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Title of the Project:

Impact of Urbanization on Villages.

Selection of the Topic:

Impact of Urbanization on Villages in India.

Research Problem:

Causes and effects and impacts of urbanization.

Research Design:

The project is based on doctrinal type of research methodology.

Identification of Variables:

 Dependent Variable: Impact of Urbanization on Villages.

 Independent Variable: Growth of Urbanization, Problems of Urban Areas and Problems
of Slums.


Urbanization facilitates growth.

Collection of Data:

Books, journal, magazines and Internet.

Analysis of Data:

The contribution reviews the broad ranging impacts of Urbanization on Rural Land use,
differentiating between processes, impacts and policy in older industrialized countries, newer
industrialized countries, and developing countries. Set against the challenges of sustainable
development, urbanization processes are analyzed first in relation to underlying reasons for
migration to urban areas.
Classification of Data:

 Trend of Urbanization in India.

 Impact of Urbanization on Villages.


Today, 54 per cent of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to
increase to 66 per cent by 2050. China and India are both urbanizing rapidly, but China has
embraced and shaped the process, while India is still waking up to its urban realities and
opportunities. Urbanization in India began to accelerate after independence, due to the country’s
adoption of a mixed economy, which gave rise to the development of the private sector. From
above review we conclude that Urbanization is not good for us. Urbanization impacts the
environment through the strain of resources, including food, water, energy and the land itself,
which increases as the population within the urban area increases.

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