agroecosystems provide multiple ecosystem services, including provisioning ser-
vices such as forage production. Here, we examine how pasture management intensity (semi-natural pas-
tures vs. highly managed pastures (fertilized, heavily drained, planted with productive grasses), cattle
exclusion (grazed vs. fenced), prescribed fire (burned vs. unburned), and their interactions affect provision-
ing services provided by small, isolated, and seasonally flooded wetlands in subtropical pastures and
rangelands. We used a replicated, full-factorial experiment on 40 seasonally flooded wetlands located in
Florida (USA), and measured standing plant biomass and annual net primary productivity in each wet-
land. Biomass was sorted by species to calculate species abundance of palatable and unpalatable plants.
We used general linear mixed models to evaluate the effect of treatments and their interactions on biomass
quantity, plant tissue nutrients (% C, % N, and % P), and forage nutritive value (using in vitro organic mat-
ter digestibility). Plant standing biomass and productivity were greatest in wetlands embedded in highly
managed pastures, but in grazed wetlands, a large proportion of this biomass was unpalatable to cattle.
Excluding cattle from wetlands in highly managed pastures increased productivity, standing biomass, and
the amount of palatable species (~6.3 t/ha) compared to grazed wetlands (~3.3 t/ha), especially when these
wetlands were also exposed to prescribed fire. Total P in plant tissue was consistently higher in wetlands
within highly managed pastures, but total N responses to treatments varied between years. In vitro
digestibility was higher in vegetation from wetlands within highly managed pastures, but not in fenced
wetlands despite the higher amount of palatable species, suggesting that palatability and digestibility were
decoupled. Subtropical wetlands in agroecosystems provide substantial provisioning services, and our
study suggests that targeted management can increase these services. However, the pasture type surround-
ing a wetland interacts with grazing and fire management to affect provisioning services. We propose that
fencing off selected wetlands (specifically in highly managed pastures) followed by low-intensity grazing
with adequate resting periods could benefit ranchers and have less persistent impacts on this ecosystem.

Key words: aboveground biomass; forage nutritive value; Juncus effusus; Long-Term Agroecosystems Research
Network; palatability; Panicum hemitomon; productivity; seasonal wetlands; wetland management.

Received 18 October 2019; revised 19 April 2020; accepted 29 April 2020; final version received 5 June 2020. Correspond-
ing Editor: Debra P. C. Peters.
Copyright: © 2020 The Authors. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

v 1 August 2020 v Volume 11(8) v Article e03209


INTRODUCTION et al. 2018). Eutrophication in turn may decrease

species diversity, increase biodegradability of
Wetlands occupy only 6–9% of the landscape dissolved organic carbon (Mao et al. 2017), and
worldwide but provide considerable ecosystem increase decomposition through changes in litter
services to human society (Zedler 2003, Zedler quality, thus accelerating nutrient cycling.
and Kercher 2005, Junk et al. 2013), especially for Finally, prescribed fire in pasturelands may also
wetlands embedded within agroecosystems. In modify ecosystem services provided by wetlands
addition to their roles in nutrient cycling, pri- embedded in those pastures. For example,
mary production, and soil formation (i.e., sup- Boughton et al. (2016) found that prescribed fire
porting services), wetland embedded in maintained plant diversity (a supporting service)
agroecosystems provides vital refugia for sensi- in seasonally flooded wetlands where livestock
tive taxa ranging from amphibians to waterfowls were excluded.
(Babbitt et al. 2006, Brasher et al. 2019). Agroe- Drainage, grazing, fertilization, and prescribed
cosystem wetlands also provide important regu- fire are management practices used in combina-
lating services such as nutrient sequestration, tion on wetland-rich subtropical pastures and
flood protection, and water and air purification, rangelands of south-central Florida. In addition,
as well as cultural services. Finally, wetlands can uplands surrounding many wetlands in this
produce a large amount of high-quality forage region have been planted with non-native pro-
for livestock (i.e., provisioning service). For ductive grass species (e.g., Paspalum notatum,
example, 65 small Canadian wetlands provided Bahiagrass). All these management practices
over three times as much forage with 77% higher have resulted in two major pasture types: highly
protein content than the unmanaged grasslands managed pastures (i.e., highly drained, fertilized,
around them (Sankowski et al. 1987). These sup- planted with non-native species, and sustaining
porting, regulating, cultural, and provisioning higher stocking density) and semi-natural pas-
services together represent a large economic tures (i.e., less drainage, no fertilization, little
value (Brander et al. 2013). planting, and lower stocking density). Ranch
Agricultural management practices have managers face challenges when managing pas-
important consequences on functions and ser- tures and rangelands because wetlands comprise
vices provided by wetlands in agroecosystems 15–25% of private grazing lands in Central Flor-
(Gerakis and Kalburtji 1998, Moges et al. 2017). ida. Determining how management practices
For instance, draining wetlands reduces local interact is particularly important because ranch
hydroperiod and water storage capacity at the managers may be more inclined to protect wet-
watershed level (Swain et al. 2013), thus decreas- lands if a particular combination of management
ing water supplies and flooding mitigation practices results in greater amount of more nutri-
(Wamsley et al. 2010). These changes in hydrol- tious forage.
ogy have important consequences on vegetation Here, we used data from a long-term ongoing
and wildlife (Steinman et al. 2003, Moges et al. wetland experiment (Boughton et al. 2016, Ho
2017). Grazing by domestic livestock is another et al. 2018) to investigate the separate and com-
pervasive land use with positive and negative bined effects of pasture management intensity
effects on wetlands (Steinman et al. 2003, Marty (highly managed vs. semi-natural), cattle exclu-
2015, Oles et al. 2017, Bovee et al. 2018). In Aus- sion (by fencing off wetlands), and prescribed
tralia, grazing by livestock reduced supporting fire on wetland provisioning services. In particu-
ecosystem services (i.e., habitat for organisms lar, we investigated forage quantity measured as
and biodiversity) by 20% and regulating ecosys- standing aboveground biomass and productivity,
tem services by 8% across multiple sites forage composition, and forage nutritive value.
(Eldridge and Delgado-Baquerizo 2017). Fertil- We expected productivity, forage nutritive value,
izer application is another agricultural manage- and proportion of palatable species to be (1)
ment practice with critical impacts on wetlands. higher in wetlands within highly managed pas-
The use of fertilizers can increase nutrient run- tures due to greater nutrient levels, (2) higher in
off, driving eutrophication of previously olig- grazed wetlands due to selection for species with
otrophic wetlands (Navr atilova et al. 2017, Rion high relative growth rate, especially in highly

v 2 August 2020 v Volume 11(8) v Article e03209


managed pastures (Cingolani et al. 2005), and (3) were grazed at variable intensity for at least
higher in burned wetlands due to greater soil 75 yr before the start of the experiment.
nutrients and light availability (Knapp and Seast- In 2006, we selected 40 seasonally flooded wet-
edt 1986). In contrast, we expected greatest lands of similar size (1–2 ha) and shape, 20
aboveground (standing) biomass in ungrazed within highly managed pastures, and 20 within
and burned wetlands due to release from cattle semi-natural pastures. Wetlands were grouped
grazing, higher nutrients, and reduced dead bio- into five blocks to account for landscape variabil-
mass following prescribed fire (Knapp and Seast- ity (Kelly et al. 2015, Medley et al. 2015,
edt 1986). We expected higher N and P Boughton et al. 2016, Appendix S1). In early
concentrations in plant tissue in wetlands 2007, 20 wetlands (10 within highly managed
embedded in highly managed pastures due to pastures and 10 within semi-natural pastures)
greater nutrient levels in the wetland soils, as were fenced off to prevent cattle grazing, but not
well as higher N and P concentrations in grazed access by native whitetail deer (Odocoileus virgini-
and burned wetlands. We hypothesized that the anus) or feral pigs (Sus scrofa). In early 2008, 20 of
excluding livestock by fencing off wetlands the 40 wetlands were exposed to prescribed fire
would result in decreasing N availability (>C/N and subsequently burned during the dry season
and <N/P) and that prescribed fire would lower every 2–3 yr depending on burning permit
N availability, especially in ungrazed and burned authorization. This resulted in a 2 9 2 9 2 com-
wetlands due to N-volatilization following fire plete factorial design, where treatments were all
(Blair 1997, Boughton et al. 2018). combinations of management intensity (highly
managed pasture vs. semi-natural), cattle exclo-
MATERIAL AND METHODS sure (grazed vs. fenced), and prescribed fire
(burned vs. unburned). Each of these eight treat-
Study sites and experimental design ments was replicated five times. Note that man-
We studied wetlands on Buck Island Ranch, a agement intensity also implies different stocking
fully operational 4,249-ha cattle ranch located in rates between highly managed (mean 0.52 cow–
south-central Florida (27°090 N, 81°110 W). Buck calf pairs  ha1) and semi-natural pastures
Island Ranch is a cow–calf operation run by (mean 0.28 cow–calf pairs/ha).
Archbold Biological Station. The climate is sub-
tropical humid (Ko €ppen climate classification) Standing biomass, species relative abundance,
with a clear wet season (from May to November) and productivity
and 60% of the 132 cm/yr mean precipitation We harvested standing biomass in each wet-
falling during the summer rainy season. The land at the end of the growing season (October/
ranch has about 600 seasonally flooded wetlands November) annually from 2006 to 2009. We used
of varying size and shape. five 0.25-m2 circular plots to sample biomass in
Ranch pastures were divided into two broad each wetland, stratified by wetland zone (Center,
management types. Highly managed pastures NW, NE, SE, and SW). We selected plot locations
were fertilized annually or semi-annually with randomly and independently each year. In these
NPK from the early 1970s to 1987 (56 kg/ha as five plots, we separated living plant material
NH4SO4 or NH4NO3 and 34–90 kg/ha of P2O5 from dead material (litter and standing dead bio-
and K2O) and are still fertilized semi-annually mass) each year except in 2006. We then sorted
with nitrogen (~56 kg/ha). Highly managed pas- live aboveground biomass by species, clipping
tures were extensively ditched to improve drai- each species at the ground level and placing indi-
nage and heavily seeded with productive and vidual species into separate paper bags. We dried
non-native grass species. Semi-natural pastures biomass samples to constant mass and weighed
were neither fertilized nor heavily seeded with them to determine relative abundance of each
non-native species. Rotational grazing was species in each wetland.
implemented throughout the ranch with on aver- In 2016, we estimated productivity in each
age 2.3 months of rest in highly managed pas- wetland. First, we randomly placed five 0.25-
tures and 6.6 months of rest in semi-natural m2 plots, stratified by wetland zone. We then
pastures. All pastures and embedded wetlands clipped vegetation at the start of the growing

v 3 August 2020 v Volume 11(8) v Article e03209


season (March–April) and placed small exclo- Statistical analyses

sures around each plot to prevent grazing. To test our hypotheses related to biomass
Finally, we harvested vegetation in the plots at quantity, we assessed standing aboveground bio-
the peak growing season (September). Vegeta- mass (2006–2009, dead and live biomass), and
tion was sorted by species, dried to constant productivity (2016) as a function of pasture man-
mass, and weighed. We summed the biomass of agement intensity, cattle exclosure, prescribed
each species in each wetland to obtain total, liv- fire, and their interactions. When possible, we
ing, and dead aboveground biomass (g/m2). We included a covariate to reflect initial conditions
were particularly interested in the biomass of in these wetlands (i.e., prior to cattle exclusion
two common obligate wetland species: the and fire treatments). For example, aboveground
unpalatable common rush Juncus effusus and the biomass recorded in 2006 was a covariate in anal-
palatable and preferred maidencane Panicum yses for aboveground biomass in 2009. We used
hemitomon. linear mixed effects models with block as a ran-
dom intercept term in all analyses and analyzed
Biomass composition and forage nutritive value years separately. To test our hypothesis related to
We classified species in three broad palata- biomass composition and forage nutritive value,
bility classes based on the literature (see we assessed cumulative relative biomass of
Appendix S2 for a list of species and palatability palatable species, digestibility, N, P, and the
class), rancher’s knowledge, and field observa- ratios C/P, C/N, and N/P in biomass as a function
tions (Tweel and Bohlen 2008). Unpalatable of treatments. We again used linear mixed effect
included clear unpalatable species (e.g., J. effusus) models with block as a random intercept term in
or species with low palatability (e.g., Pontederia all analyses and analyzed years separately. To
cordata: pickerelweed). Palatable included species explore relationship between nutrient levels in
of intermediate palatability (e.g., Hemarthria altis- plant species tissue and species palatability, we
sima: limpograss), as well as highly palatable related plant tissue total N and total P of the
species (e.g., Paspalum notatum: bahiagrass). twelve most abundant species to their palatabil-
Unknown included 31 species (out of 176) of ity status using linear models (with palatability
unknown palatability, which represented <3% of class as explanatory variable and total N or total
total biomass. We calculated the total biomass P as response variables).
of unpalatable and palatable species in each All analyses were performed in R (R Core
wetland. Team 2018) using the nlme package (Pinheiro
To assess plant tissue nutrients, plant bio- et al. 2018). We used stepAIC and drop1 func-
mass collected in each of the wetlands in tions within the library MASS (Venables and Rip-
2006–2009 was ground and sent to the Univer- ley 2002) for model simplification (Crawley
sity of Georgia Stable Isotope Ecology Labora- 2007). We used the rsquared function within the
tory (Athens, Georgia, USA) to obtain plant piecewiseSEM package (Lefcheck 2016) to obtain
total N (%), total C (%), total P (%), and their the marginal (i.e., fixed effects) and conditional
corresponding ratios. We also obtained total N (i.e., fixed + random effects) R2 associated with
and total P on the twelve most abundant/fre- each model (Nakagawa and Schielzeth 2013). We
quent species based on 2006–2009 biomass sur- checked for the presence of outliers, normality
vey by grinding separately a small subset of assumptions, and homoscedasticity by plotting
the biomass of each abundant species. As such, model residuals and applied log-transformations
these samples integrate multiple locations accordingly.
within the wetlands and whole plant tissue. In
2016, plant biomass from productivity mea- RESULTS
surements was ground and sent to the Univer-
sity of Florida Forage Evaluation Support Standing biomass and productivity
Laboratory to obtain plant total N (%), total P Aboveground biomass varied considerably
(%), crude protein (%) content, and forage between wetlands and years. Living above-
in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD, ground biomass varied 40-fold ranging from 0.40
%; Moore and Mott 1974). to 16.21 t/ha, with a mean of 4.74 t/ha. Dead

v 4 August 2020 v Volume 11(8) v Article e03209


aboveground biomass varied 600-fold ranging Productivity varied twelvefold: between 1.96
from 0.01 to 6.27 t/ha, with a mean of 1.07 t/ha. and 24.27 tha1yr1. Unlike biomass results, we
We observed higher mean aboveground biomass observed a clear 3-way interaction among treat-
in wetlands within highly managed pastures ments on productivity (Table 1). Pasture man-
than wetlands within semi-natural pastures, but agement governed productivity response to
this pattern was statistically clear only in 2008 grazing and fire. Wetlands embedded in semi-
and 2009 (Table 1, Fig. 1 for 2009 data). On aver- natural pastures had similarly low productivity,
age across 2008–2009, wetlands in highly man- but wetlands embedded in highly managed pas-
aged pastures had 26.1% more living biomass tures exhibited stronger effects of cattle exclosure
and 188.3% more dead biomass than wetlands in and burning (Fig. 1). Productivity was highest in
semi-natural pastures. Each year following cattle fenced wetlands within highly managed pas-
exclusion, we observed greater living above- tures.
ground biomass (on average + 56.4% over 2007,
2008, and 2009) and greater dead biomass (on Species relative abundance
average + 218.8% only in 2008 and 2009) in In 2006, before the start of the experiment, the
fenced wetlands compared to grazed wetlands highly unpalatable rush J. effusus was the most
(Table 1, Fig. 1). We did not find clear interac- abundant species in grazed wetlands embedded
tions between pasture types, grazing, and fire within highly managed pastures (mean 44.3% of
treatment on total or live biomass. However, pre- total aboveground biomass). Juncus effusus
scribed fire and pasture type interacted to affect remained dominant in grazed and unburned
dead biomass in 2009 (Table 1). Prescribed fire wetlands within highly managed pastures
decreased dead biomass in both fenced and throughout the experiment. However, Luziola
grazed wetlands, but only in highly managed fluitans (southern watergrass), J. effusus, and
pastures. By 2009, dead biomass was greatest in P. hemitomon became co-dominant in highly
unburned fenced wetlands embedded within managed, grazed, and burned wetlands because
highly managed pastures (2.76  1.80 t/ha; of experimental treatments. In contrast, wetlands
Fig. 1). in semi-natural pastures initially were

Table 1. Results of linear mixed models that tested the effect of pasture type (P), cattle exclusion (G), and
prescribed fire (F) on biomass of seasonal wetlands in the Northern Everglades region, Florida, USA.

Biomass (log10)
Main effects Total (df 1,33) Live (df 1,33) Dead (df 1,30) Palatable species (df 1,31) Productivity (df 1,28)

P 0.19 (0.07) 0.16 (0.08) 0.003 (0.19) 0.05 (0.08) 389.1 (120.4)
6.71* 4.29* 4.83* 3.27 8.68*
G 0.23 (0.07) 0.19 (0.08) 0.39 (0.13) 0.16 (0.06) 370.1 (120.4)
10.12* 5.60* 8.88* 7.24* 3.86*
F 0.47 (0.19) 0.26 (0.08) 139.1 (120.4)
1.58 3.18 0.78
P9F 0.59 (0.27) 0.30 (0.12) 243.0 (170.2)
4.81* 6.71* 0.009
G9F 323.2 (170.2)
P9G 434.7 (170.2)
P 9 G9F 508.4 (240.7)
R2 marginal 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.33 0.40
R2 conditional 0.3 0.2 0.42 0.37 0.45
Notes: Total biomass, live biomass, dead biomass, and palatable species are from 2009 data. Productivity was obtained with
2016 data. Values are model coefficients with SE in parentheses and F values for those coefficients (in italics). Bold values iden-
tify clear differences. R squared was obtained using the approach proposed by Nakagawa and Schielzeth (2013).
* P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.

v 5 August 2020 v Volume 11(8) v Article e03209


Fenced & Burned Fenced & Unburned Fenced & Burned Fenced & Unburned
Grazed & Burned Grazed & Unburned Grazed & Burned Grazed & Unburned

Palatable species (%)

Dead biomass (g/m2)


0 0
Highly managed Semi−natural
Highly managed Semi−natural

Juncus effusus (g/m2)

Live biomass (g/m2)



Highly managed Semi−natural
Panicum hemitomon (g/m2)
Highly managed Semi−natural 400
Productivity (g/m2)

900 300



0 Highly managed Semi−natural
Highly managed Semi−natural
Fig. 2. Forage composition of seasonal wetlands in
Fig. 1. Aboveground biomass and productivity response to treatments ten years after the onset of the
responses to treatments of seasonal wetlands in the experiment (2016). Data are means  SD.
Northern Everglades region, Florida, USA. Dead bio-
mass and live biomass in 2009 corresponds to three
years after fencing and two years after the first pre-
scribed fire. Productivity was measured in 2016, ten of biomass) after cattle were excluded in wet-
years after the onset of the experiment. Data are lands in highly managed pastures regardless of
means  SD. burning treatment.
In 2009, relative biomass of palatable species
responded clearly to cattle exclosure and exhib-
dominated by Pontederia cordata, P. hemitomon, ited a clear interaction between prescribed fire
and Cladium jamaicense (sawgrass; 14%, 12.3%, and pasture type (Table 1, Fig. 2). Relative bio-
and 11.2%, of biomass, respectively), when all mass of palatable species was higher in fenced
wetlands were grazed. These three species wetlands (80.3%) than in grazed wetlands
remained dominant in grazed wetlands through- (64.3%). Prescribed fires increased relative bio-
out the experiment, but three years of cattle mass of palatable species only in wetlands
exclusion caused P. hemitomon to become the embedded in highly managed pastures, where
dominant species (43.7% of biomass) in semi-nat- palatable species comprised 8.91 tha1 in burned
ural pastures regardless of burning treatment. wetlands, compared to 6.16 t/ha1 in unburned
Panicum hemitomon also became dominant (43.3% wetlands.

v 6 August 2020 v Volume 11(8) v Article e03209


Table 2. Results of linear mixed models that tested the effect of pasture type (P), cattle exclusion (G), and
prescribed fire (F) on plant tissue nutrient of seasonal wetlands collected in 2009.

Main effects Total N (log10) (df 1,33) Total C (df 1,31) Total P (df 1,33) C/N (log10) (df 1,33) N/P (df 1,33)

P 0.01* (0.002)
G 0.14* (0.03) 0.54 (0.34) 0.14* (0.04) 15.98 3.11* (0.78)
16.42 2.06 15.72
F 0.50 (0.35) 0.004* (0.002)
1.47 4.65
Covariate 0.08 (0.06)
R2 marginal 0.25 0.13 0.55 0.25 0.23
R2 conditional 0.4 0.13 0.62 0.4 0.44
Notes: Values are model coefficients with SE in parentheses and F values for those coefficients (in italics). Total N and C/N
are (log10). Bold values identify clear differences. R2 was obtained using the approach proposed by Nakagawa and Schielzeth
* P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.

Plant tissue nutrients and forage nutritive value DISCUSSION

Three years after cattle exclusion and two
years after prescribed fires, plant tissue total P Wetlands are a substantial portion of land-
content was greater in wetlands within highly scapes globally and potentially provide impor-
managed pastures but was not affected by graz- tant ecosystem services in grazing lands. Here,
ing or prescribed fire treatments (Table 2, Fig. 3). we evaluate how wetlands contribute to provi-
However, total N (thus N/P ratio) was greater in sioning services and how pasture and rangeland
grazed wetlands than ungrazed wetlands—inde- management affects those services. The results of
pendent of pasture type and prescribed fire. The our decade-long experiment on whole wetlands
N/P ratio was on average 8.78  2.19 in fenced demonstrate that typical practices such as graz-
wetlands and 11.9  3.34 in grazed wetlands. ing and prescribed fire can be manipulated to
Total C was not impacted by any management enhance or maintain wetland provisioning ser-
treatments, but C/N was clearly higher in fenced vices. Greater understanding of wetland provi-
wetlands and clear main effects of prescribed fire sioning services may lead to greater protection
and pasture type occurred for C/P, where C/P and sustainable management of wetlands
was greater in unburned wetlands in semi-natu- embedded in grazing lands.
ral pastures.
In 2016, plant tissue total P was clearly higher Effect of treatments on aboveground biomass and
in highly managed wetlands and was elevated in productivity
fenced wetlands, without clear interactive effects Excluding cattle (using fencing) strongly and
(Table 3, Fig. 4). In vitro organic matter consistently increased live and dead above-
digestibility was also clearly higher in wetlands ground plant biomass. This finding is in agree-
embedded in highly managed pastures, but there ment with previous work and reflects the active
was no clear evidence that prescribed fire or removal of plant material by cattle (Milchunas
grazing treatments affected it. Unlike results for et al. 1988, Jones et al. 2011, Rose et al. 2013).
2006–2009, treatments no longer clearly affected Aboveground biomass was generally higher in
total N in 2016. The most frequent and most wetlands embedded within highly managed pas-
abundant unpalatable and palatable species did tures, consistent with our hypothesis and known
not exhibit clear differences in nutrient levels: effects of fertilization on aboveground biomass
total N (F1,10 = 0.35, P = 0.56) and total P (Wilson and Tilman 1991, Gough et al. 2000).
(F1,10 = 1.2, P = 0.30) throughout the experiment However, the effect of pasture type was less con-
(Appendix S3). sistent between years than the effect of cattle

v 7 August 2020 v Volume 11(8) v Article e03209


Fenced & Burned Fenced & Unburned

Grazed & Burned Grazed & Unburned


1.0 0.075
total N (%)

total P (%)

0.0 0.000
Highly managed Semi−natural Highly managed Semi−natural




5 25

0 0
Highly managed Semi−natural Highly managed Semi−natural

Fig. 3. Forage nutritive value (total N (%), total P (%), N/P ratio, and C/N ratio) as a function of pasture type,
cattle exclusion, and prescribed fire in biomass produced in 2009 (three years following cattle exclusion and two
years after the first prescribed). Data are means  SD.

exclusion, consistent with top-down grazing

Table 3. Results of linear mixed models testing the effect having greater effect on plant biomass than bot-
of pasture type (P), cattle exclusion (G), and prescribed tom-up land management effects. We expected
fire (F) on forage nutritive value of seasonal wetlands that prescribed fire would positively affect bio-
collected in 2016 using productivity protocol. mass. Instead, prescribed fire primarily reduced
Total N Total P IVOMD dead biomass in fenced wetlands, with little
Main effects (df 1,31) (df 1,31) (df 1,31) effect on live biomass.
P 0.008 (0.07) 0.08 (0.01) 5.64 (2.14) Clear three-way interaction among treatments
0.04 52.04* 6.82* reflected past grazing effects on productivity,
G 0.09 (0.08) 0.02 (0.01) 1.76 (2.15) consistent with other research showing the
1.68 4.28* 0.68
importance of interactions between grazing and
F 0.08 (0.08) 0.001 (0.01) 0.51 (2.14)
1.37 0.01 0.06 other environmental drivers on grasslands and
R2 marginal 0.07 0.60 0.17 wetlands (Fuhlendorf and Engle 2004, Kotze
R2 conditional 0.14 0.60 0.17 2013, Jansen et al. 2019). We expected that pre-
Notes: Values are model coefficients with SE in parenthe- scribed fire would positively affect productivity
ses and F values for those coefficients (in italics). Bold values through increases in both soil nutrients and light
identify clear differences. R2 was obtained using the approach
proposed by Nakagawa and Schielzeth (2013). (Blair 1997). Instead, prescribed fire effects were
* P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. contingent on pasture type and grazing

v 8 August 2020 v Volume 11(8) v Article e03209


Fenced & Burned Fenced & Unburned stocking rates and lower resting periods than
Grazed & Burned Grazed & Unburned semi-natural pastures. Interestingly, fire and
grazing treatment effects on productivity and
Forage digestibility (%)

standing biomass in wetlands in semi-natural

40 pastures were lower or null compared to those in
30 highly managed pastures, which reflects long-
term consequences of past management differ-
20 ences between pasture types.
Effect of treatments on species relative
0 abundance and forage nutritive value
Highly managed Semi−natural Relative abundance shifted among wetland
1.5 species in response to cattle exclusion and to a
lesser extent prescribed fire in highly managed
Forage N (%)

1.0 pastures. Treatments that shifted away from sta-

tus quo conditions (i.e., fencing, burning)
increased the proportion of palatable species in
both wetland types (semi-natural and highly
managed). For example, the unpalatable com-
0.0 mon rush (J. effusus) dominated highly managed
Highly managed Semi−natural and grazed wetlands. After cattle exclusion, it
was replaced by the more palatable and pre-
ferred grass, P. hemitomon. J. effusus was identi-
Forage P (%)

0.15 fied as a refuge under grazing pressure

(Boughton et al. 2011), with many palatable spe-
cies surviving/growing under its canopy. When
0.05 cattle were excluded, these species competed
with J. effusus and in the case of P. hemitomon
0.00 outcompeted J. effusus due to high growth rate
Highly managed Semi−natural
and clonal traits (Boughton et al. 2011).
Our study highlights that management of
Fig. 4. Forage nutritive value as a function of pas-
grazing and fire regime increased in biomass and
ture type, cattle exclusion, and prescribed fire in bio-
forage quality for cattle ranching, especially in
mass produced in 2016. Data are means  SD.
highly managed pastures. Using the same experi-
ments, Boughton et al. (2016) found that exclud-
treatment, where burned and grazed wetlands ing cattle and implementing prescribed fire did
within highly managed pastures had lower pro- not measurably affect the diversity and floristic
ductivity compared to burned and fenced wet- quality of wetlands embedded within highly
lands. By design productivity measurements managed pastures. Together, these results sug-
obtained in 2016 reflected effects of past grazing, gest that fire and cattle exclusion may not affect
but not grazing effects in that year. The way we which species are present in these wetlands, but
measured productivity did not allow investigat- their relative abundance. Our study also indi-
ing compensatory regrowth due to grazing. cates that 1–2 yr of cattle exclusion enables
Because of this, our estimate of productivity strong recovery of wetland vegetation that is
might have underestimated true annual net pri- higher quality forage for subsequent grazing.
mary productivity. Forage of wetlands in highly managed pas-
Interactive effects of fire and grazing on vege- tures had greater in vitro organic matter
tation are a well-known phenomenon (Fuhlen- (IVOMD), but grazing or fire treatments did not
dorf and Engle 2004). In our study, burned affect IVOMD. Further, there was no effect of the
wetlands within highly managed pastures may treatments on crude protein. A better under-
experience higher grazing pressure due to higher standing of the relationship between palatability,

v 9 August 2020 v Volume 11(8) v Article e03209


IVOMD, crude protein, and plant tissue nutrients species that are also able to cope with flooding
would help to assess management effects (i.e., were filtered out due to overgrazing in wetlands
experimental treatments here) on forage value. In within highly managed pastures.
our study, both palatable and unpalatable species Nutrients are returned and imported by graz-
had high N and P in plant tissue. For example, ers via urine and excrement, which is readily
Persicaria spp (Persicaria punctata and Persicaria decomposed and speeds N cycling to increase N
hydropiperoides: knotweeds) had high levels of tis- availability (Hobbs et al. 1991, Augustine 2003,
sue P, but were completely avoided by cattle and Cech et al. 2008). This process explains the higher
as such were abundant in grazed wetlands, espe- N/P ratio observed in grazed wetlands. Similarly,
cially in highly managed pastures. Additionally, it explains greater plant tissue C/N ratio in
J. effusus contained N and P tissue levels similar fenced wetlands than in grazed wetlands and in
to P. hemitomon and other palatable grasses. turn is often associated with lower decomposi-
Thus, N and P tissue levels are not good proxies tion rates. Finally, C/P ratio in wetlands within
for palatability. Further, IVOMD did not differ semi-natural pastures was greater than in wet-
between fenced and grazed wetlands, so lands of highly managed pastures. Greater P
digestibility seems decoupled from palatability availability in highly managed pastures is a
in our study. We think the presence of aerench- legacy effect of P-fertilization that ended in 1987
yma (e.g., J. effusus) or presence of secondary (Swain et al. 2007, Ho et al. 2018).
compounds (e.g., Polygonum spp.: knotweeds) in
leaf tissue could explain why species with aver- Economic implications and future management
age N and P concentrations are not desired/palat- It is important for agriculture, environmental
able to cattle. Because we did not measure sustainability, biodiversity, and ecosystem ser-
aerenchyma and secondary compounds in plant vices that management of wetlands on grazing
tissue, we cannot test this hypothesis. Thus, fur- lands is optimized. Greater understanding of
ther research should investigate the relationship wetland provisioning services may lead to
secondary compounds and palatability in wet- greater protection and sustainable management
land species. of wetlands embedded in grazing lands. Our
study showed that biomass quantity and palata-
Plant tissue nutrients and implications for wetland bility positively responded to cattle exclusion
nutrient cycling within 2–3 yr. Based on our results, we estimated
After 3 yr of experimental fencing and 2 yr fol- a gain of 5.9 t/ha of palatable forage three years
lowing prescribed fire, plant N/P ratio was on after excluding cattle. Considering that 12%
average 8.78 ( 2.19) in fenced wetlands, sug- (510 ha) of our study site is covered by seasonal
gesting that these wetlands were N-limited (N/ wetlands, this would represent a gain of 3.0 t of
P < 10; Gu € sewell et al. 2003, Gu
€ sewell 2004). In palatable forage, roughly equivalent to 705 ani-
contrast, N/P in grazed wetlands was on average mal unit months per year. Recently, the fences
11.9 ( 3.34), suggesting that these wetlands around our wetlands were replaced at a cost of
were not clearly limited by either N or P US $32,000 and their expected lifetime is 12 yr.
(10 < N/P < 20; Gu € sewell et al. 2003, Gu€ sewell Our twenty fenced wetlands had a total area of
2004). Despite no nutrient limitations, grazed 34.5 ha, which is expected to generate 203.5 t of
wetlands within highly managed pastures had palatable forage in every 3-yr cycle, for a total of
lower productivity and were dominated by 814.2 t of palatable forage during the fences’ life-
unpalatable species (e.g., J. effusus, P. punctatum) time. At the current price for silage (US $35–40
adopting an avoiding strategy (Briske 1996, Dıaz per ton; G. Lollis, personal communication) another
et al. 2001). This contrasts with previous studies high-quality fodder, the expected benefit of fenc-
on grasslands which found that grazing pro- ing these wetlands for 12 yr is US $28,497–
moted unpalatable species in low nutrient sys- $32,568, yielding a benefit–cost ratio of 089–1.02.
tems, but promoted palatable species with high Thus, this provisioning service alone may not
relative growth rate when nutrients were non- justify fencing every small wetland. However,
limiting (Milchunas et al. 1988, Cingolani et al. fencing larger circular wetlands is more favor-
2005). It is possible that productive and palatable able because area, which determine forage yield,

v 10 August 2020 v Volume 11(8) v Article e03209


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v 13 August 2020 v Volume 11(8) v Article e03209

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