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5 18608540 WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVERSITY Dear Potential Participant: | am working on a project titled How can students use their phones effectively in the classroom? for the class, ‘Researching Teaching and Learning 2,’ at Western Sydney University. As part of the project, | am collecting information to help inform the design of a teacher research proposal. My project is based on observing the effectiveness of gamified quizzes as an engaging and accurate assessment tool across @ cohort of students of the same grade. | hope to establish if educators find the implementation of these gamified quizzes as being useful tools to assist with assessments within the classroom and whether or not gamified quizzes can be classified as being a productive way of incorporating students’ phones into classroom practices, as opposed to acting as a distraction. This data will be collected through pre and post surveys which will be given to each respective educator, both pre and post usage of the gamified quizzes. By participating in this survey, | acknowledge that: | have read the project information and have been given the opportunity to discuss the information and my involvement in the project with the researcheris. The procedures required for the project and the time involved have been explained to me, and any questions | have about the project have been answered to my satisfaction, | consent to submitting surveys containing my personal opinions and recollections of experiences. | understand that my involvement is confidential and that the information gained during this data, collection experience will only be reported within the confines of the ‘Researching Teaching and Learning 2’ unit, and that all personal details will be de-identified from the data, | understand that | can withdraw from the project at any time, without affecting my relationship with the researchers, now or in the future By signing below, | acknowledge that | am 18 years of age or older, or | am a full-time university student who is 17 years old. Signed Name: Date: By signing below, | acknowledge that | am the legal guardian of a person who is 16 or 17 years old, and provide my consent for the person’s participation. Signed Name: Date:

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