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Online learning activities are becoming a common component of higher education.While such
activities began as supplemental form of interaction,they have now become a central aspect of many
graduates courses and even entire degree programs.These activies may include the use of electronic
mail(email),bulletin board systems (BBS),computer mediated conferencing(CMC),audiographics or video
teleconferencing,remote database access,and most recently the World Wide Web(WWW).The common
element underlying all types of online learning is the use of computer networks,whether it is the global
internet or local campus connections.

It is undeniable that online learning, also called distance learning, is here to stay. Online learning
consists of classes that are fully delivered via the internet, or a combination of internet delivered classes
and periodic meetings in a traditional classroom. Clark and Mayer (2003) state that almost 90% of all
universities with more than 10,000 students offer some form of distance learning, nearly all of which use
the Internet (12). One of the major advantages of online learning is the flexibility it provides the student.
Tucker (2003) states that distance learning classes reach a broader student audience, better address
student needs, save money (for both the school and student) and more importantly use the principles of
modern learning pedagogy.

The outbreak of coronavirus disease leads to closure of many industries and non essential
businesses establishments including schools and universities.As the no.of cases of corona virus disease
remains to rise and the virus spread quickly and easily.The DEPED modified and formulated a new way
of learning in attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19.And Online learning is the possible medium of
education that schools and teachers can use to reach out the students during this pandemic and to limit
the disruption of education.

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