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1) Badminton is a racket sport

that is played on a court divided
by a net five feet high.
2) The game is played with a
3) Game can be played as singles
or doubles.
4) The object of the game is to hit
the shuttlecock over the net so
Scoring system

A. A match consists of the bes.t of

3 games of 21 points.
B. At 20 points, the side which
gains a 2 more points lead
first, wins that game.
C. 4) At 29 points, the side
scoring the 30th points, wins
that game.

When both played hit the

score(even number) , such as
0,2,4,6,8 and so on, the players
serve from the right service court
as shown in the area highlighted
with the white squares
The players have to serve to the
opponent at the diagonal
When both played hit the
score(odd number) , such as
1,3,5,7 and so on, the players
serve from the left service court
as shown in the area highlighted
with the white squares
The players have to serve to the
opponent at the diagonal
On the first hit, make sure
shuttlecock goes beyond a short
service line and also first hit will
consider out of point if it lands
beyond the singles side line
On the second or following hits,
you may allowed to hit the
shuttlecock anywhere on the
court as long as it doesn’t land
beyond the singles side line and
baseline .

1). Make sure always have a firm grip on the racket .

2). Be careful not to hit your partner with the racket.
3). Stay on your own court.
4) Stop playing if others enter your court.

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