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Seminars in Orthodontics

VOL 10, NO 2 JUNE 2004

Introduction: Bone Physiology in Orthodontics

his issue of the journal is the first portion of pleased to welcome as coauthors Dr Sarandeep
T a two-part series on the physiologic basis of
orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic ther-
Huga, a former orthodontics and PhD student at
Indiana University who is now on the full-time
apy. Bone biology is the physiologic basis of our faculty at Ohio State University, and my son, Dr
specialty because all orthodontic and orthopedic Jeffrey Roberts, who is in the private practice of
responses are manifest by osseous adaptation to orthodontics in Richmond, Indiana.
environmental and therapeutic loads. Funda- The third paper explores the mechanism of
mental bone biologic mechanisms are reviewed osseointegration, utilizing two exciting new tech-
in a clinical context. The intent is to focus on nologies: nanoindentation and backscatter im-
current concepts and apply to common clinical aging. Since implant-anchored orthodontics is a
problems. dramatic advance in biomechanic therapy, it is
The first paper addresses bone development very important for orthodontists to understand
and function— genetic and environmental mech- the “functional ankylosis” of rigidly integrated
anisms. This article draws heavily on the consid- endosseous implants. Dr. Huja is an orthodon-
erable talents of Professor James K. Hartsfield, tist who is at the cutting edge of this emerging
Jr, a board certified medical geneticist and orth- field, which has substantial importance in med-
odontist who is currently completing his Phase icine and dentistry.
III certification requirements in orthodontics. The fourth paper introduces two clinicians
Jim’s considerable talents are opening a whole from Melbourne, Australia: Dr Gary Yip, an en-
new perspective on bone development, cranio- gineer, restorative dentist, and periodontist, and
facial growth, and response to biomechanical Dr Paul Schneider, an orthodontist skilled in the
therapy. It has been an honor and a pleasure to use of retromolar implants. During his peri-
work closely with Jim over the past 10 years. odontics training at Indiana University, Dr Yip
The second paper considers the unique phys- developed a unique application of micro-CT
iology of bone modeling. Most aspects of bone technology for analysis of the osseous interface
physiology relevant to biomechanical therapy, of rigidly integrated implants. This nondestruc-
growth, and skeletal adaptation are bone mod- tive method for examining bone and soft tissue
eling events. The purpose of the article is to in three dimensions is emerging as the new gold
demonstrate the importance of distinguishing standard for studying the osseous support of
between bone modeling and remodeling. This dental implants. The method is particularly well
semantic problem has considerably confused the suited to recovered retromolar implants.
orthodontic literature for many years. I am

© 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. W. Eugene Roberts, DDS, PhD, DHC (Med)
doi:10.1053/j.sodo.2004.01.002 Guest Editor

Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 10, No 2 (June), 2004: p 99 99

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