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Bilete oral limba engleza

1. Present several benefits of travelling and talk about the main reasons people travel.

2. Talk about 3 different things that can go wrong when planning a trip overseas.

3. If you are a reservation agent, list the most important elements that you should ask from the
customer when taking a phone reservation. What other things do you have to keep in mind during

4. List and talk about 5 principles of providing an excellent service to your guests. Give examples of
some phrases that might be useful.

5. Offer some examples of empathic language, and explain what it is.

6. What are the steps that you should take when you are dealing with a difficult situation. Explain each

7. What is feedback. When do you give feedback? To whom do you give feedback? How many types
of feedback can you talk about? What are the differences?

8. What is the role of a manager in a team? Present his roles in relationship with all team members.

9. When your role as a manager becomes the role of a mediator, what you should never do?

10. Present several types of meetings in a company.

11. What is the purpose of a meeting?

12. How do you prepare for a meeting as a manager?

13. Talk about a place that you would like to visit, and tell us why.

14. How would you solve a guest complaint? Present the steps and the approach.

15. What is your opinion about listening. Explain why.

16. Present an unpredicted situation that you had to deal with fast and solve it even faster. What was
the outcome?

17. What can you tell us about the travel industry in general?

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