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Formative feedback:

Hi Frank,
I hope you had a great weekend.
I was happy to see that we are making some break-through with the Book now
that you sent the drafts for chapters 1 and 2. Before we move to the next
chapters, I thought I could share some of the observations our editors had on
these chapters.
 Structure: It looks fine and if we continue to have the same going, I am sure
we would need few edits.
 Language: Our team thinks that the language could be more formal, since
this is a Mastering book and considering the target audience, we can do
away with casual tone.
I hope you find these suggestions helpful to be incorporated in the next chapters.

Summative feedback:
Hi Melony,
Thank you for sharing the book outline. The category team has reviewed the
outline. While it is a good outline with great focus, it doesn’t fit the vision of a
Cookbook. We will unfortunately give away this title and it is not lucrative to keep
making revisions on the title.
For this title unfortunately, we would not be able to work with you, however, if
you have any other book ideas, we would be glad to have a look at it.
Constructive feedback:
Hi Chase,
I hope you are well!
Thank you for sharing chapter 4 before the schedule date of submission. We were
testing the codes for this chapter and repeatedly got an error for few of the codes
You would agree that is important to get this issue resolved so that our users
should not face this error while running the codes. This could lead to an errata in
the future.
Here is the document with my comments and screenshot of the errors. Since you
are the subject matter expert, you will be the right person to help us resolve these
Should you face any challenges please feel free to reach out to our technical
editing team.

Direct feedback:
Hi Chetan,
Thank you for sharing the third chapter. Although the flow of the chapter seems
to have come out well, I’d just like to bring an important point to your notice.
We place a lot of importance on genuine original work which means all the
content provided in the book is your work alone. However, our team has found
some of the screenshot placed in the chapter to be freely available on the
internet. This could cause problems related to copy-rights and hence we’ve also
mentioned it in our contract that work of others should not be used/duplicated in
any way.
I request you to re-work on the screenshot and send it to us by Friday EOD. If you
have any questions, I’m happy to talk.

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