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FE, Somme’ Art and Aesthetics, 1982 ‘Artis the oldest and richest inventory of man’s perception and comprehension of nature. It is the poetic image of what man has felt the universe to be and how he gradually became friends with different layers of materials and different layers t he wants to go out into the forest, and eventually he even goes to the mountain top. We study man’s a ‘ms that come out of nature, ‘The record is written into those beautiful paintings that exist in so many places, So it is important to both study history and work within nature, “Art brings together the work of nature and the work of man. The work of art does not stand by itself; it isa chunk of nature highly encrusted by man, of situations. At some p ent toward an understanding of what forms can give, fo inking favors the cohesion of our ideas about art. There are many who say that art is -ling and they cannot talk about it. Anyone who is limited co that attitude has no right to be a teacher of art. [am not under the delusion that all things can be clarified, yet I believe our means of perception can be educated/ I can excuse a uncducated exept an artist. Photographers have to be educated to consider photography in the light of the history of art and the history of ideas. Images and ideas cannot function agut fe Imost anyone b separately. Photography cannot afford an iconoclasm of ideas. r ly graphy We owe much to our sources and should not be afraid to borrow. What we learn from a work of art is renewed in the future. The right to this exchange is earned by ded We are humble about just a word or fragment of something by Leonardo da Vinci. Every me we see a beautiful work of art we acquire some of its rigor. In going to museums, a painter remembers many paintings in terms of the structural cohesion of their component So after years of work he ends up with a creative combinati se Sources. "This is not bad, The creation of another style transforms what preceded it/ Everything ndlergoes transformation in order to survive. For years, people admire their maste I learning until the quality of this commitment shows in their own work, annot be objected to; it lity with which these sources parts. traditions is beautiful. The inspiration and q reappear is the work of art.

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