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Aymen Abi Oula English year 10

English Assessment

The Death of George Floyd, in Context

By Jelani cobb

What is Racism?

Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioural traits corresponding to
physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another.

The racism in my English Assessment I choses this because It was a perfect example to the book to
kill a mockingbird it was a good story line it teaches us not to be racist to black people and black
people have rights to live and not everyone is what every you think they are for example black
people are bad, junkies, are in a gang and more but that goes the other way to the white people.

The article that I am going to relate to kill a mockingbird with the article The Death of George Floyd,
in Context by Jelani cobb. Which targets racism on many different levels. Because in the book to kill a
mockingbird it is showing that a black man accused to raped a white woman. But it was all a lily and
because of the corrupted system that was back in the days and it’s not like it got better it is getting
worse as the years go by.

In how to kill a mocking bird the racism in the book was about that error that everyone hated the
black people they did not count them as humans and they did not have any rights at that the time
and every one hated them so in the book it is show them that the white people are standing up for
the black people. even if the white people were rejected for standing up for the blacks but it shows
that what the white people were doing for the blackest, they have never seen it before happening to

The article that I have been looking at is exactly like the book to kill a mockingbird is something like
the book but it is a recent thing that happed in the world and every one is going crazy about it and
what the police officer did to George Floyd was not right but every couple of year the police or some
does something like this and it is not right because the police was in the wrong and they are always
racist towards black people and it is not right for the black people to suffer with what the police do
and they need to change their mentality. Because a coupe of years before that there was an
incidence that happed to George Floyd In November, 2015, police responding to calls of a dispute
between a man and a woman in north Minneapolis fatally shot a twenty-four-year-old African-
American man named Jamar Clark. Police and paramedics on the scene claimed that Clark had
resisted arrest and had attempted to grab an officer’s gun; bystanders claimed that he was
handcuffed and, on the ground, when the shot was fired. Clark’s death was followed by more than
two weeks of demonstrations outside the Fourth Police Precinct in Minneapolis, led by Black Lives
Matter; an attempt to disrupt holiday shopping at the Mall of America, in protest; and cascading
contempt from black residents that, two years later, factored into Mayor Betsy Hodges losing her
reflection bid. Considering that history, Frey has been unequivocal about police culpability in Floyd’s
death. “Being black in America should not be a death sentence,” he said on Tuesday. We need to
feel for these people that are judged on every thing that they do and for things that they don’t it is
not right for them to be treated like this.

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