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The Effectiveness of Family Interventions on Knowledge and Preventive

Measures of Index Case Against TB Transmission in Children's Household

Contacts, Makassar, Indonesia

Presenting Author’s Name : Haerana, Bs. Titi a,b*

Co-Author’s Name/s : Nurhayati Adnan Prihartonoc, Pandu Rionod, Ratna Djuwitac, Syahrizal Syarifc,
Ella Nurlaella Hadie, Nastiti Kaswandanif
University/Institute, Country
Doctoral Student, Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia
Department of Public Health, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia
Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia
Department of Biostatistics, Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia
Department of Health Education and Behavioral Sciences, University of Indonesia
Pediatric Department, RSCM hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia
E Mail / Contact Details:
Category – (Student)

Children under five years are the high-risk group for TB transmission with household contacts.
Prevention interventions that focus on preventing child contact had not became a concern. This
study aims to assess the effectiveness of family interventions on knowledge and prevention
measures for TB index cases against transmission to child contacts. Study conducted on July
2018- April 2019 in Makassar City, Indonesia. The quasi-experiment was carried out through a
family intervention model consisting of 4 components (direct observer treatment by family and
drug logbook, family education materials, cough etiquette practice, giving masks) and a
comparison group (control group). Inclusion criteria are index cases that have children contacts.
A total of 31 case indexes in the intervention group and 28 in the control group. The intervention
was carried out once a month for 3 times with home visits. Knowledge and preventive measures
variables were obtained through questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using independent t-
test, chi-square test, risk ratio, and prevented fraction (PF) with Stata 13. We found that there
was a mean difference in knowledge scores (p-value = 0.00), with the intervention group being
higher (33.6 ± 6.6) than the control group (25.7 ± 6.5). There were difference in the proportion
(p-value = <0.05) of preventive measures (taking regular medication, applying cough etiquette,
using a mask, personal hygiene, and limiting the intensity of contact) and not taking preventive
measures can be prevented by providing family intervention to the controls (PFu%: 85 %, 68%,
67%, 62%, 97%) respectively. Family interventions were effective in increasing knowledge and
prevention measures against TB transmission in children's household contacts.

Keywords: Intervention, Knowledge, Preventive Measures, Tuberculosis, Children

Themes: (Health Promotion)

Bs. Titi Haerana
Doctoral Student, Faculty of Public Health
University of Indonesia

Since 2016 be student in Faculty of Public Health, I focused to research about children tuberculosis. I
designed intervention to protected childs on spreading tuberculosis from household contact.

Contact Information:

Faculty of Public Health,

University of Indonesia,
Depok, West Java
Telp : 085299689855
Twitter: @titihaerana

Category: Oral Presentation 

Presenter Category: (Students)
Name for the Certificate: Bs. Titi Haerana

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