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Good morning miss my name is Anabella Bravo and this is my story.

Everything happened in a beautiful city named Iquique. It was a warm night in 2016.
I was in my house with my mother and grandfather. I remember that I was
excited because the next day I was supposed to start my first year as a
teacher, so I had been getting ready for weeks.

My family was happy because I had got a good job. For that reason, I had bought
a new laptop and many products from the stationary before March started.
Nevertheless, nobody expected what happened that night. I was sleeping and
suddenly my grandpa started to shout. A burglar had entered in my house. My mom
called the police as soon as she woke up.

Finally, the police arrived., but there was nothing to do. The burglar stole everything
from my bedroom including my new belongings for work. My mom was so unhappy
because I had been crying for long hours. To sum up, a few days later I realized
that I just lost material objects and my family was alive.

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