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HR Practices and its effect on the government

1. Ensuring a safety workplace

In the foreground, there is a worker sporting a hard hat and a yellow jersey that
reads Protection Week. In the distance, employees wearing hard hats and safety
belts are standing in an empty building. Security of staff is the subject of a range of
training activities and projects. There are a variety of regulations in force that enable
workers to have a protected workspace. This laws are administered, but HR must
make assured that the laws are being complied with. However, protection cannot be
assured in some professions. To minimize the risk, management and HR should
work together to eliminate less dangerous processes or products where all options
can be used to separate hazardous materials or devices from workers that do not
need to work with them to ensure that adequate protective equipment and ventilation
are used in all hazardous circumstances, and to enforce strategies that reduce the
risk by taking the required safety precautions. Both these constructive improvements
will benefit the business by holding workers at work, thus increasing morale.
Research indicates that protective services pay better than they pay for themselves.

2. Collective Bargaining

It is through this practice where unions and employers are entered into negotiations
in a mechanism called collective bargaining. Collective bargaining is a mechanism in
which employers negotiate with union members to decide over policies, salaries and
benefits. Representatives of the Union shall be empowered to act on behalf of the
whole Union. If the union delegate negotiates an increase for its members, all
members can get more money. Labor unions also acquired a great deal of influence
since the passed Act of 1935. The act made it legal for the majority of employees to
unite or join the trade unions. It has made it easier for the labor unions to seek
contracts for their workers. To make trade unions become more successful, the Act
creates the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) as it governs the laws and
policies relating to collective bargaining.
3. Protected Classes of Employees

Practice in which some classes of workers are constitutionally excluded from

discrimination. In other words, if the employee belongs to a protected group and is
discriminated against because of his or her position as a member of that group, the
employee can take civil action against the employer. But being part of a covered
category does not mean that an employee will never be suspended or dismissed. HR
administrators can defend societies from prejudice by recognizing the legislation on
discrimination and enforcing measures to discourage discrimination. In the event of
prejudice in spite of hiring policy, HR managers should work with senior
management to deal effectively with particular problems, compensate staff and
discipline managers who discriminate. The Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC) is responsible for the interpretation and implementation of anti-
discrimination provisions in the workplace.

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