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1. Watch
- My parents watch a serie of television at 6:00 p.m. every days.
- On Sundays, Carlos watches scary movies at the night.
2. Guess
- I guess my sister is in love with her friend.
- Tania guesses i can understand japanese becouse i wacht anime.
3. Finish
- My sister and my brtotehr usually finish their jobs at 1:00 p.m on Saturdays.
- When Martha finishes his homework, she listens music.
4. Go
- In summer, Vanessa and me go to the beach to swim.
- Actually, my mom goes to the market to buy only vegetables and fruits.
5. Fix
- If you fix the sink, you can go to the party.
- Michael fixes his problems to be happy.
6. Study
- They study Chinese on the wekeend.
- My friend studies Pure Chemistry and is in fifth cycle.
7. Carry
- They carry their notebooks in their backpack.
- She carries a big box to her office.
8. Fly
- My uncle and my aunt fly to Cuzco to visit Machu Picchu.
- The bee flies from flower to flower.
9. Work
- I work in a coffe restaurant becouse i dont have money
- Erika works from Monday to Saturdays.

10. Play
- You play videogames with your roomates.
- The niece of my sister plays the guitar like a profesional.
11. Read
- We read a book called “The End of Eternity” by Isaac Asimov.
- He usually reads the newspaper in the morning.
12. Write
- They write a novel of mistery for their homework.
- Lucas writes a poem of love for his girlfriend.
13. Eat
- I eat chocolate when i am nervous.
- Often, Adriana eats some cheese.
14. Come
- If the mice come into the house, you must have a cat.
- He comes to me like a dream come true.
15. Wash
- I wash my hair with salt-free shampoo.
- Liliana washes her dog once a month.
16. Take
- We take the bus every days to go home.
- He takes a coffe in the restaurant.
17. Have
- I have a dog and a like it very much.
- Camila has fever becouse she went to the pool.
18. Do
- Occasionally, i do some gifts to my family.
- My mother does shopping for the house.

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