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Introduction: Thank you for purchasing this Ebook. My name is InjectOG / Hawk, we will be
going over many different methods to explode your snapchat with traffic.

Method 1: Yellow:

Step 1: Download an application called “Yellow” both available on the android store as well
as the apple store.

Step 2: You will be required to make an account make sure you choose female as your
gender as it will attract more people. You will be required to verify your account by phone
number which isn’t a worry. For the picture I recommend you make a collage with your
“ewhore’s” picture along with a snapcode and a username. Also, when you have done this,
go on to “Settings” and turn “Let my friends find me using my number” off.
(Do not use nude photos on Yellow as it will get you banned)

Step 3: In the settings you can essentially choose your target audience by some of the
following settings:

For example:
Talk to? – Boys
How old? – 18-70 (Or whatever your target audience is)

Step 4: For this to work effectively I recommend swiping a few thousand people a day. If
you do this daily you will notice results.

Method 2: Ghostcodes:

Step 1: This method is very very simple, Download an application called “Ghostcodes”
both available on the android store as well as the apple store.

Step 2: Sign up, and upload your snapcode, and that’s basically it you will start to notice
people slowly adding you. You can also see in the application when people download your
snapcode etc.

Method 3: Cake:

Step 1: Download an application called “Cake” both available on the android store as well
as the apple store.

Step 2: Set up your profile, and upload a picture of your “ewhore”. (Not nude) (You may
need to wait a few minutes for Cake to approve your picture then you should be good to

Step 3: Once your account has been approved go to the tab called “Live” then click the
camera button and click “Go Live Solo” what I recommend doing is having a piece of paper
with your username on it and having your camera pointing it. I use this method a lot and is
very effective, in the top right hand corner you will see your viewers, I have hit about ~500
viewers myself before.
Method 4: SFS:

Step 1: This is very simple, “SFS” means “Shoutout for shoutout”, what you do is find other
people who are wanting to grow there snapchat too, and shout out there account on your
story and they will do the same. (I don’t recommend doing this all the time as it makes
your story messy and I have noticed doing it a lot actually makes your views go down).

Method 5: Websites:

Step 1: Also another very simple method, make an account on all these websites and post
a thread with a title that says something like “18F snapchat: {your username} and do the
same in the thread.

Step 2: Make sure to bump these threads everyday for maximum amounts of traffic. It is
time draining but it is defiantly worth it.

Websites that are Optimized for Kik.

Websites that are Optimized for Snapchat.
Method 6: Reddit:

Step 1: This is probably one of the best methods, what you’re going to need is an old
reddit account with high karma, you can purchase these off HackForums for a dollar or

Step 2: Once you have obtained an account what you’re going to do is start posting in sub
reddits with your username below are a few subreddits you can use to post in.


Method 7: Whisper:

Step 1: Download an application called “Whisper” both available on the android store as
well as the apple store.

Step 2: Simply make an account.

Step 3: What you want to do is create a new “Whisper” make it something like “snapchat:
{your username}. And then flick through the backgrounds and choose one you like (I
normally just use one with the snapchat logo). Once posted you will get a pretty insane
amount of adds, it doesn’t last too long. However you can post it as much as you want.

Conclusion: If you have followed all of these steps correctly you will notice your snapchat
“explode” with insane amounts of traffic. Any question don’t hesitate to message me on
HackForums. @InjectOG

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