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National University of Santa

Language Centre

..... • •••• •• .. . ..
Add -s or -es to the verbs :
1.1. scc 14. wakc ++ 2 . Underlinc the correct variant:
1. Tom his room every Saturday.

2. takc
3. brush
15. tcach
16. lose • : 2. We
a) tidy b) tidics
to the music every doy.
4. kiss 17. ceteh a) listen b) listcns
5. call 18. buy 3. Mary usually TV in the cw:ning. •
6. givc 19. pass a) watch b) watchcs

;Js :
1. play 20. come 4. The girls often with thc dolls.
8. study 21. fight . a) play b) plays
9. watch 22. water 5. I in the pool on Sundays. ¿ \
• 01 . hclp 23. choosc : a) swim b) swims
11. cut 24. fly 6. They their homework every day.
12. cry
13. swim
25. match
26. carry
b) dees
.. . . . ..
. ..
.. . . .. ..
• • •• • •
• 3. Rcwritc thc scntcnces with thc ncw
• •
Fill in clon't or docsn't:
8ill play teMis every Sunday.

subicct: ' 2. Wc go to thc park. ~

1. l(atc likcs to eat an ícc-cream. (I) 3. !Cate likc to cat fish. e .
---··-·····.............................................. • : 4. Suc wcar long drcsscs. •
2. Wc go to the zoo every Sundo.y. (Sam) 5. I like to get up eo.rly.
• 6. My brathcrs likc to drink milk.
3. Thc boys play football well. (Tom) + 1. M.y cousin know Italion wcll.
. -----······· -·-······· · ····· · · ·· -··· ..-···..
4. My brothcr spcaks English wcll.
likc to walk with my dog.
go to the gym. •

5. The girls likc to drow dolls. (My sistcr)
10. Thcy
11. Wc
understand this rule.
often go to the movics.
• ..
12. Uz wcar shorts at ali.
: 6. I play computer gomes every day. (Pam) 13. Tim grow flowcrs in the garden.

. . ..... .. . .•..•.••. .
· · • • •· • · •••• ·• · · · · · · · · •• · • • •• .... • 6. Write questions to the unde:rilne.d
5. Writc Do or Docs:
· words:

• 1. _ !Cate help her mother
k .every
, doy? 1. Ben slups cight hours every doy. •
2. you 1•1sten to roe mus,c. ~JJI
Tthom knowt atllhthc computSuendgro~s?+.
cy go o e zoo on ays. • 2~;;;;;;;~··;h~"fj~;;·~"'i~";_;;"¡j~~~- -,!).
5. _ you likc to dro.w animo.Is? : • -------·---··········-································ ..···
6. your brother drive his c:ar wcll? 3. Mona gocs to thc club cvery Saturday.
8. - the n boys
wan like
o to plant s flowers? --------········- :···················;·····....
_- ...
uc t t fl nd hl f . nd
r1e Sr., 4. They fccd thc robb1ts at 2 o clock .

enjoy clas.sical ..mus.ic: ~ •

: 9. _ you often call your friends? --------·--····-·· - ,..- ~
._t cy carnto enee er se oo, • 6 N"ck Id I bl ·
nd h . h , • . o se om p ays ta e

. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ..±. . . --------···········
12. _ m ary spc mue to me on s ops.
13. _
... .
your dog thc cats?
. . . . . . . . . . .·"··············-~t""¡¡"•·········· · o+ :

Match the pictures with phrases/words in the box.
wotch TV go home hove lunch get up hove o shower
play football wash my face brush my teeth do homework
90 to bed arrive at school hove dinner



Simple Present 2018 NKENNY


, ~ .'
- - J
: Choose the correct answer.
•------------------ --- -·
- -

- 1
:: ~ -
. •'
1 1 1

1 , ...

a) Have lunch I o) Comb my teeth : o) Woke : o) Repair the cor o) Reod I
1 b) Have breekfest : b) Brush my up I b) Wosh the cor b) Write I
I b) Stand

•;. :' = ·- - ;::= =1

I e) Brush my I e) Get I c)C e)
I e) teeth up

= ==
dinn er the e Co unt
- - = ~

ngin e
- ~:

• a) Phone

..Ff ....
w ndow shopping
o shopping b) Meet

• - ove moneyll e) Send

. • 1
____ ........ ._

- -
e) S

• 1 o) Toke

a)Go i 1
: b) Give
b) e) Eot
G 1


• 1 1
11 .....

1 1
........ •••
- 1


t~ _ _.
• ) ' ) i

) i

i )

--- l

• 1

• ) ) l t

it )



- 1

: ___
e) Cut e)o Clear ----------
o) Open Wosh o L sten a Sh ne o) Snow 1
b) Close b) Iron Pa nt Freeze
• b) Snow 1

e) Wr te e) Ra n e C eor up 1
• 1 a) Cry a) - --- - ----
o )
- F ight o) Tecch ---------
1 o) Look
I b) Sneeze b) 1


- - - - ---- - - - ... 1

=- - :.-
e) e) Spe ok e )
Do moths

- -
o S down o) Prey o Wo k o) Shou

-~ - - - - - -
b Ge out b) Smile b Hike b) Cry

e) Stand up e) Sing e) Run e) Smile

Coo k e) Me et
1.... oooom
...e..). ..L.o..u .g.h I

- -a.
1 ,


go for a walk phone friends have lessons come back home
listen to music watch TV wake up have lunch go to school
meet friends go to bed take a shower wash up feed a pet relax
read a book have breakfast chat with friends have dinner

I. Make up sentences about your usual day.

1. (wake up) I usually wake up at .
2. ( go to school) I always go to school at .
3. (watch TV) I often .
4. (phone friends) .
5. (read books) .
6. (take a shower) .
7. (feed my pet) .
8. (meet friends) .
9. (go for a walk) .
10. (have lunch) .
11. (come back home) .
12. (listen to music) .
13. (relax) .
14.(wash up) .
15. (do homework) .

Il. Make up 10 questions as in the example and ask your partner.

What time do you usually get up?

l. .. .
2 .
3 .
4 .
5 .
6 .
7 .
8 .
9 .
10 .


• ' @ Read a page from Lenora's diary and complete using the words from the word bank.

gd ,p, _,.,, go, ,-. S..okfort, ~od. ,_ •~h. _,.

, . ,.~l : I
. at seven o'clock. I

: I ha\<e my English lesson at 9 o'clock. At 12 o'clock I hove my

at half post seven .

: I usually TV at 2 o'clock. Ata quarter post three I .....;one of

. : my favorite books. After that at 5 o'clock I i Tony .

with my fr end

: I to bed at half post 10.

Ü Write about Lenora's day.

íEJ l.&"°"" gets up Q t

G0 Sh& hc>s brcokfast at

l 12:00
Sh& hc>s her

Sh& wctchcs
l l 14~ 11
l 14:45 > Shc reods

Shc walks
( 17:00 )]

I Shc gocs to

@Describe your day. Write the times and complete .

... . . . . . . . .··
.. : . ··. .···
. . :.
.·· ····· . .
. . .. . .. . ... .. .. . . . . . ... . .. .. . .. . . : . .

...........• . ....
. .
................. . . . . .... . .. .. . ..

get up, go to school, do my homework, play with my friends, play computer games
Created by Elvira

---·-- -·--·-·--'*·--~-----'

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