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1. A favorable partnership between the school and community will yield bountiful harvest by way of
establishing a conducive learning environment in the school and an orderly and civic-minded citizenry in
the community.

2. The teacher are committed to spend time, effort and expertise in serving the academic needs and
interest of the community members while the community leadership and authorities are equally willing
to provide assistance by way of material resources and learning center for the school population.

3. Teachers and parent from the community can establish a close relationship that can pave the way
towards a better understanding of the difficulties met in both and location and jointly suggesting
positive solutions. The same holds true with the strengthening of the values and attitudes of students
through modeling by the teacher in school and by parents at home.

4. A firm intimate interrelationship between the school and the community is indeed a product of
valuable investment of time, efforts and resources willingly shared by both.

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