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Gerunds , Infinitives and Base Form

The gerund is formed by adding "ing" to the infinitive. It is a form of the verb that in a
sentence fulfills the function of a noun. Gerunds are often used when actions are real or
completed, that is, using a gerund suggests that You are referring to real activities or
1 • walking is good for your health.
(Caminar es bueno para la salud .)

2 • I Like eating ice cream

(Me gusta comer helado.)

3 • My cousin was walking the dog

(Mi primo estaba paseando al perro.)

4 • the chef is cooking a baked chicken with potatoes

(El chef está cocinando un pollo al horno con papas.)

5 • she is acting in another movie

(Ella está actuando en otra película.)

6 • I am watching TV
(Estoy mirando la televisión.)

7 • we are preparing the cake for tomorrow's party

(Estamos preparando la torta para la fiesta de mañana.)
  It is the verbal form that carries "to" at the beginning. For example, "to do", "to sleep",
"to love" and "to create". It is the simplest verb form that you have to modify to fit the
sentence. Infinitives are frequently used when actions are not real, are general or are
1 • I can Help you to Cook
(Te puedo ayudar a cocinar .)

2 • I hope to see you soon

(Espero verte pronto. )

3 • I can teach you to sum

(Puedo enseñarte a sumar.)

4 • they decided to return home

(Decidieron volver a casa .)

5 • She promised to stop smoking

(Prometio dejar de fumar .)

6 • We agreed never to talk about it again

(acordamos nunca volver a hablar de ello.)

7• I want to Drink
( Quiero Beber.)
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