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Andrea: Hi Lau, I was thinking of you

Laura: Hi Andre, how can I help you?

Andrea: I am looking for a job and they ask me to send an email with all my personal
data to the manager of the company.

Laura: I am very good at writing emails; I will help you if you want.

Andrea: Yes, please, if I pass the tests, I will be in charge in September, my duties
will be to send emails to suppliers, manage international customer accounts, quote
prices for supplies in inventories and I have to have a lot of knowledge on the internet.

Laura: I know you are going to do very well, as you did to learn about virtual platforms

Andrea: My handling is very basic. In the company if I pass the tests, they offer me a
discount for an advanced systems course, but I must have an intermediate level.

Laura: I am going to give you some classes so that you can print them.

Andrea: I want to grow in the company, give a very good impression, implement good
sales strategies and establish business relationships with clients that leave a good
monetary reward in the company

Laura: The Monday morning we are starting with the basics and if you want, we will
write the email so that they keep you in mind

Andrea: perfect, the Monday morning I going to do my best

Laura:the email is the correct and corporate way to communicate in a professional

way, it has many advantages

Andrea: I am afraid, what happens if a virus comes to my email behind a fake email
from some major bank.
Laura: I'm going to give you an example, if you don't manage that bank or the email
you send you have never received, it is better to report it and delete it immediately or
you can call the technology department and have them investigate the origin of that
email, on the other hand email is a way to communicate your ideas in a correct, easy
and concrete way

Andrea: I travel to Medellin on Thursday, my flight is in the morning, once there, I

will ask for a taxi, arrive at the hotel, prepare myself with my best outfit and practice
to get the interviewer's questions right, although I really don't know what dress myself,
you have any dress that you can lend me.

Laura: It could be, I have a designer friend, who has very good quality dresses,
suddenly you find something there that you like.Andrea: I would love to, take me
there, what day can we go?

Laura: She has an agenda on Wednesday night, I can pick you up in my car that day
at 7 and we will go to the store for her to advise you

Andrea: I am very anxious and that makes me hungry, come on, I'll invite you
whatever you want

Laura: oh sorry, but I am very late for my work, I must be in a meeting at 7 in the

Andrea: don't worry, but I owe you breakfast for being so nice

Laura: we are going to have breakfast on Sunday at the new restaurant in town

Andrea: Perfect, we will discuss the work issues we have, and I will confirm if you
pass the work test.

Laura: it's a great idea, see you on Sunday at 8 o'clock, have a good day

Andrea: Goodbye, nice to see you

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