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PIECES DE CLAVECIN avec wie méthode pour la mécanique des doigts, oit l'on censeigne les moyen de se procurer une parfaite exécution sur cet instrument, et avec une table pour les agréments (1724 et réédité en 1731) 46 DE LA MECHANIQUE DES DOIGTS SUR LE CLAVESSIN UBER DIE FINGERTECHNIK BEIM CEMBALOSPIEL ON THE TECHNIQUE OF THE FINGERS ON THE HARPSICHORD. Die Vallkommenbeie des Cembsloanschlags beruht hauptsachlich auf einer gut efuhrten Bewegung der Finger, Diese Beneging Kann man sich durch ‘in egieTen anegen, aber man mab ie Diese Technik besteht in nits andetem ale im Iniuizen Uben einer eleichformizen Bewezung, Die Anlagen dasu sind jederanm angeboren wie dle= jsnigen fir d3e Gehen. oder villeche besser Be apt fie doy Shnelasten Dic Fahigheit sum Gehen o€er som Sshnellsufen spb sich aus der Geschmediphew des Kmeyalenks Sistenige sum Cembalespielen hangt von der Ge- Schmeldigkeie der Fingerwurcelgclenbe ab Die sundige Ubung. de wie im Gehen haben, 1 nigh fast cinheitich Jedermann die rele Ber Sepang der Krscpslenkes” dav wenige a’ bung day vr hingegen fr de sam Combalrpilen et ‘orn ingen szingen een. genoa nb. line free Bemepiiker su entwidkls. Himsa Kovumes do unsere allealichn Bettigungeweisen osere Finger su Bewesungen nines, de Nom den fs Cebslspiel riorderidiensehe verséle wesdursh sie Enticing der Bewesunss cibetetindiy pestoet Wed, Selbst unsere nat Sie Begabeng, de uit villeshe fir ale Nee Faten. kann sum Hesmnie werden: sind wir mer ci weniy emplanslch fie die Wiekungen dieser ‘Kongo machen vr alle Arstensungen. wieder Ligeben. wae wit shatinden’ dabel serkeampten ‘tune. wae der Vellcsnnenheit der Aasfchrong “flick ts Jodee Weg su deren Elangung it uns wilt dard das. wise unsere Sonne Beendrackt stand well ir nid serstanden haben de Aus ne git_urscer,Verstellong. in Einklang "ingen, hotumen ver ofe su der Oberseuyune: da sf de Novar etwas verweigere at. wat Gi ie {ihew) win selber uns der thledite Gewobnher- rub haben, iit es wabr, daB die Anlogen bei gewisten Tersonen,gunsiger sing als bei anderen: indessen ‘venmnihe cine empiche Behnderang die sews Tish Bowegongen unserer Tinger str hingt © rch von uns sb des rer Eignung pemfen [Gcbrsuch von fhnen su machen und swar in einen Ylkommentestarad. der pense. Gefalen wvecken, Denn idk waze su Behaupten, da8 emslpe ‘nd wahlgeletete Apert dab de notwendge Sor Fale ed ein wonig Zeiaulvand unteklbar such de i wenigeten Begunstpten Finger in Ordnung Brite seveerden Tih gebe Indessen 24, daB, was bel den meisten ‘el bing erlordereinizen anderen belo = faien kana. Aber wer wbrde wapen, sole Notur- faben (hae. weitere) fr ih su enwarten? Wie na man hoffen,derlechen eu entdedsen, shne Si nstige Artest avigewender 2s haben. die einen Su gldber Erkenntnie faberhaupt erat) gelangen isbr> Und weldter Gegchenheit kénnte men dam Son Tefoip uschreiben. den mon eet wenn nig ben dieser Arbeit? Fevorgbt sch also sue all sieson Festeslungen a8 cn hautges ued vestandizes Chen der une fshlbare Weg. sur Valikommenhelt im. Cembale Spiel ie, Unter diesem Genespunke Rabe ich eine esondere Methode aufzebaut. un dle Rewegungs frees der Pager: die tigen won der Nator mitge> ston mands, new 8 wesken vind Idamber bias) Ea ete, Diese Methode ist die einfache Technik. von der Teh berets speach: ich werde foun) deten Repela dacegen, und ih glashes man salle es sich mht ‘lesen sie, genail und stulenveise su belolgen, Senn abgesehen davon. dal man sie alle vernaie semad beprondet finden wird. hoe neueste Frfshrong Sp ibee Natshshbeie sei. Die Zifers 1.2. 3. 4 nd 5 sllen die Finge be seidnen, von’ denen id spreen til, und deren swan sich dort Bedlenen soll wo se idh neben La perfection da ther sr le Clavesin couse prucipaloment dave we mouvement des Doigte Bw dine Ce mouvement peat sacquéir par une simple slowiques was far guton seadte la mdnager Cette médranioue west autre dose awn exercice Féguent dum mouvement reper: les dispositions {elle demande tox natures 8 0 diac le fe come de celles qu'on 4 pour mardher, oH # La facie de mardier ox de cour views de la soe plesse du arrets celle de toudier fe Clavessin pod de eoupeste dee gt 8 ler race. Leseretee continue! of You est de wardher el @ achacu te ounement di arret pres Eealen ives Le pew dovercice que mous flsous, cor trans, du mowenvnt wecestire sis dite pour roucher fe Clavessin. me permet pus que leur bert erdeveloppe: diallenrs nos habinudes particles fo conirteter eas dois des nucuvement # fo Iraired esl quveige le Clavesein, ne sate Bere fn est sant conte traverse’ ele heave meme des obstacles jsaues dans les valens nauurels que wous Powe quein pout Te sigue, pour pen ane wos Sovous sewn aut effets de cet ar nous fss ds effons your rendre ce que nowe sexton. ce se peu fare nue yar sure contrainte prudicable E'Figcanon! tonnes tes mesures qui fait reine pour Vacauerie, nous sont erebier por Flingression aon secu nos sens & fauze davoly sc coir cette évecton sve Ia promtiue de Notre pagination, noKs nous persiadons sone! ue cose la matine gut nowt a tefead ce ge ows wows somace rave nous-ndies par de mae ice abides 1 est bien sral que les dspesitons sont pls he ress ow de ceeana Sujets auten dautre: ep ‘hws qvoncune becomuodité sensible we owe pas le mouvement ondinive des dais. tne depend Das que de ous d's fale Twsage augue! ts sont fropres, cela dans wn desrd de perfection sei Sant pour piste: car ose avoncey que travail fed & Bien conduit que Tee sol nrseatres {E gu'u you de tems didoyaagerot oregaable: tne ies dois Tes moins favors Javoteratcependat que ce a suppose wne grande pratique dans la apart es persouses. we sr Peittire quae hewrense rencontre dave. quel es autves" onals gt estece qu sera sate {hes falines dela nature? coment pt-on esperer fe les décourin, sans avoir entrayis le travail tecernir pour parvent en faire experience? & 4 uot pourecteom atiibuer aor Te shots om fpronverasice est d ce travail mine I vest dowe de owes cos remangues qu'un exer- ics frequent Bie etn et Faear onthe ‘defo parfait execution sur fe Clavessis & c'est ‘eld que Fai conga une methode partealer, pour Tenaveler dans lee dolgrs le mouvement dont la Nuwe eso doves pour en cugienee Ia bere Cite mhode ext Is spe mhonigne dant ah ‘ja pare: je vale en proposer les raglan, e cot fw'om ne pet gréves se dipenser de Tes salve sactement & par degres: cer outre su Tes tOu ore fomiées OH tasers, wie experience nore Toute conte view de wassurcr de Tour effcacte les dupes 1.2.3. 4 5, aéipnernt les doigte be fe out pair dn ante So Perfection of touch on, the harpsichord consits rainy in wellsontrlled movement of the ngs This movement can be acquires by 2 simple tech niga but one has «6 know bow to app i “This eahnigue is nothing more than frequent exer cise of regular movement, the apes ‘or whidh ie calle are mitral #9 eeeryane™—mich the some ein walking. cr if you kein running. The faculty of walking or of running comes ftom ‘he suppleness ofthe haces chat of plaving the harpsichord. depende on the suppleness ot the fingers at their root. ‘The continual exercise when walking giver every ‘ne almost equally free movement of the nes Gh the ether hand, che Meds sverciee we give € the mmovemone of the Bogert necessary for play= Ing the karsierd does not enable thei feedom ol movement fo became developed: moreover oot Dartculae habitecsute the Singer t9 develop move ‘ents so opposed to those required forthe hatpl- Shord a to represent a constant setback #0 the ‘velopment of thir feedom: it nds. sbstacles von in any natural tslene that we mph have for Trusies if we are even a litle sensitive towards the ‘ects of thie art, we make an effort to convey Sshat we feel and thie can Be done on'y under E'Consraie. which ie dertmental to the’ perfore Frances all the rept which supe f0 be taken #9 cgulte suppleness are snatched from us BY the Impression received by our senses and for want of Knowing haw to reconcile ths exzcution withthe lermess of our imagination. we frequently pete ‘ade ourselves that tis Nature whit Bas denied {5 an accomplishment of which by our bad habits We have deprived oussles Ie i very arve that im thei predispositions some pevole ate fore fortunate than others: however Provided that no substantial incapacity affects the natural movement ofthe Bngers. ie depends ob us lone eo. use the. a8 they were intended fo be Used: indeed, om attaining a sulicene depree of perfection. to give pleasure. 1 would even £0 $9 far as to say that assiduous and wellconducted Work, the necessary attention and a litle tine vill be bound fo make up fr less favoured fingers 1Lwill Rowever concede that that which implies 9 Jot of practice 10 the majority of pple may per aps. for otters. bea bla encounter, Sut ho would dare te anttpate naturel aputides? How an one hope fo siscover them. without having done the werk necessary to teach thie sage of fsperieneey And to uhat might one atribute the Succese which one will then experience. if not 29 this very work? ‘The outcome, thersfore, of all thege observations ‘shat frequent and wellsinderstood verses i he tnfallble route to eriect execution om the harpsi= ‘rd, and iti om that Sans that I have cence. Neda patdlcalat method of renewing in fngere ‘morement imparted to sbem by Nature and of I creasing the freedom sf thot movement “This method isthe simple teshnigue of which Ihave already spoken: | sm going &> propound its rules SndT think one can hordls sid following them fvactly and by degrees for azare hom thet beng funded upon Topi. sur recent experience has sssuted me of ther eicscs The symbels 1st, 32d and th ae to denote the fogers of which I shal be speaking: fingers Which ae tobe employed wherover they are placed gen sind darn weggeassen worden. Spiele man dic Noten dies Ubung schnell, 50 Inside dies Roulewent: waren die Noten dsset bung auscinandciegend, £0 hieBe es Boterie Um ein Roulewent dber dasjenige dieser Lekton insur forecusetzen, ma Iman sh aur datan ge sndhnen, den 1 finger unter irgendeinem belie- Bigen anderen Mindarchuturen snd incr dieser nieren Finger Uber den 1. hinwegsufibren. Dieses Vorgehen int suagessisinet, vor llem, wenn man anf Krese oder Bs eft: es elelhtere Soya Noch aie Avsfabromg gewisser Bateries von denen man din Bebpel aut der folgenden Tall Ender. sist su beadhen. dab der Finger. der aut diese Weis iber oder unter einem anderen durdhzefaket wird durdh seine elgene Bewegung 20" der ge- Arnsdten Taste slang Man vermede so weit wie méglch ein Krewe oder fim Bint dem 1- oder anzusclagen, vor lle Bel Sen Routementse sali v0 veviaven werden: Ja8 dee 1. sch dann aut der dem Kreve oder dem 8 ‘orangehenden Tarte belindet. denn dies Lanm dle Aasfohrong erleiditer, sotre ma auto soutenont vous dots, roade leur Audie legers cela est dune grad consequ Ghereee we grande Egalie de mowmane entre shague doigh, & murtoat ne preciics jamais ces twowvewens: cay Ta legereté A vitesse ne S8C- werent qe par este alte de mows & Souvent pour! mop se presser, ow fut ce aioe Shere 1 fous téchor acners Je mowewovt necesie dane let doit, ide donner Ashcan dent 308 inouvement partener, avant ave de mettre leur Force a Péyrewces de sorte ave fe ne propose dees placer dabond vwr le clavier, qué pour gion Exsuenne proyortonrer in dare de Eve 9 Tantra celle dee tondies de ce clavier Mat conve cna dabord dela pene des Jive mouse shacun ‘aril celle gon sure excre ler fore ffoncer ler tonden serott capable de ati fs Saat done bew prendre garde ae resistence des tousies ne Foppore a Mnvsmnont de dots par coutauent leslie sr Teguel on crc re digs se forutent dans lear wowentent on pet fear opposer nn clavier eins do, € arver avs par dogres len fie enfoncor les tongs fs pat fate Cette Loc se pratigue Fabord de dengue ma ex Dartcator, 4 gue quand on se fox matte de cove Unive see rope conforémcit & Fexplicaisn pre dente, om Fescrce des dens vane ensemble, 0 fair commevcer sore ain emit Ttre at He woven que Fou veut, tant pls. tantSh mos taf on #4 prem de toxtes lee magees posable esau’ ce gn recsmoste ue ley maine soles Mls ae st bonne babirade, quil mya pls ew le erinire gules se git: equi ne sacquier 95 ow fur ce gel cependaie dbrege tii tent Pate cceraie pour snriver pint de efecto qu Ate Eire Lecom auoique sréesnple, conduit jase sibtenent i Ta pas parte dafcutlon, sur fe cle fess On'y aceourie abana Ia ian 8 ssitenir les dvges ou proportion Tear dissanee ene Weel des oudes: on y procure & digcun dens fon mouvement paeaier 0 #9 ascontve # lever aa, pendant gun suave Basse, Tew force, Tour poids & leur mowventent #9 rendent égaie entree nt bout le eelque tr Tes overs Ggnue & contmaires entre dhague win sv cove ttectent sis ein pour pew avn seat foih stent faire Gbserver routes les rmangnes ‘ddonnee ds fs ates paceages & dais Tes Apne Sens il doi fane éxercer epréa cette Leon fat Presa certs dpoieron general qv om ne seeurtt Inanauer de ve pacere se Bile execution Sons on scar dwnntage ane ce auc caution ert Levon. on peut approndce le pent Menuet ut trowe dave fa mtn Paes evant cw som manquer fe dogie, © fen revrancher les agrenens Love ou paste ove vitae Ie tes dela Leven Taprele Revlement. 4 #1 les owes de cette son dtotentdsjots, ele Sapper. Batre owe coutimer a roulement pls cen ae clei dela Legom il wy a aud saccoutumer a psser ie ayarsessou tel autre doigr que on vent 3 ct Fan de cos ates doige parcdesus te Cite sagnire est excelente, sar-tout goad il <6 rencontre er Digses cu des Bemls: tlle face tude encore fa pratique de certaincs batteries owt on trove au leepl dans fa Plane stants U fans observer que le gt oni pee ainsi pars esse ou perdcrous so are. arise par sa tmowrement partition & la toue of Pour le paver aos, Evite, aut que cela se peut de roucor wn diéze 4 sr bemol ef cd surtout ans fs rou meng: & ales exsorte que Te Tse rowve pour lors furl touche gut precede ce Bese ou ce bem bance ue cea your falter sete extention, hand whigh. by supporting, your finger, makes their coud lighter ths Is oF great consequence, Observe t high dopree of evenness sf movement fsmong all the fingers and. shove al, never pres Bltate dese movements or Iishtess snd peed ie Scauired nly thrash smoothness oF movement Sod ies often che case tht by hryng too mich we lose what we are seeking Cn sy to see the nesiany event town patislar movement before uying to develop fir strengths in sther words { suggest hat a the start they be placed on the heybord slely fer cheporporeofbetoming sscustomed to adapting the spaing ofthe dngrs to that Between the keys Honever a8 atthe catsct one hos eifcaty 19 mo ing each finger separately the added iticuley sf trying t0 depress the evs might be capable Aescrtying the perfection cf their movement, One ‘ust therefore Carefully ensue tht the resistance St the keys does not adversely affect the move tent of the fingers Consequently the keyboard on ihtdh one practises can not be too soft. but 1 che Hingers grow stonget in thet movement they may bbe promoted to a hevbosrd which fy Tess sole 3d 45 on by desret, une they san play on Faedese of kev “This Lesson shold fet be practied by each hand separately sad enly they when oe feel one has amastered contol of the fingers as explained above tay both hands be exereued jointly Start aff with fhe hand Before the other, playing as many moter as desired. sometimes more ant sometimes Tess in short apply every posible method unl sie ‘orian that the: hands have bevome <0" wall 36 fetomed that thore st no fear of ther being poled. This este of atfats Is not achieved in 8 Gre, though once sehieved. fe renders insaitly Shower the amount of study necessary to read the deated degave of penection ‘Tals Lesson. although very simple, is the imper ope route to the move nerfect execution om the Hazpscherd Fre ger the hand accustomed te p> porting the fingers: space the Singers out to ovre= Sond with the arrangement ofthe keys: see that heey finger acqutes a separate movement; get teed to lifting oe while Towering the cober The fHrength behind them, theit weight nd thee mover rent become equalised in tne: one sleo stains Caualty in motement of hoade in parallel and cane trary motion, In shore s0 tong av the teacher se Shendve and. coaures that ll the fovegoing te tratks ave sbserved iy the other pasager and in the Graceouste whist have te be practised after {hie Lesron tis gonerally speaking. smog certa'> that good execution will be developed Without knowing mere than ig contained inthis Toston. i ie possible to Learn the shove Mineo) the same chest, care Raving been taken to mark in the Fingering ad #o set out the grace notes When the plaver pastes quickly over the note of the Lesson this is called’ s Rosdewents and Hf the totes of this Lesson were disjointed, that would be called a Barto To contigs a rewiement, making it longer than thar af the Legon one need only row accustomed to posing the Ist encer any dented Onper and Pasuing One of these other dingers over the 1 Tis msthod i excellant. particularly when the roufement inchader Sharps and Flats: mare espe: ally ir facittes the peectie of certain Barerts, fn cvample of which ih gwen om she following sheer See that the finger which ¢9 pases over of under Bay ther readies the boy which ie desieed t0 play by it own, individual movement Avoid, 49 far a¢ posible, slaving a sharp or a iter with she tate seh. especially in the roule- Imcntnendeavauring to ensure when sharp ot 4 Fise ie fo be glaved thar the st it resting on the preceding Key, ay ths will Facilitate’ executon Hugg miclt man ein und daselbe Ronen mit Belden Findon. deren. Finger dann sbwechsind der folen; ein igpiel hierue nde sich mn Seid, betele Les Tonrbons. wo. der Buchtabe D de rte, der Buwtabe © dete Hand bee eight In diese Are Rowlonent wind eine Hond uber de shdete hinwepzelibre, aber man mu wohl darauf Sehten da8 der Tow der eet Taste, Sut de cine Aer inde ubergche. soon den vorberghenden Tor fsbunden ist als ob die Tine von des Fingern det belden Hand angeshlagen wisdon Die Finger folgen hier der Avréning der Ubung tnd man slle sich dabet des 5. nor so Wenig IC irgend mizlch Bedlenen Ev gibe Butries wo die Hinde pecs cine aber diesandece gelubye werden” des it nid schwer fusgufuhren,voraupesetst, an beahet da Was ‘over inn Flinbide suf dc Bindong der Tone gee ssse worden bt Ee gtbe awe Artes von Boieris. von denen man Beppe im Site namens Le CrcToper. finde it der einen dieser Rrvteries Bewesen sich beide Hunde auteinanderfalgend wie rei Tropmeleile- sein der anderen (anrvs) lett die ese Had her die rede. abucshasind dem Ba nd die Oberstinene ansuschlagen 1h glaube, da diese letteen Bateres mit eigen: inch gd wenigstens sind ia dieser Ar nosh eine enbienen tnd ih anf zo tren ‘Gunsten sagen. da dat Auge hievbel an dem Vergnbeen tellin, wether dor Oke von nen empingt Die Ausfihnung diese verschiedenen Batterie ond ‘lesen vershedenen Roslonents hongt ver allety ‘smn der Gesdimeighee dee Handgelenks ab, ean Heh abo wehr od Iehe Be wrezungen BeflGige. end inde nan die fesige- ote Stelling des Elbogengslenhe bewabrt, Wenn ES attri die Spannweite det Hand aberchrett Wenn man merkt, da de Fland ausgeilet is. Seringer mam nach und nad die Hshe des 8 ‘die Elboren sid en wey unterhslb der Kl fur befinden: des twinge mun di, de Hard Can die Tastarur geschmiet 2 halen and des salts scelch dem’ Anshlog alle Bindone. man ihn loses ann Wem man Tater 084, mu man die Finger, die san gerade Beautst 50 hoch we mglch heben “ber Je mone man mit dor Bewegung vertrau wird desto weniger hebt an die Fingers und de probe vepunz verwadlt sich sunt Schum ene hate und leicht wohl hiten, den Tiller am Ende spielen, in ah absusltefen: et Set seinen. Abed auf nate Wevse, wenn ‘ fetst eamal die Genohabeit erwstben hat, fn Uherlasse es den Leheer. dem Rest mundich = Tohten.issSlerm al alles von den etsten Pin Fem auspeht die 1d nedergeege aber aor man sive ih sets vor Augen. dale Je meht man an sn Guundprinipien fethil, man desta. mehr ‘rete mt. denn der, den diese Granépsin ‘ep langweilen wird fae immer von seiner Un eaiald pepe. finden sich cinige Sticke in diesem Buch, die san wansponieren kann sun Boepet ksonen die eset nach C und die Risatdons nack D transpo= Dre weeden, vommebmlidh, damit man si sweat ‘mit einer Gabe siclen kann svaligeneiten kann man dejenigen doubles und ovis cines Rovdeau werlasen, welche man 2 erg det, Won eine Hand nicht leicht oveh Tasten greifen ny Taam man dielonise werlssien. ie nicht elingt notwendiy far die Melode it, dent 3 LUsmilchem soll man night angshalten wenden iste Methode dient al Linfihrung 2a einem vol scondigon System der Fingrtecinik_ am Comba, hes ich bald herauszugeben ho(le. Die Nats” kit dieser Technik it moet nicht bokannt ge Srden- und sie wind or llem beim Betlcten utbar werden: Ich eripare dabel dow Geant ihe Uncahl von Regels. die man im dbrgen set ‘eaden kann. nadhdem es einem gelungen it, He fm Vesstand indie Fnperpitoen,dbergcher ‘Nas ld Im esug auf das Cembalo gesagt habs, *pleihflls lr die Orgel sa beaskeen, Stam sll sch Sowwent ow éxicute wy die roulement ave lee slva mains dont Tes dove re snccedont pos [ore Eensecuivenonts on ow trouve am dcp dane fo Péce tine lee Toutillons. oi te fetreD Fdgue’ tt main erst & Io Tetre Go main asche Dans ces sortes de roulemens fet mains passer Fone sar Panerai il fu bon observer ele som de In premiere Touche tur loqutie Fame det tains pase, sot tout as ie a som precio (que Ss Chole touckes ies datas de fa more Tey dots sateen tet Fondte deta lgon € ine fae Sp serine ue Te sive ion pent ya des bateriet of les mais passe également Tune sur Faure ce aut west pos difficile pra ser, pour fon y fase Fobseration ut vient Afatretnde a Tard dela hasan des sae, Iya deae ores sree de batteries. ont ow tone sera exennle dane fa pace ntl, les Cyclops “fs Fane ds oe bteris es mais font enteles Termouversen consecntf der doue bacnertes dx tambour: € divs Fautre. In main gauche paste arden In drte, pour touche alternative a Basse # fe Dest Te crols que ces deers boteries me sont pate alien iv ns iL ea a pint encore pare de ln sovtes ‘se gue dire Tear fovenr que Pa ¥ parrae Te plaisir ae vote Poel, Léséenton de ces olforntes bateries, & de ces {lifes toslemens. vend vert dela svplesee ‘he polenet. on ey onduisant daileare par des trowvenent dome & Tegers, em 9 conserva fe Doin feed fa folate dr coud, Toa fa atten eseee Pete ef on Seto ae sent ta an formde odie pewssopei fa fours dn seg, neg cee fee sis se tree sot pe alesse wes dt flavier: ce aul evgoge pour for a teu ta mate Some cole au cituer ce gi adteve de jrocier fi toner rue a faisow gure pent itvodure ‘Quared ov exerce tes tremblemens cu cadences far fever, fel gil est posi. tes seals doves Sow ou se fer? pour fore ona ernne que Te Inoue Gn deient fier ot feve mis cs Moves Te grand owvemce se tonne lo fo fn it mouvennent vf ger 1 faue Ben ge garde do préipiter Ux caden fa fiw, pour fe fermer: ee 52 forme satura Tovsqion ex a ane fis weqits Mhebende Te tite ane Mais te so denciquer te vate de Souetome Brn que plas ow poerere dant Te pe fours f'dppe deste inpatence. Ny quelques prises dims ce bors, qu'on pour Traghosers far encanpe: la Msette peut dive wate 20.C sola sur toa pour dre fone avec fa Viole {es Rigauons on D. iar On peut se parser aolament parla, des doubles ‘¢ des reputes dt Rondeau, Quon trowvera Top iiee Lore ls ain ne peat exbrassrfoclement dew Touches ensemble, ox peat ebandowner celle ge: repos absolut nfcestre tu cha ar ne dbosr pas dive tad Tapas Cente Méthode ser, comme dinroduerion ae ‘Sete comple deta mgduongue des dgts sur le CChvessn, gue fespore dover biew-oty Twsiite de cette Medhaique ne Sse pois encore fait coos Fe, & cest dans Faccompaguement surtout quelle se fra le plus sentir 9 eporge da memoire uve fnintee de réglos. aon we pete capone tettre fr usage. auraprés avoir sy let fare paster ingemen au bout des doves (Ce que fat dt aout te Clavessn, est a observer pavement sur POrgue. 19 ‘The same seulement ie often executed with hands the fingers then fllowing ‘one anotner consecutively. An example of this i 10/be found In the place enticed Tes Toulon, where the lester D (Droitel indicates the right hand and the Teter G (Gace) the ltt hand, In soulements of this king the hande pase over another, one must watch, however that the sod of the fine Lay to which one hand pastes is 99 Jolned eo the preceding sound af Hf they had been Played by fingers of the same bond In this case the fingers fallow the order indicated in the lesson. the sth boing sed a lite a8 posible ‘There are burteree where the hande pate over another in the same ways thi ie not teat to practise provided that attenticn is given to he foregoing remarks concerning the merging ot the snd, “Thete are mmo other types of harteres, an example of which will be found in the picce entitled fot Cyclopes: "in one of these baveres, the hande berveen them, make the consecutive movement of two drumsticks. wile in the other the left land passes over the right to play. altemately #he Bare Bnd the Treble. holiove thar these later Batevier never appeated before: and {might addin thee favour that Bot fly the ear but als the eve derives pleasure from Shem ‘The execution of the various byteves and ronfe- nents depends Hest and foremost om the suppleness of the wrist this being achieved by sof light Imovements heaping the lbw joint ay a fixed Foint when the pamiulse barerie extends cutige te span ofthe hand When its fle that the hand has been developed the flake of che stoal may be gradually reduced tout the elbows are lightly below the evel of the kevboard. so cht she hands have, of neces tobe held a i glued to the keyboard, affords {he plaer' touch the maximum depres of oni When practising ails or shakes, only thse fins hid are in ase should be raised as high Poustle, However, a4 the movement becomes | blir these Rngers are raised lee sid lst sid the fonsiderable mavement employed st the outer 'e {inally replaced by a movement which i ight and FoMe great care not to rush the end of the tell © terminating efor it wil close naturally once ‘one has grown accustomed to Ie Wave tte intr teach the ge et bully: especially as everything emanates ftom the asic principles which I have just outlined. Ie must be remembered, though, thatthe mote one Pere Sree mith the fost peinciler. the. farther one will advance in ones career for he who wearge of these principles Ts almost always the dupe of Ms Impatience There are some pleces in this book whidt can be iranspesed. for example, the Museite can in parti= ular be transposed to the hey of C iP tH f0 be layed together with «vol andthe Rigoudons 9D, (On the whole, the doubles and the reprises of 3 [Ronfonn whi wil be found to be to diffste ca be omitted Where the hand cannot easly span two boys together do not try #0 play mkateter ss mot ab Solute estential to" they melody, because. the aver mast not be Bound by the imponsise Tie Method serves a¢ introduction £9 8 cm plete system of harpsichord fnger technique which | Fope te provide roan, the utility of thi exhale ab not et made iuelf Lnowa ind 1s especially in secornpanimene that i will best be appreciated. TThave endeavoured to spare the memory am infinite number of ales which can Be goplled only when {ne Knows ow t9 pate them fom judgement 10 the fageres All that I have said wich regard to the harps hod applies Ike manner tothe organ yom go | some eo TT Tallon Expreiion Menuet « coe aur menvemenes da EXcimple sa: « Premlere Lecon ! Main gauche » but de Voneris,toucher Correction: the eat the Beran lieu de Te" doigt ot le must be played wath the fst fn 1g must be played with the dich Fehler des Stechers: das c 2 Beginn der Cbunp Ereata du rmu6 mit dem Setar mit dem 1 Finger gespielt le do aves werden. das g mit dem 1. stare mit dem 5. Finger sl avec le pr ‘Table der Verserungen usw. wie sie im den Aus then, von 1724 und von 1731 der -Picces de ela- Soin enthalten it, Diese Tabele gilt adh Rar “Saus ausdradklichen Hinwelien ebenfalls for seine vvelles Suter de pieces de cavecin™ und far ine Pees de clavecin em concerts". (Nach den tnpiaren in der Bibliotheque nationale, Pais) Namen und Zeichen det Verzicrungen Taller Abgestitter Taller Triler mie Nadchlag Doppeleclag Mordene \srediag von unten \oredlag von oben Sordent und Vosclag von unten \erktrater Tor Geaccate) Nerspiteter Ton Eafaches Arpeaio Nersientes Arpeetio Bindebogen . Ausfihrang Fin Bindebopen, der zw verschiedene Noten um ‘ae mies Bedeuter. d38 man den Finger von fer este Nove srt aufheben dark nachdem ma he Eweite angeschlagen hat. ieienige Note welde an eine andere angebunden ‘ns de einen Teller oder eigen Mordent hat. dent sis Anfang for Jede dieser Versirungen Beispiel Ein Bindebogen. weldher meheere Noten fate fedeutet, dad man sie alle halten mf, vom einen sum anderen Ende des Bogens, unter Beride- Ssizungihtes Ansdhages Beispiel Der Dauinen 1 sll sigh in der Mite dieser baterie selinden Frsce bung (Redhte Hand | Linke Hand) Dies wiedetholt man ohne Unterbreduag oft und sit gletdmaBiger Bewesung Menuett in Rondeau-Form Table des agrément,ete.contenue dans les ditions de 1734 et de 1731 des Picces de claveci. Selon les indications formelley de Rameau, cette table fst auss valable pour ses Nowvelles Suites de pices Ae clavecn, aint que pour ses Piéces de clavecin fen concerts. (Dapres les exemplaves conserves Sa Biblioehdque nationale, Pas). Noms et figures des agrémens Cadence Cadence appuyee Double Cadence Double Pincé Pore de vote oul ince ct port de vou Sow cope Srspension Arpegemeat simple “Arpepeoent figure Liaison / Expression Une lsion gut emBrasse dew wortes diferentes. omnes argue quil we faut Tever Te dpe de evra Ta premiere gutaprés att touch InSeconde ia one lige dcelle qui porte ue Cadence ox tin Pine, ser de commencement 8 eacu de es greens Exemple Une laison aut embrace phsieare notes, margwe Sil fout les renin touted owt de Ta ison M rate a mesure qu'on tes fond, Exenple Le pouce 1 doit se owver dans le mien de cerre Baste Premiere Lecon (Main droite ! Main gaudte) Ceci se repete souvent sane discontinue, et avec alte de mouvement Monuer en Rovdeau Table of Omaments ab given inthe 1724 and 1731 dios of he “Paces de avesn™ Ths tbe, expresly indicated by Rameau, is also applicable tovhis "Nouvelles Sultes de pieces de clavecin” and his "Pigees de clavecin en concerts" (After the copies in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris.) Names and sigas of the ornaments Tall Prepared Trill “Terminated Trill Tarn Mordene Ascending Appogeiotura Descending Apron Mordent and ascending Appogsiatura Carell Note (Seaceato) Truncated Note Simple Arzetsio Figured Atpessio Slur/ Execution A Slut which embraces tno diferent notes. a5 ‘ndicates dhat the finger shouldnt berated fom the fire until the seeand has been stuck If the second of two sareed notes bat 2 til or 4h mordent. the fies note serves a5 commencement of the respective omament. Example A Slur which embraces several noves, indicates that all these notes are to be held down ehough- ‘Sut the length oF the slur, paying repard to Example ‘The thumb 1 should remain in the cente ofthis beter rst Lesson (Right hand / Left hand) This i eepeated many times ertuption nd wish evenness of movement. howe Minuet in Rondeau form. Allemande Courante ji | neers wba 1SS= Gigue en rondeau Fine 2° Gigue en rondeau Fine Le Rappel des Oiseaux te ote _ot.0,% £ sf peti trent tite rea Eee or eae ee eeasrmsesre) =. - eo" se elie aa =r : et yee =—= sams, 1 eee 1g 2 tele feb | or 1" Rigaudon Peeetace zee 2 fetitel ete tretig ht ad gotdgetegetegeie it ie 2me Rigaudon (gene See San | (safe | 31 ee a ree ls A aS + sate t Reprise 9 _ petite Reprise lopetes Pgs ae Musette en rondeau Tendrement oes 2© Reprise Fine La Villageoise Rondeau fee wg — 'D Cal Fine Les Tendres Plaintes Rondeau eee = Peg ae Were pee nwwe (a= S53 95 rhasesti ——— Cal Fine ost ney Les Niais de Sologne oie t e notes égales jee ort 1¢ Reprise _ oper 28 Reprise 2 2 2 let Fine 1° Double des Niais (aeReprise) | 2 £ , afe__£ cl ao treet atl et eel ere se 0? 2! Double des Niais La Joyeuse Rondeau Sa rsa fae If Reprise! La Follette Rondeau 7 D. Coal Fine 48 LEntretien des Muses 50 Les Tourbillons Rondeau te D.Cal Fine d. fetes is i “Et te ot ——— fe ifr ee ca a al Fine Les Cyclopes Rondeau ttpadees : > = a <—_ eet adds Jauoal Te ees ee tind genet! fea i: (S 0, Ha Le 43 —— eae fey otee fears + tee —t ——— ! D.Cal Fine Le Lardon Menuet

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