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September 10, 2020 CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF ANGOLA INSTITUTE OF MINERALS RESOURCES, ENVIRONMENTS AND TECNOLOGY PETROLEUM ENGINEERING Avenue Pedro de Castro Van Duném “LOY” 24 LUANDA - ANGOLA Dear Mr./Mrs. | am writing on behalf of Mara Marimas whom | have been acquainted for more than 2 years and | recommend her for admission to the CHEVENING SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 2021. | have known her since she was a student in my course in Offshore Facilities Production of Petroleum Engineering graduation course in 2018, as professor, | have had an opportunity to observe her participation and interaction in class and to evaluate Mara Marimas’ knowledge of the subject matter. She is an outstanding student in all respects and proved to be a model student. She has proven that through hard work, follow through, team work, accomplish tasks in time. Because of her hard work, he consistently scored good on assessments and problems set. Her works demonstrated an attention to detail and ability to solve and integrate material to create large frameworks for discussion. She made intelligent and insightful contributions during full-class discussions, but it was in researching and presentation activities that her enthusiasm shone, she took the initiative to organize and lead classmates before and during those tasks. In short, Mara's high caliber of character, education level, strong academic abilities, clear dedication to researching and keen engineering expertise, | believe that set her as a very strong candidate to the program before highlighted. If there are any questions | can answer, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Silveira Victorino Giueiee. Lvichrine +244 990207873

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