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Sarah Pham

October 12, 2020

HON 100 First Reflection

Who Am I?

My path to the prestigious University of Washington, and subsequently, it’s Honors

program – now that I think about it – was rather uncanny (I took I-5, not the Montlake Bridge).
Let’s start at the very beginning: I was born, my destiny fated in the stars – “UW Honors
Program” practically written into the crevices of my palms. From the moment I started life, and
unto this day, I never expected to be the recipient of such an expensive Zoom education, but
alas, here I am. Blessed.
The next seventeen years of my life, much like Big Bertha, were delayed and costly
because I (A) procrastinated, as I am doing currently with this paper, and (B) spent all my
money on high school tuition, when I should have saved it for blue-light glasses and therapy. I
also happened to spend a lot of time cooped up in my room, studying. I read a lot, developed
an affinity for writing, and achieved mediocrely high marks in school. I looked at the world
through a unique, metaphorical lens, as all Honors students do. I was helplessly inquisitive,
curious about the world, full of useless questions and new, avant-garde ways of thinking, which
eventually landed me where I am now: continuing to pursue higher education. To answer your
question, yes: I think it was my peculiar, yet gifted, brain – not Google Maps, that led me to UW
and the Honors Program. This is all a guess, by the way. I have no idea why I’m here. It’s a
pleasure to be with you in these uNpReCeDEnTed times, thank you for having me.
Now, I dive into the more sentimental: What or who has left a significant, indelible mark
on my life? Well, I’d have to say Crocs. As a Seattleite, I don’t mind the rain. But because Crocs
have holes, my socks get soaked with water, and that’s not a comfortable experience. What I’ve
learned is that even when I may take the road less traveled, in the rain, and in socks that are
not waterproof, I can still choose to dance in puddles and embrace rainbows. Crocs urge me to
shrug off the weather and, instead, focus on patching up other, more important holes in life. To
look up at the sky and see what is infinitely possible, not down at my feet. And so, every
morning, despite the drizzle, I step into my Crocs, lace up a good attitude, and walk in the
direction of self-improvement: I strive to be a more attentive listener, compassionate friend,
and courageous, enterprising individual, while also doing my part to patch up societal injustices
and educate myself on issues of poverty, race, and environment.
What I hope to achieve in my fleeting time at UW and the Honors Program is not lofty (I
have small, humble goals), but hear me out. In my first quarter, I would like to discover the cure
to COVID-19 and (whilst on a 500 person Zoom call) meet the man I will eventually marry. In
ensuing quarters, the plan is to move away from realistic goals, and instead, into the more
abstract. I would like to explore “who I am as a person” through taking challenging classes that
will (and let’s be honest), more than anything, make me cry. I also hope to begin thinking more
deeply about my purpose – academically and personally – by charting my undergraduate
experience as part of my Honors portfolio and to start thinking more creatively about my
relationship to the world and its social dilemmas. Lastly, I’d love to make some friends.
Word Count: 600

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