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Welcome to my life, I'm Layeh, 31 years old blogger and illustrator and graphic

design student, the worst loser of planet earth, you'll understand why.
Today, July 25,2020, is just one more quarantine Saturday. Before quarantine, it
would be a moment to come back from my church volunteering. Now I'm getting
prepared for come back in August, via Zoom conferences.
After a crazy and busy week, a week of first times after 3 months of vertical
lockdown, a week of CoV19 suspicions, It's a day to tidy up my messy house. I don't
consider a cleaning routine, but a tidying up ritual, a passage of one week to
another. I prefer not to mention where I live, because many people don't believe me
or like to know my birthplace, but I have plans to leave it, I would leave it
before this pandemic thing, but now I keep producing and waiting. Now time to
answer my questions.
I love the arts. I left the certainty and prestige of Law to the risky Visual Arts,
and I don't regret it. I see myself drawing tired. Drawing sick, drawing while
traveling...I'm also a singer, and I love to sing Symphonic Metal. I'm rocking with
online karaoke every day, and I heart it. I felt relieved of leaving the limiting
world of musical theater, I just want to rock and roll! I love my social media
following. I don't try to be famous, I just want to enlarge my contact list ✌️😜.
The second question is tough, but I'll answer it anyway. I'm programming my head to
overcome fears. Fear to die without making my dreams come true, fear of dying
without having a true relationship.
The 3rd question has to do with me. I'm an idealist! I'd like to break bullying and
prejudice. I'd like to see people valuing work from home before pandemic. I
freelance since 2012, and I hear horrible things from my elderly relatives since
then. I blog and draw with a pen name to grow without being bothered. My mom wanted
to exorcise me because I told her I don't want to have a job. No, I pray to make
love with my life for Profit. I wanted to change this boundary between formal and
informal work. It's work for profit, not a thing to make mom and dad proud of me!
Informal workforce has power and make the  economy running well.
In my life, I want to be courageous, because I'm a coward introvert. I want to be
courageous to leave my square to find my favorite follow backs from the opposite
side of the planet and show them my real feelings for them. I want to speak my mind
with people who mock me or my physical appearance. I want to be courageous enough
to give the second and the third steps towards anywhere.
The last question has to do with a work anniversary. July 14th was my first year
after professional transition, and I celebrated it by singing 'Hand in my Pocket'. 
I told... Cause I have one hand in my pocket, and the other one is grabbing a
pencil. The pencil means my maturity, my courage to jump with all fears without
looking back after my 30s,my freedom from the prison sentence called LCS, the
genius. I stopped drawing for guilt and shame, and I came back because I didn't
understand why I kept it hidden. And I celebrate it even if my elders say I'm no
one. Maybe they're right, I'm a loser. But I just don't feel like losing, just
blooming later than the usual. Great things are happening to me after this
transition, lockdown just intensified these changes. That's why I'm the worst loser
of planet earth. 

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