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English 2 Architecture program Score:

1. READING THE TEXT AND PICK 20 unknowns words

Emerging Trends That Will Shape the Future of Architecture

Before we can contemplate the practice of the future, we must sharpen the tools we have at hand. What
will the future of architecture look like? We might not be colonizing Mars, man-made space stations any
time soon, but some exciting recent architectural trends are giving plenty of reasons to get excited about
the future of built environments right here on Earth. Over the last two decades, the construction industry
has been subject to dramatic changes, paving the way for a future in which traditional spatial concepts
are longer valid. Now, compost is being used for building materials, crowdfunding and collaborative design
have become increasingly popular approaches to architectural projects, there is a focus on the importance
of green infrastructure and energy efficiency, and the line between private and public space is becoming
increasingly blurred. We actually found the changes quite impressive. It is not a secret that technology
has accelerated at an incredible pace! Architecture is not an exception.

Collaboration: Architecture as we know it is likely to disappear and, in the future, the role of architects
may be very different to how we recognize it today. Specialists in, for example, environmental science and
social anthropology will become active team members in design studios, working on complex projects that
require knowledge in different fields. It is reasonable to expect that the emergence of specialists from
various fields will eliminate many of the job profiles currently existing in the construction industry.
Experts say collaboration with system leaders is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for meeting complex
structural needs.

VR & Immersive Architecture

Imagine an artificial world that you can observe, walk through, reach out to touch objects and see
everything around you respond in real time. This is immersive virtual reality and these spaces are created
using a combination of computer graphics, wireless tracking technology, headsets, HD projectors, polarised
glass and more, all working together to create interactive and real-life experiences. The world of 3D
virtual design and engineering is a fast growing field and there’s some seriously forward thinking happening
in these fields.

Virtual reality technology has seen rapid developments in recent years and this is most apparent in the
architectural, engineering and construction industry. Every design will soon be made using virtual reality;
enabling the user to fully immerse himself in a 1:1-scale, 3D (BIM) model which can be manipulated and
provides an incredibly accurate sense of presence in a space that’s yet to be built.
Big Data and Smart Cities

Although Big Data has a lot of buzz around it, I believe that in many ways it is still a relatively new and
unexplored concept. However, its potential for human analysis is already obvious. This makes it a perfect
and integral part of the planning and creation of smart cities. As populations grow and resources become
scarcer, the efficient usage of these limited goods becomes more important. Smart cities are a key factor
in the consumption of materials and resources. Built on and integrating with big data, the cities of the
future are becoming a realization today.


The BIM is already an old idea but it has started to build massive momentum in the architectural
The BIM (Building Information Model) is based on several principles that can be implemented with
relative independence:

 we design a project using a unique 3d model which is modified throughout the project’s life
 this 3d is not only volumetric surfaces, but has metadata attached like the material of the
element and parametric modifiers like the height of a wall
 the 3d model can be stored in a multi-client database and stored in the cloud to be accessible at
the same time by several people
 multi-user permissions on the model can be defined precisely to reflect team member
responsibility on the project
 all construction elements are classified using standard categories, namely the IFC
 libraries of construction products can be inserted in the model and even get actualization if the
product version changes …
All these aspects are promising, though BIM change design practice and relationships between members
of the construction may create some tensions and resistance. Architects are not already well trained in
BIM, and often do not have the resources to learn it. Also the dominance of one software makes
interoperability and standard more difficult to set up. But BIM grows faster and faster, and will probably
be the mainstream tool to design architecture in the coming years.

Parametric architecture

Another area that’s having a moment in architecture is parametric design. Parametric design is a
generative design system, where adjusting the parameters will compute to create different types of
outputs, and create forms and structures that would not have otherwise been possible. Parametric
architecture uses internally a geometric programming language that can be used directly by coding. Or you
can design parametrically using a software extension of Rhino called it and make the same operation
visually with a User Interface. Grasshopper shows you the shape of the building, and gives you a way to
define handles to control it.
It allows you to do some once impossible tasks when using traditional 3D modeling software. But moreover
it changes the relationship we have with the finished building. We actually don’t build a building, but a
shape that is controlled by a series of parameters or constraints. The computer and human imagination
play together to design architecture. The second important point is that it moves architecture closer to
programming language. As it is code behind the shape, everything we can make with code becomes possible:
share the code, fork it, make libraries…

The limit of parametric architecture could be the construction itself: it may not be as flexible as what
the software can produce!

Architecture robots and 3d printers

The way we make things has changed — but will change more drastically still. Robotics is coming to the
construction industry. It won’t be long before we are assisting in designing to a construction process
that involves assembly robots. Assisted robotics, in which a human and robot work together to direct
the construction process, is also on the horizon.

“Robotic construction and 3D printing are the future” –Wolf D Prix

We’ve seen 3D printing of consumer items, but new algorithms can actually value engineer a structure,
while solving the equation for structural resilience and material use. In architecture, we have seen
parametric design tools assist in creating amazing structures. Now the use of large-scale 3D printers will
help push the materiality of those structures. 3D-printed construction will greatly expand the limits of
construction technologies.

Internet of Spaces

The “sharing economy” (or, “collaborative consumption”) has had the greatest impact on the housing and
real estate market. Peer-to-peer online platforms like it, as well as shared workspaces and driverless cars
are paving the way towards a future in which infrastructure is the dominant aspect of the built
Regarding residential architecture, the concepts of interconnectivity and smart design will redefine the
way living spaces are created. Transformable spaces that adapt to the homeowner’s age, economic status
and personal preference are well on their way to becoming mainstream.
Vertical cities

Land is becoming scarce as the world’s population grows and environmental changes shrink the amount of
livable space on Earth. Some creative thinkers say the solution is to build up.But with land increasingly
becoming scarce, how will our already busy cities cope with accommodating millions more people?

To be sustainable, cities will need to become more space savvy — making room for not only more commercial
and residential spaces but infrastructure and public services that will be able to cope with an increased
population, such as roads, schools and hospitals.


1 Environments Ambientes
2 Crowdfunding Recaudacion de fondos
3 Increasingly Cada vez más
4 Members Complejo
5 Complex Necesidades
6 Needs Auriculares
7 Headsets Creciente
8 Growing Preciso
9 Accurate Sin embargo
10 Resources Recursos
11 Trained Entrenado
12 Mainstream Convencional
13 Outputs Salidas
14 Share Compartir
15 Itself Sí mismo
16 Design Diseño
17 Dominant Dominante
18 Redefine Redefinir
19 Increased Aumentado
20 Roads Carreteras
21 Workspaces Espacios de trabajo
22 Preference Preferencia
23 Thinkers Pensadores
24 Increase Incrementar
25 Value Valor
26 Drastically Drásticamente
27 Together Juntos
28 Finished Terminado
29 Called Llamado
30 Way Camino
31 Handles Manejas

1. Take out at least three sentences in Comparative and superlative form.

 New concepts are more vaid than previously stated concepts.
 As populations grow and resources become scarce the more efficient use of these limited
assets becomes more important.
 The smartest cities are a key factor in the consumption of materials and resources.
 Limited assets are the most important when resources are scarce and populations grow.

2. Take out at least two cue ideas from the text.

 It invites us to see the recurring changes that are given to all spheres, in this case
architecture, where it shows us that there are reasonable changes and that the needs of
these changes generate more changes allowing us to develop in different fields and with
different specialists in these fields.
 The writer makes us aware that there are new ways in which we can develop or represent a
project in this case we have virtual reality.

3. What is the writer trying to do in this text?

 The writer tries to raise awareness about the importance of construction architecture and the
new ways in which it can be represented, he teaches us to value the parameters of architecture,
the quality of architecture. In the text he teaches me the importance of architecture

4. Do you consider the text is important? Why?

 I consider that if, what the writer shows us through the writing, it is important to know how
the different types of housing, real estate, how they talk about spaces, the needs of the beings
that inhabit those spaces have impacted on the economy. He teaches and talks about vertical
cities, parametric architecture, corporate economics and sustainability.

5. Write five question and answers about this text use Future.
1. Proximate approaches to architecture or construction are understood by:
I. Green infrastructure
II. Energy efficiency
III.Differentiating line between public and private.

D. None of the above
2. Architecture technology is constantly changing, what would be the role of architects in
constructions or projects that are to be developed?
A. Collaboration with system leaders in order to meet needs.
B. Meet the needs without the need for third parties
C. Collaborate with people from the same branch in which the project is developed.
D. All of the above

3. Elements that give us an immersive virtual reality and these spaces would be created using a
combination of graphics by?
A. Computer graphics and wireless technology
B. Headphones and HD projectors
C. Paralyzed glass
D. All of the above

4. Virtual reality technology has undergone rapid development in recent years and is this more
apparent in the future in the industry?
A. Architecture, Construction and Mechanical Engineering
B. Engineering, Architecture and Civil Works
C. Architecture, Engineering and Construction
D. Civil works, Construction and Architecture

5. What would be the principles that could be implemented in the construction of Architecture?
A. Construction are classified using standard categories,
B. We design buildings using standard categories
C. Construction of architectural models
D. We design a project using a 3d model

6. How could a geometric programming be created?

A. Coding
B. Parametric Architecture
C. Software
D. Grasshopper

ADJECTIVE: any member of a class of words that in many languages are distinguished in form, as
partly in English by having comparative and superlative endings, or by functioning as modifiers of nouns,
as good, wise, perfect.

2. Search in your dictionary the following Adjectives for Personal Qualities. Write the Spanish
Aggressive Agresivo
Angry Enojado
Bad-tempered Malhumorado
Selfish Egoísta
Sensitive Sensible
Sociable Sociable
understanding comprensión
Humorous Humorístico
Honest Honesto
Impatient Impaciente
Impulsive Impulsivo
Indifferent Indiferente
Intolerant Intolerante
Tolerant Tolerante
Kind Tipo
Lazy Perezoso
Polite Cortés
Rational Racional
Rude Grosero
Self-controlled Autocontrolado

3. Read again the Adjectives for your Personal Qualities from exercise 2


Sociable Aggressive
Understanding Angry
Humorous Bad-tempered
Honest Sensitive
Tolerant Impatient
Kind Impulsive
Polite Indifferent
Rational Intolerant
Self-controlled Lazy

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