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Participation in sports at school should be compulsory

Many people think that participation in sports at school isn‘t necessary. In my opinion, working out is
very important, especially for students.

First of all, participating in sports promotes physical fitness and well-being, meaning it helps us maintain
a good body shape and health. It also reduces the risk of many diseases, improves our appearance and
delays the aging process. Sadly, not a lot of people care about excercising nowadays,especially children
who have no motivation in it. They find computer games more exciting, they don‘t care about their diet,
meaning they mostly eat junk food and other bad stuff. Participating in sports at school at least once a
week could change that, since those students would start working out and maybe find motivation in it. I
also believe that by excercising they would reach their ideal body shape and boost their self-esteem.

Second of all, participating in sports can help students discover a talent. Nobody knows what they‘re
good at until they try it themselves,only then they find their desires and dreams. That‘s one of the
reasons why we have so many different subjects in schools. By learning each one we discover things we
understand and can do very well, which helps us choose our future job and speciality. In my opinion,
physical education should be included too. A child can be bad at math or other subjects, but instead he
could be a fast runner, a swimmer or other kind of athlete. If he doesn‘t try it or isn‘t tested, nobody,
including himself, knows if he‘s good at it. That‘s why I think participating in sports at school is
compulsory, since it helps discover new talents and has a huge impact on a student‘s future.

Last, but not least, excercising in school can save up a lot of time. Most schools provide students with
seperate sports lessons, . Most students don‘t have much time, since there‘s a lot of other stuff to do
already. That‘s why they stop working out on their free time, even if they want to. The only solution to
this problem is excercising at school. I believe that by participating in sports at school we not only save
up time, but we also maintain good health, body and other mentioned things.

In conclusion, I think that every student should participate in sports at school, because it offers a lot of
health benefits, improves our self-esteem, helps us discover new talents and saves up a lot of our time.

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