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The setting below shows that management is related with administration in an

organizational environment. Management pertains to the utilization of available
resources in an organization while administration refers to the processes used. The
organization with management and administration is directed towards the achievement
of goals and objectives. Goals are broad statements of general and longterm
organizational purposes often used to define the role of the police, for instance, to
prevent crime, maintain order or help solve community problems. Objectives are
specific short term statements consistent with an organization’s goal. Both goals and
objectives are important because they help to identify the expectations of what the
police are doing and how productively (efficient and effective) they perform. Police
Productivity and Managerial Performance An effective police manager must be
concerned with the productivity of police work teams and their members. Productivity
means the summary of measures of the quantity and quality of police work
performance achieved, with resource utilization considered. Good police managers
establish and support the conditions needed to ensure high productivity for themselves,
for individual contributors, for their work units, and for the organization as a whole.
This involves a commitment to the accomplishment of two different, but
complimentary, police performance outcomes:  Police Effectiveness, which measures
whether or not important task goals are being attained  Police Efficiency, which
measures how well resources are being utilized. The formula illustrates that one
outcome is not enough, achieving high productivity requires both performance
effectiveness and efficiency. Police Management Processes The management process
involves Planning – Organizing – Leading – Controlling the use of organizational
resources to achieve high performance results.  Planning – is the process of setting
performance objectives and identifying the actions needed to accomplish them. 
Organizing – is the process of dividing the work to be done and coordinating results to
achieve a desired purpose.  Leading – is the process of directing and coordinating the
work efforts .

Controlling – is the process of monitoring performance, comparing results to objectives

and taking corrective action as necessary

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