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Name : Gustika Adi

Nim : 1907311040
attendee's number : 12

covid-19( Corona Disease)

first corona virus I heard from tv originating from one of the major cities in China,
namely in the city of wuhan which which did not take a long time has claimed the lives of about
500 more viruses spread so fast that almost 186 countries are infected by this virus, especially
in Indonesia the government of Indonesia is currently vibrating appeals to the whole
community to be better off staying at home for 2 weeks to minimize the spread of the corona
virus because it is feared to take more victims a few points from the appeal is It is forbidden to
gather many people, stay at home for 2 weeks, always pay attention to the cleanliness of the
surrounding environment, and always maintain health.

some positive things taken in this corona virus outbreak are always maintaining
cleanliness such as always washing hands with soap or with hand sterilization, there is time to
gather with family but unfortunately my father is a police officer and my mother is a health
worker so they don't make the same difference gather like the general public

I hope this virus outbreak is quickly resolved and can reverse the community activities in
general because the outbreak of this virus is quite troublesome to the community because
many economic activities are quiet, even many tourist placed are closed because of
government recommendations sometimes we are also bored to stay at home.
Name : I ketut budyastawa

Corona virus is a virus attack respiratory system. This virus is very danger cause can make the human
dead. Here are positive impact about corona virus :

1. Improvements in air quality

The air will become nature because there a least activity in the highway, air pollution would
increasingly reduced, we can feel the clean air and not polluted, fresh air can be able to make us
become more healty.

2. healty lifestyle

In this situation we should change the lifestyle for helalty life. We should drinking mineral water
and eat a good food like vegetable, washing hands every day can reduce germs, exercise everyday can
make our body will be healty

3. Stalled airline emissions

Air traffic has taken a nosedive since the virus spread to Europe. Despite previous projections of
growth, 67 million fewer passengers flew in the first three months of 2020 compared to the year
before.Policymakers and industry are still trying to figure out how much worse it will get, but airlines are
canceling an increasing number of flights as the virus continues to spread and countries introduce travel

4. Climate is no longer the crisis

With the virus consuming everybody’s attention, the climate issue has been crowded off the
agenda. On Monday, the European Parliament opted to forgo a debate on the EU’s new Climate Law
after the plenary session was shortened to minimize people’s exposure. Parliament President David
Sassoli then quarantined himself for two weeks.
Nama : I Komang Bayu Suputra

NIM : 1907311045

No : 17

Matkul : Pratikum English

The Bright Side Of Coronavirus Pandemic On ur Experience

This year many cases occurred, one of them in Indonesia, the Coronavirus.
Coronavirus has spread in various countries, one of which is Indonesia.
Coronavirus is a virus that infects the respiratory system. This viral infection is
called COVID-19. Coronavirus causes common cold and can be transmitted
between animals and humans. Before the coronavirus had occurred in China one of
which spread to spread to various countries one of which is Indonesia. Besides the
spread of the coronavirus has an impact on the world economy both in terms of
trade and tourism. In Indonesia, one of the big economies such as raw materials,
natural gas, which now has a low market price. Besides that in the tourism sector
the spread of the corona virus causes tourists to visit Indonesia to be reduced.
Tourism support sectors such as hotels, restaurants have decreased affected
by the corona virus. Lonely tourists also have an impact on restaurants that most
consumers are tourists. If tourists visit the reduced turnover will also decrease and
affect the workforce and the tourism economy in Indonesia. Steps taken by
Indonesia in dealing with the impact of the corona virus is to implement a
lockdown system so that the surrounding community does not contract the virus
and even today many have been positive with the corona virus and have an impact
on human resources at this time. and can be applied a healthy lifestyle and always
be aware of this virus. On the other hand corona virus not only has a negative
impact, but also can have a positive impact on the economy in Indonesia and health
on us.

The good side of the economy is the opening of new export market
opportunities besides China. Besides that the opportunity to strengthen the
domestic economy can also be realized because the government strengthens
domestic purchasing power rather than attracting profits from abroad. In addition
to the good side of health in this coronavirus is the least amount of pollution in the
environment and stabilizes our body from the usual thing to be regular so as not to
get sick. Besides that we can also gather with the family in order to maintain
harmony with each other in the family. We better prevent than cure in this
coronavirus because we will get its own benefits and reduce the number of human
resources associated with this coronavirus.
Name : I waya dodi Indrawan

My opinion about covid 19 ( corona)

in my opinion this virus is a very serious virus because it can be seen from the number of victims who
continue to grow from day to day. as a society we should know the causes, characteristics, and
prevention efforts . maintaining health and hygiene is one of the efforts that can be done to prevent this
virus, starting from small things that is always washing hands when wanting or after touching an object
and not leaving the house in accordance with government recommendations .the good side of this virus
is that we students can spend more time with our family. I was released from the campus because of
this virus

March 16 to March 28, but because the current conditions are still unstable, the holidays are extended
until conditions improve .there are so many positive activities that can be done during holidays, which is
helping my parents, helping my siblings learn .Even though it was closed, UTS activities from campus
were still carried out online. I really hope this virus has a cure quickly so that there are no more victims
infected with this virus and hopefully victims who have tested positive for the virus recover quickly. and
there are no more victims so that things can improve quickly and I can carry out lecture activities as
usual. that's all my opinion about this virus, I say thank you
Name : Ida Ayu Koamng Mirah Prabandari

NIM : 1907311044

Number : 16

English Correspondence

Corona virus or briefly covid'19 is a new virus that appeared in 2019. Corona or covid'19
virus first appeared in China. Over time, many countries have been affected by the virus, one of
which is Indonesia. In Indonesia more and more people are infected with the corona virus or
covid'19. So that the Indonesian government enforces social distance such as studying at home,
working at home and worshiping at home to reduce the spread of the corona or covid'19 virus.
Many ways to avoid this virus such as always maintaining personal hygiene and the
environment, maintaining distance, wearing a mask when traveling, try not to leave the house if
it is not urgent.

Corona virus or covid '19, besides having a negative side, also has a positive side. Indeed
there are many who suffer losses due to corona virus or covid'19. Especially for people with low
economies who cannot carry out their activities online and must leave the house to be able to
survive such as street vendors, day laborers, fishermen, farmers, online motorcycle taxi and
others. But the corona virus or covid'19 also has positive sides such as being able to gather with
family at home, strengthen the kinship more closely, be more familiar with relatives at home,
more concerned with personal health, more concerned with environmental cleanliness, more
diligent cleaning, air quality is getting better, avoiding congestion and so on. Not all negative
things occur due to this virus but there are also positive sides that may rarely occur or rarely
done. Not that corona virus or covid '19 is a good thing to maintain. Hopefully this corona or
covid'19 virus can soon be overcome in the world, especially Indonesia.
Nama : Komang Ayu Laran Tari

Nim : 1907311009

Jurusan : Diploma III Akuntansi

Corona COVID-19 virus has become a pandemic and spread throughout the world. The
virus was first discovered in China last December. The Indonesian Covid-19 update in Indonesia
as of 26 March 2020 is no exception, 893 people have been tested positive for the corona covid-
19 virus, 78 have died, 35 have recovered.
The good side of the corona covid-19 virus teaches us a lot of things such as not going
continuously to things that are not important. Honestly before the government implemented my
personal lockdown, I rarely stayed at home, even more so I was boarding, which had to be taken
daily to take care of the work program in the organization. It's kind of weird, like there was
something lacking that used to come out often now and not.
And when I am now in the village I can have more time to gather with my family, who
had rarely been able to gather like now, before they all came but they left, but for now more time
can be devoted to families which indeed we rarely get time to gather together like now.
Especially when the retreat is held for 2 days it feels very strange. Moreover, yesterday
the road was quiet, almost no vehicles passed. I myself find it strange yesterday to leave the
house, because there was something very urgent that required me to go to the hospital to see my
grandmother being treated there.
For lecture systems that take home, sometimes rather complicated, have to wait a little
too late and especially have to be available for internet access. But from this take home system,
we are learning more about IT systems, which are now all technology so we can't help but have
to follow.
And also the take home lecture system can be done anywhere we can while lying down,
while eating, while watching television, which we usually come to campus to sit, listen to
discussions, sleepy content, but if this take home system spoil us more which is like I mentioned
I hope the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic can be quickly resolved, so that we
people can carry out activities like we used to. Without the lure - lured by worry and panic. And
hopefully the lecture can be launched again, if possible reduce outside the house if there is
nothing very important.


NIM : 1907311042

The Bright Side Of Coronavirus Pandemic On Ur Experience

In my opinion, coronavirus is very dangerous for us all. Because it can kill humans
quickly with the virus. But if we look at it with a broad view, this virus gives a lot of meaning to
our lives, starting from small things that might have a big impact on our lives such as washing
hands every time we hold something around us, then we must be more vigilant with people who
are sick around us. Besides that, we are also more able to appreciate the true meaning of life,
namely we are more concerned about the health of our bodies and the cleanliness of the
environment around us. And especially for me, this virus gives a lot of life lessons because
usually I especially often stay up late because I have to do assignments and reports, but now I
can manage my time so that it is not late at night doing my work and especially to prevent the
arrival of disease. besides that the amount of time with my family and we all get.

Usually parents are busy working outside the home, but now doing office work together
at home. In addition, coronavirus reduces pollution levels in the world due to lockdowns that
minimize activities outside the home. Poor mental health to pollution and increased polarization,
as if to prove that the community is too busy working, excessive consumption, and too
individualism. When social distancing is being carried out around the world, air quality is
In addition, with this virus we care more about each other. Natural disasters usually unite
people and trigger acts of solidarity among people. While the threat of a pandemic, however, has
united all humanity against the real threat. Humans help one another without the need to look at
ethnicity, race, or creed. Many bright sides of this coronavirus itself without us knowing it also
makes us humans more concerned about the health of the body and the environment in particular.
In addition to making us aware of the beauty of sharing, there is a lockdown because this
coronavirus makes us and I especially more able to save money because we don't need to spend
money to buy gasoline and spend money on things that are our desires, not the needs that we
really need. Back again to each of us hopefully be aware of the seriousness of this virus and not
travel for a while because the world needs a rest.
Name : Ni Ketut Melly Diana Putri

Nim : 1907311008

Good morning, I'm going to tell you about my experience of this

corona virus. The positive side I found is:

1. More hygiene

Because with this virus I knew I had to be very active in

cleaning myself, in anticipation, in the virus, because

cleanliness is the most important, and I always use sanitizer to

clean up when I go around with a mask.

2. Family get-togethers

So we spend more time with our families, taking care of each

other and cutting down air pollution, because we stay indoors

Name : Ni Ketut Ria Natarini

NIM :1907311046

Prodi :D3 Acounting

No :18

Positive Impact Of Coronavirus

So far, we understand that viruses have a negative impact on human life. Of course the

virus is widely understood in medical terms as a cause of the emergence of disease. Not

infrequently the effects raised by the virus will cause conditions in the form of prolonged pain

and even lead to death. Seeing from the death cases due to corona virus which is increasingly

growing, this condition certainly causes concern in the minds of the public. Moreover, our

society is still common with viruses and how to deal with them. The current condition can be

said to shock the community, because the map of the distribution of positive cases of the corona

virus in several parts of the world is fairly fast and moreover has disrupted daily activities.

Continues when people are worried about the availability of tools and materials that they

can use to ward off the corona virus. That concern also culminates when the stock masks and

hand sanitizers that are the most common starter packs to fight the corona virus out on the

market. Then an alternative tutorial for making hand sanitizers appeared on social media pages.

This is again to calm the worries of the people who have overflowed. For people who were

convicted positive of the corona virus, they are also worried about their survival.

Workers are also worried about their salaries. Very grateful if there is a work from home policy,

if not yes can only stroking your chest while determined to keep coming to work as usual.

Moreover, the workers inevitably have to work at home for the time being. Surely the headache

is due to the corona virus.And Schools, Universities, Offices are closed en masse to avoid the
spread of the corona virus.

Of the many negative effects of the corona virus as for the positive effects of the corona

virus? .Of course the corona virus has a positive impact on human life.

First, Wash your hands more diligently As many have echoed that the way to prevent

corona virus is by diligently washing hands.World Health Organization (WHO) said, hand

washing is an effective first step to prevent all diseases, such as gastrointestinal infections, and

respiratory diseases.self awareness of health is important to be maintained. With the corona

virus, we become more aware of the health of our bodies. Many of them are currently in the

process of starting a healthy life, either exercising regularly at home, eating foods that have high

nutritional content, and avoiding activities that can potentially invite disease.

As for the correct ways to wash hands according to (WHO) namely:

1. Clean your hands with running water, then pour soap on your palms then rub and gently rub

your palms in a circular direction.

2. Wipe and rub the backs of both hands in turn

Rub between fingers until clean

3. Clean the fingertips alternately with the position of locking each other

4. Rub and turn your thumbs alternately

5. Place the tip of the finger into the palm of the hand then rub gently

6. Rub the soap to the wrist, and rinse with clean running water, then dry with a tissue.

Second, self awareness of the cleanliness of the surrounding environment. People with a
corona virus outbreak are starting to realize that a clean environment will minimize the potential
for viruses to develop. Activities such as cleaning the house, taking out the trash, washing hands
and cleaning the body also began to move frequently. Awareness of environmental cleanliness
can also be marked by the number of masks and hand sanitizers whose stock runs out on the
market, but for this one it is not necessarily entirely true to be a marker.
Third, the corona virus gave rise to the social distancing movement. Of course, to limit
your social activities that could potentially transmit the corona virus. Both for those who have
not contracted with those who have not, who have not been infected with, or who have
contracted with those infected.
Fourth, make it closer to the family.After many cases that occur and the government's
recommendations for the community are encouraged to remain silent at home and carry out
activities at home, this makes the positive impact of the corona virus the amount of time that can
be spent with loved ones namely the family so that the cord of brotherhood becomes tighter.
Fifth, Reducing Air Pollution on Earth. As a result of being driven to stay at home so that
few people do activities outside the house, and they come out for very urgent conditions such as
buying food to survive, due to the road is quiet from transportation vehicles that have the effect
of reducing air pollution on Earth, this has a very positive impact on keeping our Earth as
transient as possible for rest.
Sixth, Change healthy eating patterns. According to WHO, there are several ways to
prevent corona virus through food.For example, by avoiding the consumption of fast food and
cooking more often at home. This is to avoid sprinkling of saliva when sneezing or coughing
from others, and maintaining self hygiene. In addition, multiply the consumption of fruits and
vegetables,to increase the immune system.
Seventh, Diligent sports It is undeniable, since the corona virus entered Indonesia, many
people routinely do sports.This is to increase endurance and prevent various diseases.
Finally, awareness to pray. Not a few people upload prayer sentences during the outbreak
of the corona virus. Although there has been no research that states that prayer can prevent the
corona virus, but praying can suggest someone to think more positively. So this makes us
thankful for the gift of god so that we have more time, to pray to God so that this virus outbreak
is too fast.
Name : Ni ketut sindy oktavia sp.

The Bright Side Of Coronavirus Pandemic

Corona virus is currently trending talks around in the world. Beginning in 2020, the world was
shocked by the spread of a new virus, the coronavirus or the deadly corona virus. It is known, the
origin of this virus comes from Wuhan, China. It was discovered at the end of December 2019.
Until now it has been confirmed that there are 152 countries that have been infected by this
deadly virus, one of which is Indonesia. In Indonesia, the spread of the virus was first detected
after two people from Depok residents tested positive for Covid-19 in early March. They both
contracted from Japanese citizens in a club in the Kemang area, Jakarta.

After that, other positive cases emerged. The Indonesian government is currently making efforts
to break the chain of transmission of the Corona virus. The appeal is to maintain physical
distance (physical distancing), work from home, study at home, to worship at home. This is
related to the nature of the Corona virus that is transmitted between humans. Transmission can
occur through a spark.
That is why residents are expected to maintain physical distance with each other to minimize the
risk of being hit by a splash (droplet), or touching an object that was previously hit by a droplet.

Of all the government's efforts to minimize the transmission of the covid-19 virus, there is a
good side to the implementation of lockdown in some areas, social or physical distancing in my
opinion, I personally have more time with family, playing, watching movies. In addition, the
presence of fresher air due to reduced air pollution, increased awareness of health and awareness
of healthy living also increased. I hope this virus outbreak will end soon because I want to live a
normal life again.

Nama : Ni Komang Shinta Ayu Putri K.S
Nim : 1907311055
Jurusan : D3 Akuntansi

"the bright side of coronavirus pandemic on ur experience"

Corona Covid-19 virus has become a pandemic and spread throughout the world. The virus was first

discovered in Wuhan, China last December. In Europe, Italy became the worst country with a death toll

of 4,825 people. At present Indonesia has 893 positive ones and 78 who have died.

According to my experience now with the corona covid-19 virus, it teaches us to better maintain the

cleanliness of ourselves and the environment around them, and with family more time to be together

and take care of each other's family health from the virus. By following the government's

recommendation for a temporary lockdown, besides being able to stop the covid-19 virus outbreak, we

have participated by not visiting crowds or gathering in large numbers, by avoiding all forms of

gathering, keeping distance between people, avoiding various meetings involving many people. To

safeguard and control the spread of disease by limiting the movement of people or preventing the

transfer of disease to healthy people, the government still reminds the public to obey and abide by the

covid-19 prevention protocol, efforts and hard work done by our brothers and sisters of health fighters

will not mean what if there is a small part of society that is not compliant because they will become a

medium for spreading the virus to other communities who obey the rules. In addition, how to guard it

we should not touch just any object because there are many germs, besides that we can guard it by

washing our hands after leaving the house and when we leave the house we have to wear masks and

mekai jackets to protect ourselves from the virus, besides that we also it is not allowed to shake hands
and get close to other people. And besides, when there are events we also don't have festive parties and

don't invite many people, we also have more time at home with family than with friends, and we can

also get enough rest to maintain our endurance, we also at home can do sports and when waking up

sleep required to bask in the sun so that our bodies are healthy and strong.

Currently the corona virus outbreak is spreading throughout the world, in Indonesia alone is getting

more and more like the total above, we all must realize how important it is to take care of each other's

health, follow the existing rules for the sake of our safety all, starting today from home let each family

member pray together in accordance with their respective beliefs

Dear advice keep maintaining the health and cleanliness of the house and do not leave the house first

And keep praying

#just stay at home

Name: Ni Luh Putu Meya Pramesti

Nim: 1907311027

Good Morning,i’m going to tell you abou ”my experience of this corona virus".The positive side

that i got was :

1. Maintain Health
Notification of the corona virus is causing panic all over the world.However,because of
the plague we pay more attention to health and to maintain cleanliness more.
2. Humans work together with world
To care for others to work globally by way of self isolation.Considering human relations
are connected to one another and how valuable are each other.
3. Polution Is Reduced
When social distancing and lockdown are being carried out all over the world air is
getting better.And,pollution is decreasing because there are no vehicles crossing the road.
4. Delayed Hobbies Can Take Place During Independedent Isolation
Intially it might be difficult to do activities stay just quiet at home but, it needs to be done
to save personal health and take care of each other.Independent isolation policies also
give us less time to work with loved ones like family and find time to chat talk,read,play
music,cook,and switch to other activities.
5. Humans Help Each Other
Natural disasters usually unite people and trigger acts of soladirity between people.While
the threat of a pandemic however,has united all humans to work together against the real
threat of humans helping each other,regaldess of ethnicity,race,or religion.
Nama : Ni Nyoman Kurniati

Nim. : 1907311035

No absen : 08

Prodi : D3 Akuntansi

“The Good Side Of The Corona Virus Pandemic”

With the corona virus, the community becomes difficult to move or breathe, not like it used to be
before the corona virus desease 2019 or often called COVID-19.

ThereThereThereThere are many bad effects of this corona virus so that people become restless
and afraid in any situation now.

However, the good side of the community can get together with loved ones and their respective

Even people are starting to feel that keeping cleanliness is necessary, not trivializing the
problems that are plaguing the whole world.

Oun people began to feel that life and health matter more than anything in the world such as

People who used to find it difficult to spend time gathering with family because they are busy
working now can gather and mingle with one another.

Hopefully my Indonesia will be fine and my Bali is back to the way it used to be.
English Correspondence
“ The Bright Side of Coronavirus Pandemic”

Oleh :
Ni Putu Ayu Manik Laksmita Dewi
1907311038 / 10

Diploma 3 Accounting
Faculty of Economics and Business
Udayana University
Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a
virus that attacks the respiratory system. This disease caused by a viral infection is called
COVID-19. Corona virus can cause disorders of the respiratory system, acute pneumonia, until
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), better known as the
Corona virus, is a new type of coronavirus that is transmitted to humans. This virus can affect
anyone, whether babies, children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. This
virus infection is called COVID-19 and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China, at the
end of December 2019. This virus spread quickly and has spread to other regions in China and to
several countries, including Indonesia.
The panic about the Covid-19 corona virus outbreak occurred in almost every country.
The virus that has spread in 118 countries has been a conversation since late December 2019
until now. But behind the plague and coronavirus pandemic, there is wisdom or something
positive that I can actually learn. There are at least five positive things that happened in the midst
of the Covid-19 (corona virus) outbreak :
1. More concerned with health
The news about the Covid-19 (corona virus) outbreak indeed caused panic in a number of
countries. But behind that, because of the outbreak we are now more concerned with health and
more cleanliness. Such as using a mask when doing activities in public places or crowds,
routinely wash hands with water and soap or hand sanitizers containing alcohol, cover mouth and
nose with tissue or handkerchief when coughing or sneezing then throw the tissue into the trash.
We also remember to care for others and force ourselves to be able to work together globally by
compact social distancing as well as independent isolation. By remembering that human life is
indirectly connected to each other, we are reminded of how valuable we are to each other.
2. The whole world works together
The world seemed to be flocking to defeat a common enemy namely the corona virus.
Cooperation on a global scale has never happened before. Before the panic about Covid-19 drew
attention, everyone faced his own problems. Such as anxiety, loneliness, mental illness, and
increasing uncertainty about the future. From political issues to climate change, cultural wars to
sexual recessions, suicides due to despair, and bullying on social media that are vulnerable to
mental damage. All problems that occur become a symptom of rampant individualism. But the
Covid-19 pandemic case has made everyone focus on the same thing and the importance of
coordination as well as cooperation. World governments now coordinate preventive measures
with cooperation that has never been seen before. China has mobilized doctors and public health
experts to help Italy with the ongoing crisis. Israelis and Palestinians unite to fight the epidemic.
Governments around the world are implementing economic measures to help those who are
economically vulnerable.
3. Humans help each other
Natural disasters usually unite people and trigger acts of solidarity among people. While
the threat of a pandemic, however, has united all humanity against the real threat. Humans help
one another without the need to look at ethnicity, race, or creed.
4. Air quality improves
Poor mental health to pollution and increased polarization, as if to prove that the
community is too busy working, excessive consumption, and too individualism. When social
distancing is being carried out around the world, air quality is improving. Documented from
China to Italy, with carbon emissions reaching new lows every day due to reduced air travel.
5. Delayed hobbies can be accomplished when independent isolation
Initially it might be difficult to do all the activities just from home. But it needs to be
done to save personal health and care for one another.
The policy of self-isolation also gives us the opportunity to work less, spend time with loved
ones, and find time to chat, read, play music, cook, and engage in all the fun.

Source :
Nama : Ni Putu Puspita Seni Antari

Nim : 1907311034

Jurusan : D3 Akuntansi

The corona virus, which was first discovered in Wuhan, China at the end of last year, has been declared

a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Corona virus that causes COVID-19 disease

has now been found in Indonesia. It is suspected to be transmitted by animals, but can also transmitted

between humans through sprinkling of saliva or phlegm expelled when sufferers of COVID-19 stones or

sneezing. Virus Corona is more susceptible to attack and causes fatal complications in people whose

immune systems are weak, such as the elderly or those who are malnourished. Even so, the risk of

Corona virus infection in adults, pregnant women, and children also cannot be underestimated,

especially if Corona virus infection occurs in infants. Symptoms of Corona virus infection can vary in each

person. Some people with COVID-19 show mild symptoms or flu-like symptoms, but there are also

sufferers who experience severe symptoms due to pneumonia. These symptoms can occur within 2–14

days after exposure to the Corona virus. There is no vaccine for the Corona Virus.

To help prevent Corona Virus infection, do the same thing that you do to avoid the common cold:

* Wash hands with soap and warm water or with alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Keep hands and fingers

away from eyes, nose and mouth. Avoid close contact with infected people.

* Can treat corona virus infection in the same way when you have a cold.

* Get plenty of rest, drink fluids. Take medicines for sore throats and fever. But don't give aspirin to

children or adolescents who are less than 19 years old, use ibuprofen or acetaminophen instead.

* Room moisturizers or steam baths can also help relieve sore throats and itching.
* Avoid close contact with other people who are sick.Keep a distance between yourself and others if the

corona virus has spread in your community.This is very important for people who are at higher risk for

terminally ill.

The Indonesian government is currently making efforts to break the chain of transmission of the Corona

virus. The appeal is to maintain physical distance (physical distancing), work from home, study at home,

until worship at home continues to be echoed. In order to prevent the spread of the corona virus,

starting from yourself, the family to stay at home not to go anywhere, if out in urgency to wear masks,

gloves, hats, jackets to minimize the spread of the virus,The home environment also needs to be

sprayed with disinfectants, with this virus making us have to stay at home, this is the opportunity to

gather with family longer, play with brother or sister, parents can also supervise their children while

studying and more efficiently.keep healthy, so that the corona virus can die can do activities outside the

home without fear anymore and there are no more people around us affected by this deadly virus,
Nama : Novita Hardianty

Nim : 1907311047 (19)

Jurusan : D3 Akutansi

Kelas : A2

The Good Side of the Viruscorona Outbreak

The good side that I can take from the viruscorona outbreak is that it can increase

awareness and gratitude which we usually neglect for health and cleanliness since the presence

of this virus can we be more careful or maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle and then we can

always be grateful for what God has given us so far. we can also tighten the bonding strands,

which sometimes we are always busy with one another, but since the quarantine of this

viruscorona outbreak, we can get closer to the family gathering and we can often be with each

other, therefore we can tighten the bond of friendship with family. not only that I can also pause

myself in activities out there that I think are very less important and I can manage the pattern of

time off. sometimes my time is wasted in vain, then during this quarantine outbreak viruscorona

I can also help my mother by cleaning my house, helping my mother in the kitchen, drying

clothes and so on. And there are still many positive dapaak that I took from quarantine this

corona virus outbreak, yes even though the boredom is always coming but I try to make every

activity that I do happy. Maybe that's all my stories and good opinions about the virus outbreak.

Stay safe,
Nama : Pande Made Pradnyanareswari ratih

Nim : 1907311031

No : 05

ESSAY ABOUT “the bright side of coronavirus pandemic on my experience”

The bright side of corona virus pandemic is that, I can get closer to my family, because as
long as there are no case like this I always spend more time outside the house. My activity during
isolation is watching Korean rhythm and sometimes I read books that can motivate me and
sometimes I cooking new things makes me more creative.

I also became more concerned with health and cleanliness. I also work with many people
to remind each other about social distancing, and so on through social media.

With that I am reminded that human life is indirectly interconnected even though they
don’t meet. I am more aware and grateful for what I have now. The most important thing now is
that I am reminded that I am a global society. Taking care of each other is what allows our
species to survive against all odds. I also became more mature than before to refrain from doing
things that are just a waste of time.
Putu Kurnia Shintia Pradnya Dewi

Everyone already knows about the corona virus or Covid-19. This virus attracts
attention and threatens the world. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2), better known as the Corona virus, is a new type of corona virus that is
transmitted to humans. This virus can affect anyone, both infants, children, adults, the
elderly, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.
This virus infection is called COVID-19 and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan,
China, at the end of December 2019. This virus spread quickly and has spread to other
regions in China and to several countries. This virus was able to make all countries panic,
including Indonesia at this time.
Not only the negative impacts are felt, there are still positive impacts that we can
see. The positive impact of the corona virus that I feel is that I can gather with my family.
The outbreak of the corona virus in Indonesia has resulted in employees, students and
other workers being laid off and doing social distancing. Therefore I can gather with
family together. Not only that, other positive effects are more concerned with health. The
news about the Covid-19 corona virus outbreak indeed caused panic in a number of
countries. But behind that, because of the outbreak, we now pay more attention to health
and more cleanliness, start a healthy life, both exercise regularly at home, eat foods that
have high nutritional content, and avoid ourselves from activities that could potentially
invite disease. We also remember to care for others and force ourselves to be able to
work together globally by compactly conducting social distancing and also independent
The whole world works together as if they are working together to defeat a
common enemy, the corona virus. Cooperation on a global scale has never happened
before. Before the panic about Covid-19 drew attention, everyone faced his own
problems. But the Covid-19 pandemic case has made everyone focus on the same thing
and the importance of coordination as well as cooperation. World governments now
coordinate preventive measures with cooperation that has never been seen before.
China has mobilized doctors and public health experts to help Italy with the ongoing
crisis. Governments around the world are implementing economic measures to help those
who are economically vulnerable.
In addition, due to social distancing, it has a positive impact, which is that vehicle
fumes are now reduced due to reduced activity on the road which automatically results in
reduced air pollution.
That's the positive impact of the corona virus that can be felt together. Of course all
calamities have solutions. Hopefully we can live more healthy and keep healthy.
Hopefully this corona virus will end soon and get health always.
Nama : Rafli Dimas Ramadhan

Nim : 1907311053

No : 25

The positive side of the coronavirus pandemic in my experience is that I have quality

time with my family. We talk together about everything even we didn't talk about before about

relationships with girlfriend, campus activities, and my parents' past stories that were very

exciting to hear about life's struggling journey. I also do a lot of activities at home which I rarely

do. I learned to cook with my sister and cleaned the room and house. I cook donuts, risoles, bolu

cakes, martabak and agar-agar. and I know now that cooking is very difficult, 70% of the first

time I cooked was a totaly failure. after I cook of course I eat the food and I become fat during

the quarantine of this corona virus :). because I was fat I decided to do activities that are

draining, as I said before I cleaned the room and the house. yes, I rarely clean. my room was very

dirty and dusty, very long and it was difficult for me to clean my room and it took almost a day. I

finally redecorated my room for the better. I add a twinkle light in my room and decorate it on

the wall of my room. another positive side of coronavirus is that I can watch movies that have

been delayed due to my campus activities outside. I really like watching movies, especially

action films. i spend my time watching marvel films. I also spend my time reading and

rearranging detective conan and Naruto comics in my room. After I finish my activities, I usually
play with my niece. yes, I've become uncle hahaha. I play robots and games on a smartphone

with my niece. by the way my niece's name is mikal. Mikal is quite difficult to manage and he is

a bit naughty, but it is very fun to play with him especially when before quarantine this corona

virus, I rarely accompanied him to play. oh because of this coronavirus me and my family got to

know how to maintain good body hygiene.

that's my experience of the positive side of this corona virus, a lot of activities and things we can

do at home. we can get together to get quality time with the family that is very valuable. indeed

corona virus is very scary but if we can see the positive side, we will be able to know cleanliness,

help others, and of course get a lot of time in our smallest environment, namely family. and of

course I also hope that this corona virus will end soon and be able to move as usual and do not

let Indonesia, our beloved country reach lockdown.

Nama : Rizal Mantovani
Nim : 19073311051
Absen: 23
Since the covid19 outbreak, there have been many changes to all things in Indonesia

and in the world, there have been positive and negative things that I have gotten since

this covid19 outbreak. Its positive :

1. More to maintain cleanliness and diligent hand washing.

2. Draw closer to our god and always pray
3. Explained that death was imminent and could happen at any time
4. Corona virus makes us just stay at home and live simply
5. Teaches us not to eat carelessly and to prioritize health

negative :
1. The economic collapse of a country affected by the covid epidemic19.
2. Many people lost their jobs.
3. Many educational institutions are entertained.
4. The difficulty of food logistics materials.
5. Health is thereatened. Its

I”m so sad that this covid19 outbreak, I find it hard to do anything. Because the
government as imposed a ban on leaving the house and not meeting. And the younger
trying to prevent the speread of the covid19 virus, by providing proper hygiene
procedures and washing your hands properly. But there are still many citizens who do
not follow the rules of the government.

I always pray for the good af all of us foor this covid19 outbreak to end quickly. And be
able to return to normal and have no fear of us all.
Get better soon, we all love each other. Wis you all good health and protected by
our god.I love my home and all of us.

Name : Rosalia Megahaswati Setiyoso

Nim : 1907311043
Study Program : D3 Akuntansi

The bright side of coronavirus pandemic on ur experience

Corona virus or Covid-19 is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. This
virus is thought to originate from animals, such as bats and mice, and can be
transmitted from animals to humans, as well as from humans to humans.
Human transmission is most likely through sputum sparks when coughing or
sneezing. Corona virus can cause disorders of the respiratory system, acute
pneumonia, until death. This virus can affect anyone, both infants, children, adults,
the elderly, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.
Corona or Covid-19 virus infection can cause sufferers to experience flu
symptoms, such as fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and headaches or severe
respiratory infections, such as high fever, cough with phlegm and even bleeding,
shortness of breath, and chest pain.
Corona or Covid-19 virus infections can not be treated, but there are some
things doctors can do to relieve their symptoms and prevent the spread of the virus,
namely: referring patients with Covid-19 to undergo treatment in the hospital after
that provide fever and pain relievers accordingly the patient's condition then
recommends Covid-19 sufferers to get enough rest and drink plenty of water to
maintain body fluid levels.
Some steps can be taken to prevent Corona virus infection, including:
washing hands properly, using masks, keeping a minimum distance of 1 meter,
avoiding crowds, maintaining endurance, and avoid traveling outside the home.
Bottom of Form

                                                 NAMA : YUDHAWASTU MAHARIZKY O

                  NIM  : 1907311048

                  KELAS/ABSEN : A.2/20


 I took the good side of the corona virus outbreak with the advent of COVID-19, many countries
in the world began to work together, cooperating with other countries in the world. In fact, not
only on a large scale, among individuals, the level of concern for others is also higher. An
example is that many people are willing to help others take precautions to protect those who
are weak, even against foreigners, and to help between countries such as Indonesia and China.

And this is also another good thing that came from the COVID-19 outbreak is that it helps us
take a break from hard work and over-productivity, Veissière said. Because, this outbreak has
made many people forced to quarantine themselves, do not need to work out of the house, can
not travel outside the city or even abroad.
At times like this also many people may have more time to rest, carry out hobbies, to take care
of themselves and gather with loved ones. Where in the end makes humans more respect for
themselves and others, and reduce stress levels.
"From poor mental health to increased pollution and polarization, it is proof that our society's
addiction to overproduction, over-consumption, and individual achievement is a public health,
political, and environmental disaster.

Veissière said, when people are isolated, they will start thinking about people who are not
around, such as friends, relatives, family, to colleagues. From here, they will learn the
importance of staying connected with people out there while ensuring the safety of yourself and
"A time for everything under the sun ... a time to embrace, a time to refrain from embracing. It's
hard to accept that the most important and beneficial thing we can do now is stay at home. But
we do that to save live and look after one another.
conclusion: in my opinion corona virus also has a positive thing does not have to negatively
impact the virus

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