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Bismillahirahman Rahim,

Starting today, I will do my own self journal that I really want to share with you
guys. Yeah, people with traumatic experience will share an interactive story right?

Today, I wanna share about an interesting topic which is “Why doesn’t Allah
answer my duas?”
By the way I am not the best person to talk about religious thing to all of you, but
I am in the phase of learning to be a better woman. Insya Allah
Years ago, I prayed for something over and over, that I desperately wanted
answered. But as time went on, I realized that not only was my request not
coming true the way I asked – the exact opposite was happening.
I struggled with watching what I saw was the opposite of my duaa take place but I
reminded myself that Allah decree is with wisdom and that His plan is the best.
But it was hard. Really, really hard.
Years and many life events later, He answered my duaa.
And I realized that in order for my duaa to be answered n the best way for my life,
I needed door after door to be closed for me so that my duaa could be answered
in a specific time of my life – the best time, in the best way.
If I could speak to my younger self, I would tell me “Allah is Alhakim – the All
Wise. Trust in his plan. Know it’s better than anything you could even dream of
asking for and that every single obstacle on your path is actually another door
opening to an even better outcome than you’re asking.
But since I can’t speak to my old self, I’ll just remind myself- and if it’s helpful to
you, then you as well now:
He answers, in the best way, at the best time. Don’t give up. Keep begging. Keep
doing the right thing. Keep having hope. He will never fail you. Even if it takes 8
years, or maybe more! Even if its different from what you ask. He will always
respond with what is the best for you.

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