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Goal Inspired by the Social Teachings of the Church, you are challenged to write an
advocacy paper addressing the issues either about the environment, poverty, human
trafficking, labor, EJK, animal welfare, corruption, mental health in order to
encourage the Christian community to proclaim and bear witness to the Gospel of
Love and Mercy. The output is meant to call on readers to action, particularly to
become stewards of God’s creation and bearers of Good News.
Role You are a member of the Media and Information Committee of your Parish or
Catholic School.
Audience Parishioners
Situation Pope Francis has proclaimed a “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation,”
which will be celebrated annually on September 1. In celebration of this, your
religious organization is tapping you as a member of the promotions committee to
write a paper that will focus on delivering its goals of promoting the care of God’s
Product/Performance You are expected to write an advocacy letter which expresses your stand about the
current issues using your lens of understanding on the lessons from Profession of
Faith, Holy Trinity and Creation until Fall, together with lessons on Catholic Social
teachings and Sacred Scripture. It should also lead the readers to realize that caring
for creation is an important requirement of our faith.
Standards for Success Your product will be evaluated based on the following standards:
a. content
b. creativity

 To be done individually
 One page only (short bond paper, single space, Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial. 11 Font Size.
 Use UST SHS Template. Black and white may do. But Colored printing is encouraged.
 NB. This will become the basis of the Infographics (Group Peta).
 Rubrics to follow

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