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10 to Infinity

Understanding the Importance of the EPIC HIVE

What Is A HIVE?
In order to understand the power of the EPIC HIVE, we must first understand the
normal, Stand-Alone HIVE and the significance of it. H.I.V.E. stands for High Income
Virtual Engine and is the vehicle by which we are upgraded into Beyond Infinity, our
Sharing Economy, where the Infinity compensation plan begins. When you are first
invited to 10 to Infinity, by a current Member, you either pay your own one-time (out of
pocket) $10 or it is paid for you, or you are given the gift of a PIF Reward Pass which
we will cover below.
The one-time $10 pays for the use of our unique Sharing Funnel to help you grow your
business. Once you become a paid Member, you are placed in your Enroller's HIVE and
you are also placed at the center of your own HIVE. To complete your first HIVE, you
simply share 10 to Infinity with 2 people who register and become paid Members. In
turn, they share it with 2 people, each, who register under them and become paid
Members. This helps to fill your HIVE and they will be on their way to filling their
HIVE. For every HIVE you complete, you receive $40 and you can fill an unlimited
number of Stand-Alone HIVES at no additional costs to you!
In a normal, Stand-Alone HIVE, after the first HIVE, you have two cells, one on the
left and one on the right, that you can give to two people of your choice and it does not
cost you or them anything. These are called PIF Reward Passes and you will have
access to them, with every Stand-Alone HIVE, after your first HIVE has been filled.
Now, to clear up any confusion, we also have a Reward HIVE which is very different
from the PIF Reward Pass. To utilize the PIF Reward Passes, you have to be the one to
bring in the two people whom you want to give those too. The Reward HIVE is the
result of having a sufficient number of people in our Benefactor's Pool. After you fill
your first HIVE, and depending on the people available in the Benefactor's Pool, you
will receive one Reward HIVE that will already have 2 new Members placed in your
new HIVE for you, from the Benefactor's Pool, and you will be their Enroller.
As we obtain a sufficient number of people in our Benefactor's Pool, the Reward HIVES
will just appear, as the next available HIVE. So, instead of having a new empty HIVE
appear with the two PIF Reward Passes, you will actually have a new HIVE appear that
already has two people in it! And when a Member is receiving a Reward HIVE, then the
PIF Reward Passes will not be available in that same HIVE. You will continue to
receive the PIF Reward Passes up until you receive your Reward HIVE, and after your
Reward HIVE, you will go back to receiving the PIF Reward Passes with each HIVE.
How A HIVE Is Filled
The 10 to Infinity HIVES are filled based on the Sharing Economy model, in a specific
order. Once you begin sharing your personal referral link with at least 2 people, now the
3 of you are working together to fill your HIVE. They should also receive the same
help from the 2 people they share this with to fill their HIVES.
Plus, you could receive help from the one who invited you, in filling your first HIVE.
For your second and subsequent HIVES, you could receive help from the Monumatic
Marketing Machine, the Triple M System! Below is an example of how an empty
HIVE, with you in the center, is filled with 6 people.
1. The first placement in your HIVE is the spot on your left.
2. The second placement is the spot on your right.
3. The third placement is the spot on your bottom left.
4. The fourth placement is the spot on your top right.
5. The fifth placement is the spot on your top left.
6. The sixth placement is the spot on your bottom right.
When your first Stand-Alone HIVE has been filled with 6 new Members, you earn $40
and you are automatically upgraded into Beyond Infinity and placed into Infinity I.
Once you have been upgraded, that same $40 is passed on to your Enroller as a Good
Deed Reward, if they have completed at least one HIVE. This only happens with your
first HIVE and now you are in a position to start earning from the Infinity Compensation
Plan. To earn, you MUST have personals who have also filled their first HIVE and
joined you in Beyond Infinity. You will continue to receive Stand-Alone HIVES and
each time you complete a HIVE, after your first one, you will earn and retain the $40.
Everyone must complete their first HIVE to enter into Beyond Infinity. There are five
subscriptions in Beyond Infinity that allow you to earn from the Infinity Compensation
Plan. Each completed HIVE will equate to the Infinity subscription you qualify to earn
from. For example, your first completed HIVE qualifies you to earn from Infinity I.
Two completed HIVES qualify you for Infinity II. Complete three HIVES and you
qualify to earn from Infinity III. Four completed HIVES qualifies you to earn from
Infinity IV. And five or more completed HIVES qualifies you to earn from Infinity V.
While the HIVES and the Infinity subscriptions are two very different things, they work
together to qualify you for the highest earnings possible. The completion of the first five
HIVES simply means that you are eligible to go into all five Infinity subscriptions when
it is the right time for you to do so. Your chosen Infinity subscriptions should be based
on the number of personals you have who are also in Beyond Infinity.
The EPIC HIVE is actually the third part to our Monumatic Marketing Machine, the
Triple M System. The function of the Triple M System is to help our Members fill the
empty cells in their HIVES and to help keep the HIVES moving! You can learn more
about our Triple M System from our website.
Now that you know how a normal Stand-Alone HIVE works, an EPIC HIVE is a normal
HIVE on steroids! EPIC stands for “Earning Profit Income Continuously.” You fill an
EPIC HIVE the same way that you would fill a traditional HIVE, except that you would
forfeit your 2 PIF Reward Passes and the opportunity to receive a one-time Reward
HIVE while your Automatic EPIC HIVE Toggle switch is enabled.
The EPIC HIVE is completely optional but after understanding how it works, once
enabled, you may never want to turn it off! The ability to have your second and
subsequent HIVES be EPIC HIVES is available to everyone, once they have completed
their first Stand-Alone HIVE. However, should you choose to start an EPIC HIVE, you
will want to make sure that you have it set up and ready to become your next new HIVE.
As part of our Monumatic Marketing Machine, the EPIC HIVE also has a function in
helping to fill cells in the oldest empty HIVES of the oldest Members. This is important
because it helps to prevent the HIVES from stalling. Each EPIC HIVE requires a $10
contribution to our Sharing Community and when a Member makes a contribution, they
will actually be placed in either the left or the right cell of the oldest empty HIVE. And
they will also be placed in the center of their own EPIC HIVE and this begins a domino
effect in the Community!
In order to really appreciate the value of the EPIC HIVE and the benefits it has to offer,
we need to look past the immediate benefit to the EPIC HIVE owner, and look to the
Community. What happens in the EPIC HIVE of the Member who has made their
contribution is also happening in the oldest HIVE they are placed in, simultaneously.
For example, if the EPIC HIVE Member enrolls 2 new Members, one on the left and one
on the right, in their new EPIC HIVE, those same 2 people will also appear in the oldest
HIVE where the EPIC HIVE owner was placed. Now, we have an older, empty HIVE
that now has 3 people in it and is half way to being filled. And once filled, the Member
at the center of that oldest HIVE will be automatically upgraded into Beyond Infinity in
Infinity I and their sponsor will receive the $40 Good Deed Reward, if qualified.
Therefore, when you make your $10 contribution to complete an EPIC HIVE, you are
actually helping other Members in our Sharing Community, possibly someone that you
enrolled. And for every EPIC HIVE that you fill, you earn 1 Point.
Everyone working together in this way will help more of our Members move from their
very first HIVE into Beyond Infinity! And when you teach your personals to do the
same, everyone wins! In fact, for every personal referral you have that completes their
first EPIC HIVE, they will earn 1 point and you, as the enroller, will also receive 1
Match point. This only happens when they complete their first EPIC HIVE and you
MUST have already earned at least 1 point to qualify for the Match point.
As a sponsor, you may be the enroller of someone who has the oldest, empty HIVE and
although they may have been inactive, their HIVE is coming ALIVE! Thanks to our
Monumatic Marketing Machine, we are helping those who may not even be aware of
our help. And although we do not encourage anyone to just join us and do nothing, the
function of the Triple M System is to not let any Member's inactivity stall the HIVES.
The goal of 10 to Infinity is to help those who want to help themselves, even if they do
not realize it yet. We know that one day, while we are already an international company,
we will become a global company, as we are the true epitome of what a Sharing
Economy should be. And by being a part of us, you will also experience the sharing and
this is what is going to help millions of people all around the world. We will become the
face of the new Sharing Economy, as we want everyone who joins us to experience what
it means to truly have others to share with them and to help them grow and succeed.
We can help anyone who wants or needs our help to be successful!
Thanks to our unique Monumatic Marketing Machine, the old barriers that held back the
97% from succeeding in the traditional Network Marketing Industry are coming down
and we are eliminating all excuses and doubt. And although 10 to Infinity is not a
Network Marketing company, nor are we an MLM, those Members who are or were a
part of that Industry are finding their way into our new Sharing Economy. And many
are finding out that when others truly have their well-being at heart, it makes it easier to
share our Community.
When you share 10 to Infinity with others, you are truly helping someone to get on the
right track, financially. The EPIC HIVE is designed to allow the Member who has
already completed their first HIVE to reach back into our Community of HIVES and
help others move up into Beyond Infinity.
As your personals and their personals move into Beyond Infinity, by simply helping
others to get started and filling a HIVE, not only can they benefit, but you will be
building and growing in width and in depth. When you build wide (personal referrals)
and deep (their personals), you are opening up more generational levels to earn from and
you can earn to Infinity! There is also an advantage to the Member for filling an EPIC
HIVE known as the Global Profit Sharing Pool.
The Global Profit Sharing Pool
Each week, the company sets aside 20% of their gross profits to be shared among all of
the Members who have earned EPIC HIVE points for that particular week, based on the
earned point value. For example, let us say that 20% of the company's gross profits is
$10,000, in a particular week, and the number of EPIC HIVE points earned, company-
wide, for that week only, was 200. Remember, each time a person completes an EPIC
HIVE during the week, they earn 1 point.

Therefore, to get the EPIC point value, you would divide the Profit Pool amount of
$10,000 by the total number of points earned that week which is 200. This would give
you a $50 point value and this is what every point earned that particular week would be
worth! The EPIC Point value is calculated every Saturday at 24:00 GMT (9:00 pm
EDT) and is paid out every Sunday at 01:00 GMT (Saturday at 10:00 pm EDT).

In this example, if you had one (1) of those 200 points, you would receive an additional
$50 that week, paid to your Internal Wallet. And if you had 3 EPIC HIVE points, you
would earn an additional $150 that particular week, and so on. And you never lose
your points, as your accumulated points will become valuable for you in the future.

Although you are only paid from the Profit Pool for the points earned that particular
week, once paid, the points you earned will be added to your accumulated points. Your
accumulated points will also be of value to you. There will be more exciting details
forthcoming concerning your accumulated points... so don't stop accumulating!
Your First EPIC HIVE Contribution
You will see the words, highlighted by the red outline, as seen in the image above, at the
bottom of every HIVE page when you first begin. However, this does not mean that you
have an EPIC HIVE. As stated before, your very first HIVE will always be a normal
HIVE and you must complete your fist HIVE before you can have an EPIC HIVE.
If you are still working on your very first HIVE and you want your second HIVE to be
an EPIC HIVE, you will not have any funds available in your internal Wallet because
you are not yet in Beyond infinity. Therefore, the only option you will see for making
your first contribution of $10 is by debit/credit card.
The first time you elect to fill an EPIC HIVE, you will want to make a $10 contribution
to the Sharing Community before you complete the current HIVE you are working on.
And once you have made your $10 contribution, your very next HIVE will be an EPIC
HIVE! While filling an EPIC HIVE is completely optional, every EPIC HIVE that you
want to fill requires a $10 contribution to our Sharing Community.

Please Note: It is important that should you choose to complete an EPIC HIVE, that
you make your contribution BEFORE you complete the current HIVE you are working
on. If not, then your very next HIVE will be a normal Stand-Alone HIVE and not an
EPIC HIVE. And you will have to complete your new normal HIVE before your next
HIVE can be an EPIC HIVE. Once your contribution has been made, your $10 will be
added to your EPIC HIVE Escrow account and you will see the Green Enabled button,
indicating that your very next HIVE will be an EPIC HIVE.
Your First EPIC HIVE
Once you have enabled your EPIC HIVE toggle switch, your very next HIVE will be an
EPIC HIVE as indicated by the word “EPIC” above the HIVE. If you leave it enabled,
indicating you want your next HIVE to be an EPIC HIVE, your contribution of $10 for
your next EPIC HIVE will automatically come from the $40 earned with the completion
of the last EPIC HIVE. You can disable the toggle switch, at any time however, any
change you make will only affect your next HIVE and not your current HIVE.

When you fill an EPIC HIVE, not only do you earn the $40, but you also earn one (1)
point in our Global Profit Sharing Pool, for every filled EPIC HIVE during the week.
And depending on the point value and your number of earned points, any given week,
you will be receiving part of the company profits for taking the initiative to help others,
as well as yourself, in our Sharing Community.

The weekly Profit Pool can be tracked in your back office by clicking on Organization,
then click on “Make It EPIC!” Hopefully, you can see that the more EPIC HIVES we
fill, the more we are helping each other in our Sharing Community, no matter who their
enroller is. This is sharing at its best when we all work together to help all Members!
A Company Like No Other
Since its inception, 10 to Infinity has been about helping people from all walks of life to
achieve prosperity. We have developed a framework that has formed a community that
believes in sharing with others. Our Sharing Community is the first of its kind in the
new Sharing Economy and can be a catalyst towards prosperity for all.

And while there may seem to be many moving parts, once you understand that it all
begins with the HIVE that leads you into our Sharing Community, Beyond Infinity, then
you will begin to see how easy it is to share 10 to Infinity with others. In fact, there is
no simpler way to help someone, who wants to help themselves, become prosperous.

Whether you are sharing 10 to Infinity with others and filling a normal HIVE or an
EPIC HIVE, we are all connected in one way or another. Every action has an effect on
our Community and our EPIC HIVE is living proof of this!

This is not a race and as long as it takes to fill a HIVE and move into Beyond Infinity,
then help your personals fill their HIVES, so they can follow you, then you will have
started something good. Embrace this opportunity to work together by sharing our
community with everyone and creating prosperity for all.

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