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The most important and beautiful day of my life

happened 7 years ago when I went on a trip to the

European continent in 2013. One night before
leaving on a trip, I arranged clothes and some
decorations for the grandparents who are in Italy.
We left Huancayo on a Sunday morning, on
Monday we had the flight at 11 am.
Leaving Huancayo we saw some bulls
walking along the side of the track, near jauja
we stopped to buy ice cream, we followed the
road we had lunch in La Oroya, arriving at
Ticllo it started to get cold and it started to
snow, we had to slow down the car, Arriving
at the Corcona tollbooth, it began to lighten,
we arrived at uncle's house, where we spent
the night, that time we had chicken
breaststroke for farewell because we were
going for half a year. We woke up at 6 in the
morning to have breakfast, on the way to the
airport we saw a march that was heading to the
congress, we arrived at the airport our suitcases
had to be left in the warehouse, the trip lasted 6
hours, I distanced myself watching the movies
that the airline, arriving at the airport in Italy my
grandparents called to tell us that they would wait
for us in the reception room. we arrived at the
reception, my grandparents are there waiting for
us with a banner, it was the most wonderful day.

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